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Crispy Doom is still awesome

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I'm currently playing through Doom: The Way Id Did, with crispy doom, and a Doom 4 DeHackEd Asset Wad, and it truly feels like if Doom 4 was released as a classic doom game. The colored text goes greatly with the futuristic font (third image). I just love crispy doom. Nice crispy resolution and framerates, classic doom look, and some enhanced features. If Crispy Doom has 1000 fans, I'm one of them. If Crispy Doom has 100 fans, I'm one of them. If Crispy Doom has 1 fan, that fan is me. If Crispy Doom has no fans, I'm no longer alive. Crispy Doom is so awesome.

(pictured below is my crispy doom swag)



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Indeed, it is. Probably my favourite port (together with Woof).

But why "still"? Did you expect it to be dead?

Edited by s4f3s3x

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5 minutes ago, s4f3s3x said:

But why "still"? Did you expect it to be dead?

crispy doom is now shunned due to fabian having been revealed to be a cyberdemon this entire time. sorry you had to find out this way ):

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Crispy is good. But Woof! and Nugget Doom are even better (mainly due to having support for Boom/MBF mapsets).

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10 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Crispy is good. But Woof! and Nugget Doom are even better (mainly due to having support for Boom/MBF mapsets).

Naw, I wouldn't say one is better over the other. Both have their own strengths, even tho Woof! does have more to offer. I like to think Crispy Doom is more lightweight and simpler to run your basic vanilla doom pwads w/o having to punch in a -complevel parameter.

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I really like Crispy Doom because of it's simplicity and great set of features, even after managing to install Woof! I was quickly taken aback by it's bevvy of customization options. Fine for those who need them, but I'm not one of those people. I'm a humble gamer and I really don't know the differences between Boom, MBF, MBF21, level paramaters, DSDA-Doom vs Woof vs prBoom+, etc. I also think "update culture" is hurting the Doom community more than it's helping. It's why GZDoom ultimately became a bloated mess. Feature creep and the desire to CONSOOM new updates just for the sake of having them, and regardless of how badly performance tanked and how unruly that engine became.


I like projects that are feature complete and more set-in-stone. It affords consistency, and less wasted effort. I also think there are too many ports that do similar things, like the ones I mention earlier. 

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