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What is your fantasy Total Conversion?

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What's an idea of a Total Comversion that you'd love to play/wish to see come to light one day?


For me it'd be a conversion of Cyberpunk 2077 into Doom. It'd have its own custom textures, weapons, enemies, all from the lore of the Cyberpunk universe. Lower to mid tier enemies could be certain gangs of Night City along with the NCPD, higher tier enemies could be MaxTac and/or Cyberpsycho's, and like the Cyberdemon could be replaced with Adam Smasher or someone, legends as boss enemies (people who haven't played the game will absolutely no idea what I'm talking about lol) 


Would also love cyberware and upgrade implementation, with enemies that have varied attack strategies evened out by your potential to upgrade yourself with different perks and cyberware. All this mixed in with classic dooms fast run and gun style. I'd imagine it's own map pack that it could come with, or you could boot it up with a wad like Hell Bound. 


That's my dream/fantasy total conversion. What's yours? 

Edited by SovereignX9

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A 40k TC. "Isn't that just Boltgun?", well yes but I'd like a mashup of 40k and Ashes 2063, more lore, more RPG elements. A storyline.

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A proper, straightforward Aliens-themed total conversion.


Yes, I know of Aliens TC and Aliens: Eradication, but I do not care much for either.

Edited by Rudolph

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12 hours ago, Pechudin said:

A 40k TC. "Isn't that just Boltgun?", well yes but I'd like a mashup of 40k and Ashes 2063, more lore, more RPG elements. A storyline.

I'd play that

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

A proper Aliens-themed total conversion.


Yes, I know of Aliens TC and Aliens: Eradication, but I do not care much for either.

Only Alien game I've ever played was Isolation, never played the conversions (was never really a hardcore Alien fan or anything). Might have to give them a shot though. Just out of curiosity, why do you not care for them? Is just kinda not Alien enough in a sense? I do know Aliens TC has been around for quite a while. If the community ever makes an Alien conversion that's very similar to the gameplay and style of Isolation then I'd def try it. 

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17 minutes ago, SovereignX9 said:

Might have to give them a shot though. Just out of curiosity, why do you not care for them? Is just kinda not Alien enough in a sense? I do know Aliens TC has been around for quite a while. If the community ever makes an Alien conversion that's very similar to the gameplay and style of Isolation then I'd def try it. 

The original is too old and janky while Eradication is just too messy to me, as it introduces so many unnecessary features, like different playable classes and human/synthetic enemies. I just want a scary Doom-like game where all the enemies are Xenomorph variants.


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not a TC of any existing property in particular, so idk if this counts, but for the past few years i have had in my head a fully fledged multi-episode survival horror TC built around Hideous Destructor, full of wormhole experiments and shattered worlds and widespread darkness corruption. all i have going for it in real life is a stockpile of textures and unfinished spritesheets. i know i can theoretically make it real, i have the power to do so, but accessing even a sliver of that power through a half mile deep layer of mental block is very hard so i just hope that one day i will consume enough caffeine to do it

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2 hours ago, Rudolph said:

The original is too old and janky while Eradication is just too messy to me, as it introduces so many unnecessary features, like different playable classes and human/synthetic enemies. I just want a scary Doom-like game where all the enemies are Xenomorph variants.


Very interesting, gochya. I would most definitely play your idea of a conversion. I remember watching Civvie's Alien Resurrection video a while back, I think that style and gameplay could be implemented into a conversion very well in my opinion. If I remember correctly that game had a good balance of horror and shoot-em-up. 

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1 hour ago, 129thVisplane said:

not a TC of any existing property in particular, so idk if this counts, but for the past few years i have had in my head a fully fledged multi-episode survival horror TC built around Hideous Destructor, full of wormhole experiments and shattered worlds and widespread darkness corruption. all i have going for it in real life is a stockpile of textures and unfinished spritesheets. i know i can theoretically make it real, i have the power to do so, but accessing even a sliver of that power through a half mile deep layer of mental block is very hard so i just hope that one day i will consume enough caffeine to do it

That sounds AWESOME dude. I hope one day you'll be able to finish it, I'll definitely play it. Mental block is definitely one of the most annoying things.

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Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, but in Battlefield. 100v100 GDI vs Nod. Play as a soldier on the frontlines or a Commander placing structures, sending out Tiberium harvesters and using tactical nukes/Ion Cannon to wipe out the other side. 

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Ratchet and Clank would be a neat one. Youve got millions of guns to choose from, platforming galore, alt-fire mechanics in sourceports, etc.

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the demons killed doomguy's pet, daisy the rabbit
the mafia killed john wick's pet, daisy the beagle
and they go rampage! they are the same.
a gameplay/weapon mod with tactical gameplay, using the weapons that he uses on the movies, instead of the chaingun, he has a pencil...





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A Hotline Miami Doom TC


It's perfect! Hotline Miami and Doom are already fast-paced games, having a system where instead of looking for ammo, you have to ditch your weapon and grab another one from the pile of corpses you just created would be perfect for Doom, making the game more like a fight for survival and extermination.


Since ammo would be non-existent (or perhaps rare), most of the arsenal you find would be melee weapons, fire-axes, sledgehammers, machetes, and just like Hotline Miami you could throw them at the poor enemies you will encounter, the guns would be something you could only get by killing your enemies and stealing it from their corpses.


Just like Hotline Miami, all of the enemies would die by just taking one damage from any weapon, but the player would too, so because of that, all the shots that the enemies shoot (and the player shoots as well), would be fast projectiles, making it easier to dodge them.


I have no idea how to make TC or gameplay mods, so I have no idea if this is hard to implement on Doom, but I think that be cool.


(PS. Go play Hotline Miami 1 and 2, if you have not played it yet. It's good!)

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A remake of Taito Corp.'s 1993 raycasting arcade shooter Operation Gunbuster. Playable under GZdoom or Zandronum, for functioning deathmatch and co-op.

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My dream DooM Total Conversion would be a TC that brings the universe of Mass Effect into the DooM engine.

Use a weapon system that combines the weight limit system and weapon type system from Mass Effect 3 with the overheat system of Mass Effect 1. Simplify the progression system by compiling all of the unique abilities into three "Talents"(Soldier, that focuses on physical attributes, weapon performance, and ammo mods; Engineer, that focuses on technology and hacking; and Adept, that focuses on using mass effect powers manifested from the user's body to manipulate enemies and the environment) that are upgraded using "Omni-Gel", which would replace ammo drops.

Additionally, use both ME2's weapon upgrade system alongside ME3's upgradeable weapon attachments. Lower level enemies might be pirates and mercenaries, while higher-tier threats might be Geth or various Reaper constructs.

Is this something anyone else would be interested in?

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11 minutes ago, openroadracer said:

My dream DooM Total Conversion would be a TC that brings the universe of Mass Effect into the DooM engine.

Use a weapon system that combines the weight limit system and weapon type system from Mass Effect 3 with the overheat system of Mass Effect 1. Simplify the progression system by compiling all of the unique abilities into three "Talents"(Soldier, that focuses on physical attributes, weapon performance, and ammo mods; Engineer, that focuses on technology and hacking; and Adept, that focuses on using mass effect powers manifested from the user's body to manipulate enemies and the environment) that are upgraded using "Omni-Gel", which would replace ammo drops.

Additionally, use both ME2's weapon upgrade system alongside ME3's upgradeable weapon attachments. Lower level enemies might be pirates and mercenaries, while higher-tier threats might be Geth or various Reaper constructs.

Is this something anyone else would be interested in?

I would absolutely love this... Mass Effect along with it's original trilogy are some of my all-time favorite games... basically combining 2 of my favorite games together would be absolutely beautiful. I would pay money for this. I'd love also a potential option that you would be able to choose which gender of shepard you could be, and have player dialogue during gameplay depending on whether you're maleshep or femshep. When pressing the exit switch to end the level, hearing Shepard say "I should go" would make me feel complete in life, and also make me burst out laughing.

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1 hour ago, nelsonmenon said:

the demons killed doomguy's pet, daisy the rabbit
the mafia killed john wick's pet, daisy the beagle
and they go rampage! they are the same.
a gameplay/weapon mod with tactical gameplay, using the weapons that he uses on the movies, instead of the chaingun, he has a pencil...


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"Doom Wick".......


Alright Doomworld, y'all need to make this.

Absolutely wonderful.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, but in Battlefield. 100v100 GDI vs Nod. Play as a soldier on the frontlines or a Commander placing structures, sending out Tiberium harvesters and using tactical nukes/Ion Cannon to wipe out the other side. 

I would 100% play this. Absolutely loved C&C3 and C&C N64.

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16 minutes ago, SovereignX9 said:

I would absolutely love this... Mass Effect along with it's original trilogy are some of my all-time favorite games... basically combining 2 of my favorite games together would be absolutely beautiful. I would pay money for this. I'd love also a potential option that you would be able to choose which gender of shepard you could be, and have player dialogue during gameplay depending on whether you're maleshep or femshep. When pressing the exit switch to end the level, hearing Shepard say "I should go" would make me feel complete in life, and also make me burst out laughing.

You think we could organize a crowdfund for this project? There's got to be SOME overlap between DooM fans and ME fans...

12 minutes ago, SovereignX9 said:

"Doom Wick".......


Alright Doomworld, y'all need to make this.

Absolutely wonderful.

Needs to be designed around two-player cooperative, though: DoomGuy and John Wick together waging a two-man war against crime syndicates and demons.

Edited by openroadracer

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I want to make a Chill Manor TC for GZDoom to go along with my I.M. Meen one, but the graphic ripper I used for Meen doesn't cover CM's format due to various mipmap-related changes.


One day, I'll do it... I promise...

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14 hours ago, Devalaous said:

Ratchet and Clank would be a neat one. Youve got millions of guns to choose from, platforming galore, alt-fire mechanics in sourceports, etc.

Already happening!


@Karnasis Have you checked out Project Downfall?

Edited by Rudolph

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