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What's your favorite animals?

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One of my favorites, specifically from the marine part of wildlife, is the sunfish, scientific name mola mola.


Fun facts about the sunfish:

-in portuguese we call them "peixe-lua"... Which translates to moon-fish!;

-sometimes they like to rest themselves horizontally at the surface of the water to allow birds to eat their parasites;

-mola, their scientific name as said above, is latin for millstone. Makes sense, given their shape!

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Dogs #1. Also like cats. Giraffes look adorable and weird. Whales and elephants are majestic. Pandas cause they are goofy bastards who always look drunk off their asses. Horses for general majestic aawesomeness. Probably others i forgot. 

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Ok, Cats, since i got my two, i am astounished how much character they have and how human they can be.

Also, that they can learn pretty much, as their Names.


It really teaches of how Brain works and that there is an Understanding of Things until a certain Point.


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Cetaceans of all kind since I was like 9 years old or so.  I had every species and almost every scientific name memorized by the time I was 11 or so--though some new species have been named since that time, not all of which I'm so on top of.  I don't have a single favorite species, but I will give special mention to


the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)




the strap-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardi) (it's a beaked whale so every picture will be either a painting or a washed up dead specimen).  A rarely seen whale in which, as with most beaked whales, the females are toothless and the males grow in only two large teeth on the lower jaw.  Unlike most beaked whales, those two teeth, for reasons unknown, grow over his rostrum in a way that prevents his mouth from opening more than a few inches.  You can't make up things like this.





the pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps)




Many of my other favorites are invertebrates--here is a velvet worm, part of the only phylum of animal (I think) to have no marine species of any kind, and which shoot glue out of their face holes in order to entrap prey








Hagfish, which I'm not sure are really invertebrates so much as post-vertebrates evolutionarily but are just really weird and freaky and cool







The sea gooseberry is so beautiful I'm not even going to spoiler-tag it




I could post so many more, but these are some of the animals I find most beautiful, interesting, bizarre, alien, inspirational, etc.  


I bet some of you thought I was gonna say bunnies didn't you #alltheworldwillbeyourenemy


Edited by Stupid Bunny

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I has lots of fav animals

Raccoons, Coatis, Cacomistles, Ferrets and Ferretlike Creatures (weasels, stoats, martens, ect) , Skunks, ah so much more

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Dogs with the exception of some of the smaller and less healthy breeds. The Portuguese Man-o-War becasue it's a colonial animal made of different critters, each with their own singular role from digestion to buoyancy, it also looks like a pokémon.

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I never really had a favourite animal. When I was asked I always said the rhino, because it's big and strong and cool. But actually, I didn't really care for them.


I'm still not really enthusiastic about animals but I had a life changing experience, when I was wondering in the zoo. It was in highschool and we were let free to roam but had some forms to fill with animal facts. I went where I found the least people and somehow I ended up on the cliffside where the griffon vultures were loose. (No, I was not trespassing, they were deemed not dangerous so you can actually get into their enclosure.) And oh my god those are majestic animals. Being alone, from a few meters away from them...


Yeah, so I'd say vultures.

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A wholesome thread, nice change of things. For me well Wolves hence the name wolf and my pfp that's my oc (drawn from a friend 13 years ago) but besides that i also like ravens, eagles, black bears and tigers. 

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donkeys, goats, sheep, chickens, ferrets, musk deer, cuttlefish, siphonophores, jellyfish, snails, sea slugs, cockroaches, and most other things are pretty great too

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Dogs in general will always be my favorite, followed closely by cats. But after them I would go with reptiles, especially tortoises. Every time I see a reptile I just get a stupid d'aww face, because they're all so damn adorable. I've been lucky enough that I've spent most of my life near Reptile Gardens in South Dakota, and it's really amazing to be able to scratch a Galapagos Tortoises' shell, rub its head, and hand feed it some grass that you pulled up from a few feet away. They're just such sweet animals, and you realize that the Tortoise you're interacting with is actually eighty years older than you are, and it's been around since the 1890's




Aside from tortoises, I also really like Komodo Dragons. Their eyes almost look like puppy dog eyes:




And here's the one they have at Reptile Gardens:




I just really think that they're beautiful animals. I really like reptiles.

Edited by Jello

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The Badger has been my favorite animal ever since I read "The Wind in the Willows" as a child. I think their facial markings are beautiful. 


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21 hours ago, Mystic 256 said:

I has lots of fav animals

Raccoons, Coatis, Cacomistles, Ferrets and Ferretlike Creatures (weasels, stoats, martens, ect) , Skunks, ah so much more


I bet you love coatis because they have DA SNOOOT

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