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(Almost Universal) Doom: DEATH MODE

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Tested with Zandronum and LZDoom.

"DEATH MODE" is a mode that comes directly from the Pizza Tower Scoutdigo mod, and what it does is add a unkillable threat that will slowly, but relentlessly approach you every second, and said threat has a greasy Pizza Face.


As far as i'm concerned, the mod should work with (almostEVERY IWad, TC, Megawad, you name it, this mod will work with it. Although the only issue that this would more than likely cause is if there are any cutscenes that the Player can't control themselves, to which Pizzaface will just murder them instead. So like, be aware of that stuff in some mods here and there. It should be fine for any mods that are made to work with a Vanilla/Limit-Removing sourceport (Hell, even the DOS-Executable). Credits for this mod are in the "credits.txt" file inside the PK3.



  • You CAN stun Pizzaface, but his patience will be lost in a stackable amount, so be careful with how many times you stun him + the time you spent in the level.
  • As stated before, Pizzaface slowly loses his patience the more time you spend in a level, GET OUTTA THERE!
  • Use many tactics to juke Pizzaface and buy yourself some time to get to the exit.
  • Pizzaface won't insta-kill you, but he will sap your health EXTREMELY quickly instead.


Death Mode

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