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A Question about Plutonia 3

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9 hours ago, Mach 7 said:

Would it be ok if I tried to make a Plutonia 3 myself? I heard there was already a Plutonia 3, called Going to the surface, which I heard was not really good, and then there was a Russian Sequel, so would it be a good idea for me to make one my self?

If it's shit, you could always name it Plutonium 3 and frame it as a jokewad (the joke is that the whole of the megawad is just a bunch of bland rooms stuffed with chaingunners, archviles and revenants)

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7 hours ago, Herr Dethnout said:

“Plutonia: Pluto with nia at the end”

Plutonya: Kawaii Neko Desu Edition


Arch-vile, chaingunner and revenant sound effects are replaced with samples from this:


Edited by Gez

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38 minutes ago, roadworx said:

call it neptunia, surely you'll avoid confusion with anything else that way

Neptunia: The Hyperdimension Experiment

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Everyone aiming for sequels or spin-offs, and here I'm waiting for Plutonia 0.

Edited by Worm318

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Erisia, Haumeania, Makemakenia, Gonggongia, Quaoarnia, Sednaia, Ceresia, Orcusia, Salaciania

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10 hours ago, Gez said:

Erisia, Haumeania, Makemakenia, Gonggongia, Quaoarnia, Sednaia, Ceresia, Orcusia, Salaciania

im going to make 2018 AG37nia/farfaroutnia right the heck now and nobody can stop me


shitposting aside, yeah i agree with the already-stated-in-thread notion that singlehandedly going with an "official" sequel to a well loved series would be setting yourself up for a disaster because imo Plutonia 2 sets the bar pretty damn high. a tribute wad/personal headcanon "sequel" (not straightup called Plutonia 3) could still be fun though

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I think the guys over at doomer boards were making a Hell Revealed 3 and I also remember seeing a Memento Mori 3 thread a while back (which I think got cancelled). In both those cases no one involved had anything to do with the originals and the names seem to have been chosen to be provocative. There was a lot of blowback in the threads if I recall.

The point I'm trying to make is you can call your project whatever you want but expect to catch some flack if you call it Plutonia 3. 

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There's also nothing wrong with using one name as a working title/codename and coming up with something more original shortly before revealing your project to the wider world. I personally do this a lot - all my mods usually start with some silly codename until something better hits me.

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On 6/26/2023 at 3:37 AM, baja blast rd. said:

the actual Plutonia 3


How is this one more "actual" than Mach 7's hypothetical PL3, or every other unofficial PL sequel? Just the presence of TVR TV?

Edited by Grain of Salt

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10 minutes ago, baja blast rd. said:

It's taken seriously, like this is the actual PL2. (If people want to debate the word "actual," I won't be participating because that's something gamers or Redditors would do. :P)

Some people may argue that "actual" Plutonia 2 is this :)

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I keep thinking Cydonia is one of Deadwing's works, must be mentally linking it to Ozonia. Thanks for reminding me it isnt, and that I didnt already have it downloaded.

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4 minutes ago, Gibbitudinous said:

So how many flipping Plutonia 3s are there anyways?

There are three Plutonia 3's, as far as I can recall. There is the joke WAD Plutonia 3 that came first titled: "Plutonia 3: Going to the Surface", a demo of an upcoming, legit Plutonia 3, known as: "Plutonia 3 Teaser" and now comes the aforementioned "Plutonia 3" eventually coming soon.

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1 hour ago, ConMan3222 said:

There are three Plutonia 3's, as far as I can recall. There is the joke WAD Plutonia 3 that came first titled: "Plutonia 3: Going to the Surface", a demo of an upcoming, legit Plutonia 3, known as: "Plutonia 3 Teaser" and now comes the aforementioned "Plutonia 3" eventually coming soon.

Call it Plutonia 3: Three Times the Harm

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On 6/26/2023 at 3:27 AM, baja blast rd. said:


Brilliant idea


image.pngFunny, definitely gonna keep that in mind


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9 hours ago, Lucius Wooding said:


It might be confusing if you go with 64 though.


Especially since the three monsters Plutonia is known for, are all missing from Doom 64.

Edited by Devalaous

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