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[Limit-Removing] Yart.wad

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Just finished playing and this was awesome :D


It's pretty hard in the beginning but I suspect I didn't make it easier for myself by somehow missing both the Super Shotgun AND the Plasma Rifle and entering areas where those would have come quite in handy! Thankfully I had a Berserk powerup so it all panned out since I then soon found the weapons for the final parts of the map >:)


Lovely use of textures adding a lot of detail with the limited vanilla selection. 8/10 would play again :)

Oh and played on GZDoom 4.10, HMP no other WADs installed. Encountered no bugs finished with 100%, 100%, 85% so I missed a secret or two! :(


One thing I took notice of that you could "fix" if you care about it (Texture misalignment):




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Nicely done, fam. You have an excellent handling of using vanilla textures in intriguing ways and the map's overall layout and level progression was good fun. It looks unassuming at first, but it has some bite to it that I appreciate.



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Just played on UV.  Fun!  I was going to say that my main complaint was a lack of ammo and health, especially for perhaps the first third to half, but apparently (based on a comment above) I didn't find the berserk pack which would have helped.  I did find the SS and plama.  Only found 1 secret but didn't look very hard.  Nice job!


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23 minutes ago, RataUnderground said:

This one has some hard fights due to lack of ammunition 🤣


Oh shit... I record that bad and didn't notice it. Sorry. 

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Like the nonlinearity approach here and how level elements seamlessly tie together - I have fun going around, even though I wasn't obsessively looking for every caprice! Lighting is clean, texture usage is spot on (you used GRAYTALL??) and generally everything looks quite coherent. The IWAD music mashup is quite worthy of a mention too!

I didn't catch the SSG secret. Though, with the assumption that the map intentionally lacks one, it's actually quite refreshing to not have to use conventional weaponry against Doom 2 mobs. There's some appeal in having to approach combat from new angles, rather than blasting everything away with your double barrel. So overall, ammo balance is good (contrary to what others have said here), though you might want to throw in a few more shells and bullets at the beginning to make pacing less stressful.


Since you uploaded on idgames, I assume this level is completed. Nonetheless, I share the sentiment with others here in that on UV, it is a struggle to be healthy. Since I lack protection for most of my playthrough, I end up having to play peekaboo in quite a few encounters. In particular:

  • The blue key room (which itself is hazardous) could use some stimpacks, particularly when the preceding chamber is packed with deadly enemies. Bonus points for the health bonus aesthetic, though they unfortunately helped little in actual gameplay.
  • Additional health in the elevator embassy (from 13:24 in gameplay below) would be nice too - as demonstrated, the PE encounter (which is surprisingly dangerous!) rely on luck a bit.

At the end, there's also the Spiderdemon. I feel an earlier appearance could further increase its threat.


My UV gameplay video, featuring high fidelity and impressive framerates. Praise be to the stock Mac recorder!


Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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I guess...the corridor crawling got a little tiresome after a while? It's fine though, I've just played quite a bit today.




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Nice to see another map of yours. I had a good time in general, partially owing to not getting anywhere fucked by the hitscanners. 


The gameplay traits here seemed in a similar fashion to those in your Czechbox maps, visually and gameplay wise, though heavier on the door-room-door connectivity. That is, lots of camping behind narrow doors as things appeared very close to such doors, unless you force aggressive I suppose. The gun upgrades being in places that one or may not miss depending on where they go was, handled actually pretty okay here: up to the first barons I had SG/CG mainly, and thanks to finding the secret soulsphere, which included access back to the cross-shaped bridges, that I could go look into rooms I missed before and claim better guns... so you're actually not badly punished for "choosing the wrong way" early on. 


Some people mentioned possible ammo or health scarcity in places, and while I could feel both appeared tightly calculated, I didn't experience particular problems with either... which I thank the secrets in part, for keeping me healthy and immaculate. It may be possible that players who rather want to reduce door-camping as much as possible might struggle with the health economy here, so perhaps a few more medikits or a second (secret) soulsphere wouldn't hurt the pace - generous, but giving place to risk/reward, which can work well too. 


If there was anything that was arguably missing something it's that the final spiderdemon should have used better support than just a pillar in the way of its line of sight, such as some pain elementals and cacos added and/or something on the player's side like revenants popping out of the walls next to the switch, idk. The secret blue armor was redundant at that point, though not sure what could fit in there instead... a computer map maybe!


Well, it's already on idgames so, take all with a grain of salt. This still was a fun few minutes, thanks for sharing!



Ah, if you do plan on updating the map: there is no cwilv00 that displays the actual title during the tally screen.

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I had a blast playing this map. Lots of texture variety, interconnected areas and satisfying progression, plus the combat kept me on my toes most of the time (great archvile placement, by the way). I did run a bit short on ammo during the first few minutes, but things got easier as the map went on. The only problem I had with it was the cell pack secret, which IMO felt a bit random and maybe not as "instinctive" as the others.


It's great to know you're still mapping, as I've found your maps to be the most enjoyable in Zones of Fear.

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I like it. It has a very Romeroque feel and not only because you use stock-textures. Also it's nicecly non-linear.

Also, your enemy-placement is strangely unpredictible and I didn't expect both arch-viles and both felt totally "out of place", but that's a good thing I guess :)


Sometimes I felt like I seriously need more ammo but hey I beat it, so maybe that was just a feeling.

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awesome map ssg can be missed easily in beginning 

i finished it on 3rd attempt here's a half hour uv max demo if interested


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I see you already got a ton of feedback here so I'll just be brief and say I played it on HMP/saveless and had a great time! Although I still can't decide if that midi mashup was cursed or genius - probably a bit of both really XD

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14 hours ago, sq. Tiramisu said:

Although I still can't decide if that midi mashup was cursed or genius - probably a bit of both really XD


Definitely well-suited: enough of a bop to propel the player through, but very much matching the grinding nature of progression here.


I don't mean grinding in an entirely negative way, either, jaeden - there's a persistent rhythm here where combat is kind of dogged, but never relentless or overwhelming. You're facing an entrenched enemy, and they're chipping away at you, eating their casualties as they pulverize you, slowly but surely. This room-short corridor-room style may not be to everyone's liking, but I found myself vibing with it more the closer I got to the end.


I did feel that the last area in particular could've used a lock-in, less generous cover, or more support for the SMM to give it the old razzle dazzle, but the map always kept me wary of whether or not you were gonna pull that rug out from under me, so mission accomplished there!


Speaking of the atmosphere, the entire complex felt really cohesive, with those briefest of brief nods to Hell's influence, particularly the fireblu room, completing it very nicely.


Only played on HNTR this time (no ammo problems personally), but I can see myself coming back to rock the other difficulties. Nice work!

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Interesting but mean please change all Barons to Hell nights 😜


Kidding but nah I enjoyed it


I really like room in titlepic for some reason 




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Also a bit late to the party here. Great map! Definitely a challenge, even on HMP, which is always nice to see. The detailing and texture work was great and I never got lost or mixed up on where to go next. Excited to see what you make next!





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jaeden, this is great stuff. I am a huge sucker for techbase maps. If you could make more, I'd definitely play them. Scythe remains one of my favorite megawads, specifically the techbase levels.

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