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I'm surpried there hasn't been a Urdak/Sentinel texture/prop set for classic Doom yet

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With the wave of 2016/Eternal based mods, something i think wasn’t explored is mapsets or level assets based off the Sentinel and Urdak themes.

Might be because they’re recent themes that unlike Hell or UAC, don’t have the asset variety that happened in older games with abstract level design.

(specially since Hell and UAC went through different changes and each game has something for a setting the other doesn’t)

And the series’ setting was also mostly 2 factions/settings of demons and Earthlings.


Some mods/maps would probably use Eviternity/OTEX as reference too.

With Argent D'nur, you could try to make it based off “older fantasy trends” or even look into Heretic, Hexen, Strife and even Na-Pali from Unreal.

An idea i had for Argent was red walls made of the same argent energy that’s part of the swords and melee weapons, with the white runes and all.


With Urdak, you can at least analyze the existing visuals/elements being:

  • The obvious sci-fi looking skybox with planets, some destroyed.
  • White and red colors.
  • Also, gold and purple.
  • Red and/or ivory trees.
  • Pipes, tubes and circular shapes.
  • Black stone.
  • Something resembling those square grids/lines from 3D printers.
  • Something to do with rings, crosses and symbols.
  • Weird tech.
  • Maykr faces and statues.
  • Those humanoid ghost-like figures.
  • Holographic lights.
  • Purple water and energy/rays.
  • Tentacles.
  • Floating rocks.
  • Clouds and fog?
  • Ingmore’s Sanctum has like a giant white rock thing with black spheres that look like eyes and somewhere in The Holt, you could see at least one other thing like it (maybe take more inspiration from this location).


I guess there’s still ways to be creative, like creating “equivalents” to existing textures/assets like marble face portraits but instead of Baron/IOS/Archvile, it has Khan Maykr or that evil eye candle but instead it’s that holographic cross.

You could also take inspiration from that Maykr section from Nekravol 2, 2016’s MP map Empyrean and i guess the World Spear’s last section, specially the eye themes.


And for enemies? You could make white and red drones be more seperate and repurpose that Maykr angel from the cutscenes as an enemy.

Same for the cross/archangel, the Maykr Slayer skin and those tentacle things from TAG 1 that act as automatically destructible platforms.

And the electric eyes Samur spawns.

Or do something from the concept art because there’s so many unused designs.

(is using stuff from the world spear last section cheating?)


I also recall some official concept art for explosive barrels and key pick ups.

Yet another piece of reference is using Austin Cline’s ArtStation to look at images displaying textures/materials used for DE's levels.


Perhaps it's also because people would try to make these elements fit into classic Doom in a "what if they existed before" way.

Like basing the Sentinel on different fantasy aesthetics or thinking of if classic Doom had a Heaven before Urdak.


Even with enemies, i've yet to see someone's attempt at a "classic Maykr drone" that even shows up in a resource place like Realm667 and gets used in different projects.

Because "expansion" or creating new stuff for these settings could be cool and i think Quake's Slayers Testaments mod even had new enemies based on them.


world spear eye texture.jpg

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