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just upgraded to windows vista

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well, don't know if this is a downgrade or an upgrade, i previously had windows xp.



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MASSIVE Downgrade. Should've gone with something more sensible, like Linux Mint.

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  On 6/25/2023 at 5:30 AM, vyruss said:

Are you fucking serious?




  On 6/25/2023 at 5:30 AM, vyruss said:

On something tailor-fit to status updates, and you happen to just mindlessly throw out some buzzword you read in some topic elsewhere?


"minimod" is old slang that was commonly used on forums i used to frequent 10-15 years ago, not a buzzword, u silly goose


  On 6/25/2023 at 5:30 AM, vyruss said:

They literally made this "topic" just to be a status update, about their personal machine.


I Do Not Care

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  On 6/25/2023 at 5:37 AM, roadworx said:



"minimod" is old slang that was commonly used on forums i used to frequent 10-15 years ago, not a buzzword, u silly goose


I Do Not Care



1. Ok, good to know.

2. Well aware of it.

3. Ok.


You gave me some time to introspect on it, maybe I should stop trying to think of everything in the light of my own dumbass perfection.


@ OP, yea u fucked up big time.  Didn't you hear your computer say 'aw fuck, I can't believe you've done this?' after you finished installing?

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if you own a toaster keep using XP or swap over to Linux. Vista is going to be a nightmare on a laptop Celeron.

Edited by UnrealClock

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  On 6/25/2023 at 5:43 AM, DoomPlayer00 said:

Just jump straight to 7. If your computer can handle Vista, it should be able to handle 7.


honestly, yeah. in fact, i'd go as far as to say that 7 would likely run better on your machine; vista is, simply put, more bloated and less optimized

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From my past experiences with XP and Vista, I would say that's probably a downgrade. I had better luck running XP with Service Pack 2, Vista seemed like it was downgrade from XP, and it had memory leaks like Windows ME. But really, you might want to consider going to Windows 7 or 10.


Aside from Windows ME, Vista has to have been the worst Windows version that I've ever had the misfortune of putting up with. It was absolutely terrible, it was worse than Windows 3.1, far worse than Windows 95, it's a miserable OS, and I honestly hope that you're joking that you upgraded to it. I was absolutely amazed at how much better Windows 7 worked compared to Vista when I upgraded, and I've been using Windows 10 for the last four or five years and it's even more reliable than Windows 7. I just kind of feel bad for you. Vista is terrible, and I felt really happy when I got a new PC and I reformatted the HDD and stuck it in my new PC as a backup drive.

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  On 6/25/2023 at 5:02 AM, Zopawa said:

well, don't know if this is a downgrade or an upgrade, i previously had windows xp.





So you went from one out of date unsupported operating system to another out of date unsupported operating system that is notorious for being a resource hog and will undoubtedly slow your computer. What on earth possessed you to do this? You really should research things better before doing something this drastic. You are running on ancient hardware likely teetering on the brink of failure. Anyone who told you this was a good idea was either ill informed or trolling you.

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Welp, instead of giving a sarcastic or passive-agressive comment, I will tell you that you should upgrade Windows again... Like, to W10..

at least...

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  On 6/25/2023 at 6:24 AM, Herr Dethnout said:

Welp, instead of giving a sarcastic or passive-agressive comment, I will tell you that you should upgrade Windows again... Like, to W10..

at least...


there was an older post that op made showing their laptop's specs. they're...not good. i don't see it running win10


  On 5/21/2023 at 4:24 AM, Zopawa said:




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  On 6/25/2023 at 6:26 AM, roadworx said:

there was an older post that op made showing their laptop's specs. they're...not good. i don't see it running win10





Then, it should go at least with W7... with all fancy effects disabled and using classic theme...

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I’d rather use Windows Me than ever dealing with Vista again. 

What’s keeping you from upgrading to a new system in general? Is it money or just nostalgia maybe? I thought I saw before you had some big problems with this computer. I can’t imagine it’ll survive on life support much longer before you ultimately have to get another computer anyways.

Edited by FecalMystAche

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  On 6/25/2023 at 6:26 AM, roadworx said:

there was an older post that op made showing their laptop's specs. they're...not good. i don't see it running win10




Yeah, okay. I can't imagine Vista running well on that machine, I had a Quad Core i2 2.4GHZ and 4GB of ram running Vista Home Basic 32 bit and it was miserable at best. I've had minimal experience with Celeron processors, but from what I've experienced with them, they've always been terrible. It probably would've been better to stick with XP if you're stuck using an outdated OS, because Vista is a memory hog and it's probably going to run worse on your PC.

Edited by Jello

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Dear lord. I think you need a good upgrade, my friend. Like some other people said, stick with Windows XP or jump even further to Windows 7.

Edited by gamingcooler
upgrade stuff

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Even putting aside opinions on Vista, given that developers stopped caring about Vista before XP (in other words a lot of apps went straight from requiring XP or newer to requiring 7 or newer) I'm not even sure that upgrade added a whole lot in terms of software compatibility (even if Vista nominally added a lot of the key APIs).  Upgrading to 7 would at least for a little while get you things like a much newer web browser, granted on a machine that slow if that's an advantage may be debatable.

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  On 6/25/2023 at 7:07 AM, gamingcooler said:

I think you need a good upgrade, my friend. Like some other people said, stick with Windows XP or jump even further to Windows 7.



Better yet, an entire new PC with a modern OS would be a better option. If OP's financial situation allows it, of course.

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Seriously, the time and effort wasted on such an old clunker system might be better invested into a small weekend job to get the money for something semi-decent.


It is ironic that so often all the stress and frustration such a fossil might cause is endured when the payment from doing even a little work might bring a permanent remedy.


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I genuinely thought this was a thread from 10 years ago. Like,upgrading from XP to Vista in 2023? What the actual f*ck man?

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What is more impressive is not theyancient laptop, but the fact that it has internet connection.


If you home (or country) have Internet, then there's not excuse for not getting a better PC. Hell, you can get a motherboard with a GMA x4500, and a Intel dual core or core duo for a pretty cheap price (at least in my country where the economy is fucked up badly) and it you we be able to use 64-bits W10 without any problems.


Even a 2009 Celeron can do the job. (Talking this all by experience :P)

Edited by Herr Dethnout

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Did this really need a thread?


I'm going to second what @vyruss said here, for menial shit like this, make a status update, they exist for a reason :|

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Knowing OP comes from a place where hardware is expensive, going to Vista on that machine (Without looking: It was a Celeron 430 with Unichrome, right?) is asking for trouble, especially when it comes to driver support. As such not even 7 is a good choice because of Unichrome.

  • Sticking to XP or going Linux with the Openchrome driver (Which supports their Unichrome work) would be a better bet. Something like Puppy Linux would do.
  On 6/25/2023 at 5:27 AM, roadworx said:

no, don't be a minimod, i wanna talk about old computers and old versions of windows god dammit


Then shouldn't this thread have more body that relegates to this specifically? Because it really is a status update as of now.


I know i got flakked heavily and took the L recently on coming in hot on all these kinds of threads but OP's content is literally a status update.


Saying ''I Do Not Care'' doesn't change this.



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Wouldn't a Linux distro like Lubuntu be better for an old machine solely because of the fact that Windows Vista is unsupported and open to vulnerability abuse?

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