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ant in doom

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I just made this stupid WAD, in which I just changed Doomguy to be a character from a game I am working on, changed the weapons to whatever I could think of, and changed some sounds and music. The music is only changed in Doom 1, but I still made sprites for the Super Shotgun.

Anyway, this is my first WAD ever, and enjoy just finding every changed sprite! 

ant in doom.zip

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18 hours ago, Carlmarcotte said:

This was cool, I really liked the plasma gun.


Was the chainsaw sonic?

Yes, the chainsaw was a sonic plush

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I am making a newer version of this WAD with new levels. I don't think it's going to be a full on megawad, and the levels are most likely going to be mediocre at best because I'm learning how Ultimate Doom Builder works while making them. I have only finished the first level, and that level is barely longer then Entryway.

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Just now, anthings said:

Here's a video of it, it is a very simple map. This is the first map I made in the program

oh yeah, I don't why I made the title music that, it is getting changed

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