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[Community Project] Magicka - Limit-Removing DOOM II Deathmatch [SLOTS OPEN]

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It's time to fight to death once more. Inspired by the sorcery and aesthetic of HeXen, the frenetic pace of DOOM II deathmatch, and the visuals presented by PWADs such as Ancient Aliens, Magicka revolves around an earthy, magical style of aesthetic, composed of generally cool colors. Couple this with some killer deathmatch, maybe even a few traps, and you've got yourself a wonderful looking arena to fight on.


Two maps are allowed per person, and there are planned to be 24 maps (in "chronicles"/episodes of 8 maps). There are no deadlines. 




This is a limit-removing project, targeting Crispy Doom, Zandronum, etc.


Maps can use textures from any WAD they choose, so long as the creator credits it with their submission. This includes OTEX, GOTHICTX, etc.


The aesthetic that Magicka is going for is a bit like HeXen and Heretic in some respects; decorations such as stained glass, pillars, bookshelves, that sort of thing. The use of cool colors is highly recommended, as the aesthetic is meant to be dark, forboding, and cold. Of course, some exceptions can be made, but to put it very simply: "This is like running around in a haunted winter mansion and deathmatching."


Testing with the latest version of Crispy Doom.


Difficulty levels are as follows:


I'm Too Young To Die: No cells, 2x ammo
Hey, Not Too Rough: No cells, normal ammo
Hurt Me Plenty: Half cells, normal ammo
Ultra-Violence: Normal cells, normal ammo
Nightmare: Double cells, double ammo


Custom music will be supplied by me.


If anyone wants to contribute a title screen, menu logo, or other screens, please do so. Otherwise, I will provide my own.




Just say what MAP number you want, and if you plan on contributing graphics or not.




Here are some ideas for aesthetic or physical content of your map.


Haunted Mansion
Winter Cathedral
Snowy Garden
Library of Souls

Witch's Hut

Ceremonial Graveyard





CHRONICLE (EPISODE) 1 - Stories from the Ballroom




CHRONICLE 2 - Wretched Matrimony









CHRONICLE 3 - The Unholy Cathedral











Happy mapping.



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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

I didn't could knew about this project if It wasn't for @quakis tracker, looks very interesting!


I'll continue it if it gets any traction, but I'm probably not going to make anything for it other than like music because it's way above my skill level to design maps like I'm envisioning.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a suggestion: you may want to link some of the texture packs and resources so that your mappers have a direct link to getting some inspiration. I would be interested in making a map, but college is starting back up again. Good luck my friend.

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On 8/21/2023 at 7:43 PM, CursedJade999 said:

Is this still going on, if so I'd like to start mapping for Map09. Also, are there any rules or guidelines on the midis we can use?


Honestly, I'm hanging it up for right now, I'm very busy. But I'll probably start it up later.

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On 8/24/2023 at 6:16 PM, xdude_gamer said:


Honestly, I'm hanging it up for right now, I'm very busy. But I'll probably start it up later.

Ok then, that's understandable

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