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How could I change the level name in Doom II?

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Hi, I'm learning how to make doom wads. But, i couldn't find much info on this specific topic. I would like to change the level name of The Crusher (map06) to The Laboratory. What tools would I need to use?

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1. Open WackEd4

New File

Select the map format (eg Doom 1.9 or Boom)

Go to Strings



Save the deh file as Save As ...


2. This works for any source port which supports Doom format

Open the pwad in Slade3

Make a new entry named DEHACKED and copy/paste the deh contents



Save your pwad.


3. this works for source ports which support MAPINFO

Open the pwad in Slade3

Make a new tentry named MAPINFO

In MAPINFO enter the appropriate info



Save your pwad.


Edited by Kappes Buur

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2 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:

1. Open WackEd4

New File

Select the map format (eg Doom 1.9 or Boom)

Go to Strings



Save the deh file as Save As ...


2. This works for any source port which supports Doom format

Open the pwad in Slade3

Make a new entry named DEHACKED and copy/paste the deh contents



Save your pwad.


3. this works for source ports which support MAPINFO

Open the pwad in Slade3

Make a new tentry named MAPINFO

In MAPINFO enter the appropriate info



Save your pwad.


on the screen after map06, i've been able to replace the music and background. however, i can't figure out how to replace the text it shows.

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Open WackEd4

New File

Select the map format (eg Doom 1.9) and the resource file (Doom2.wad).

Go to Strings

Find the string for The Crusher and change it to The Laboratory as before and save the change.

Then find the string for You have entered .... and change it to the new text and save the change.


Save the deh file.


Open Slade 3.2.3 and change the text in DEHACKED of your pwad with the new text from the deh file


Save your pwad.



When you change the text for after MAP06 make sure that the new text is no longer than the original test.


Edited by Kappes Buur

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It's worth noting that for the intermission screen you'll also need to change a graphic so that it shows the proper name, otherwise you'll have the original name show up. These lumps are named CWILVxx, where xx is the map number minus 1. For the sixth map, you'll need to add a new graphic lump named CWILV05. Crack open your copy of DOOM2.WAD to see what this lump looks like!


You can make new CWILVxx graphics easily with this utility:




For changing level names and story text you can also use UMAPINFO. This is a little more flexible than editing these via DEHACKED but its support is limited to ports that support UMAPINFO (i.e. most ports except Chocolate Doom and I think Crispy): https://doomwiki.org/wiki/UMAPINFO

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