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DoomWiki Months in Review (Issue #48)

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A bi-monthly round-up here continues to match the activity pace of the wiki, with May being slowish and June picking up more speed again. One factor in that was the wiki previously being restrained by severe lack of disk space, which primarily meant that uploading of images had to be throttled to the strictly essential. Now that the server has been upgraded with another disk volume, that restriction has finally been lifted. Some editors immediately got back in the swing of things there. :)


Of course we got secret descriptions by GF/NMM for the new mods, while Gauss continued describing his detailed adventures in the last portion of Doom 2 In Name Only, all of The Wayfarer and Sold Soul, and the first half of Jenesis. Other usual suspects like Nockson, Gregor, and Dynamo kept deploying a wide variety of additions and improvements, and to a less frequent extent, so did a handful of named and anonymous WikiGnomes.


Thus the new articles round up to the following:


Core Content


DEH 64000
Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders manual




Doom64 EX Plus
Doom64 Super EX Plus




Ante Mortem
The Basement
Bury My Heart Knee Deep
Castle of Evil
DBK02: The DBK Holiday Special
DBK03: Shrine of the Silver CyberPrimate
DBP58: Immortal Warfare
Dereliction Derby
Doom 64 Ascension
Doomworld Mega Project
Double Impact MIDI Pack
Elysium's Curse
Eternal Slumber Party II
Green War
Hexen: Scourge of Viscerus
Jamal Jones Trilogy
Laundry 2: Dry Hard
Mars 3D
Netronian Chaos
NoReason's Speedmaps 3
Oblivious to Evil
Pocket Slaughter
Prime Directive
Russian Overkill
Sean Connery Gets a Wrench Stuck Up His Anal Hole: The Movie: The Game
Sign of Torment
Smooth Doom
Stronghold at Tikal
Terminal Stages of Nostalgia
TNT: Threevilution
The Villa of Pain
Voxel Doom
Wormwood: Expanded Universe
Wormwood III - The Horror
Wormwood IV: The Final Chapter
Wretched Flesh




Captain J


Index of previous issues


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The server upgrade is one of the best news we could have. It is also a testament the fact that the editors managed to fill the previous disk with so much content and activity. The Doom Wiki is IMO a great example of what well done gaming wiki can be :)

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