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Ashes 2063 - GZDOOM Total Conversion

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Posted (edited)

It's the secret level, I think? You buy a map from a guy at Michonne Somerville station for 150 junk. Later in the game, there's a level at the Choka Cola plant

Edited by Kroc

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Mad Dal 85 said:

I'll wait until someone does a video for the launcher. i can't find what anyone is saying. it will be easier for me then. i have trouble understanding things in writing. 

Here, allow me to explain it for you. You buy the map from Jarrad in Sommerville Station and when you finish the map named 'At Death's Door' it will take you to the secret map called 'Chokaworld' instead of 'Michonne Five Points.' Have fun dude. :) 

Edited by OmegaCyberdemon

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I've finished Hard Reset. Vos if you're reading this, please keep in mind I don't think Hard Reset is bad in the slightest, you had me drop every other game I've been playing to marathon through it and even with a restart by map 4 because of glitches I still extremely enjoyed it.

I just have a bunch of complaints.

  • Needs an SMG weapon, the rifle has scarce ammunition and you often start saving it just because bosses, gladiators and huge groups of enemies need the rifle.
  • There's really one way to upgrade the rifle and it's the commando+laser pointer. Because of the lack of an SMG or a rapid fire weapon you want that dakka.
  • The new enemies; Gladiators, Withered and Wendigos are way too tanky. Withered specially take way too much damage unless you're point blank with the sawed off(and since they spawn in huge groups with empties acting as meat shields it becomes very boring fighting them since you keep ducking in and out of hallways. Also their radiation penetrates through walls and is often a huge annoyance. Over all I just didn't really enjoy fighting any of them.
  • Bugs; few too many parts where you can softlock yourself(The initial map after you link up with the soldiers, the one with the hall of mirrors and what have you. Once you reach the huge pit there's a gap in between the control switch that lifts up the container you use to continue forward and the cliff which softlocks you if you fall into it), bugs with the Cordon checkpoint map, subway map(Gray follows you without actually doing anything, once the "open fire" dialog shows up no one actually fires anything from the soldiers and if you backtrack to that area you find a bunch of untouched enemies waiting for you), Hard Reset had a few areas that were outright inaccessible until I noclipped(the storage area at the beginning). I couldn't find any place to actually use the ticket in Last Stop. I found myself saving at the start of every level just as a precaution since everything seemed to break often.
  • Misaligned textures, minor complaint but it makes secret hunting a pain.
  • Another minor complaint related to secrets, nothing truly jaw dropping as far as secrets go. No playable arcade game or game long super secret(I guess chokaworld counts?), it feels like a step back from the previous two.
  • Sound mixing is a mess. Every shell casing hitting the floor is very loud, unit barks are way too common with no cooldown I WILL FIND YOU WUSS I WILL FIND YOU WUSS WUSS WUSS I WILL FIND YOU; voice acting in certain places(Chokaworld displays, high school intercom) is way too low with no subtitles. Please add subtitles to any non-unit bark voice acting in the future.
  • Flamethrower altfire kills you more often than not and it doesn't seem to do that much damage to enemies. I'd just take a straight up flame ball over whatever it was.
  • I don't quite get the ending. Walker just bailed without Gray saying anything, or Walker getting paid? I mean I get Vrani's hot and stacked and all but get some money, my man. Also if this was a prequel to 2063/Afterglow I really don't remember Vrani or if Walker ever mentioned her or what they're trying to do to help people. I also don't recall if Gray and his dudes showed up in the Athena parts at the end of 2063/Afterglow.
    • I may have missed something because the credits mentioned a VA for athena and I never heard any of her dialog.

Again, I really enjoyed this game but it just has a bunch of issues that drag it down compared to 2063 or Afterglow. Afterglow was a 10/10, this is more a 7.5-8/10.


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21 hours ago, OmegaCyberdemon said:

Here, allow me to explain it for you. You buy the map from Jarrad in Sommerville Station and when you finish the map named 'At Death's Door' it will take you to the secret map called 'Chokaworld' instead of 'Michonne Five Points.' Have fun dude. :) 

Thank you. 

Quick question: Do you know what is the point of this place in Afterglow? 


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8 minutes ago, Mad Dal 85 said:

Thank you. 

Quick question: Do you know what is the point of this place in Afterglow? 


No idea man. I never even knew that place existed until just now. Only the creators will have the answer for that one I'm afraid. 

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Posted (edited)

Currently playing through Hard Reset. Been enjoying the mod so far (And Ashes as a whole). I'll report any bugs I encounter in this comment as I progress:




  • Switching from any weapon that you can use flashlight with to double-barrel shotgun keeps the flashlight on.


MAP05 - Outskirts:

  • Once you reach the quarry there's a small hole between the building and the cliff wall there that the player can fall into. Noclip must be used to get out.


MAP09 - The Mall:

  • The bathroom secret's dialog's subtitle doesn't appear correctly. It show "TXT_WALKER_108" instead.
  • Missing texture at stairs in front of the security office.


Edited by DoomPlayer00
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5 hours ago, shottyman said:

There's really one way to upgrade the rifle and it's the commando+laser pointer. Because of the lack of an SMG or a rapid fire weapon you want that dakka.


Untrue, I used marksman+support and it did the job just fine. You're also kinda buried in ammo for it, not enough to just use it willy nilly but I found that I could use it fairly frequently for the big fights.

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8 hours ago, june gloom said:


Untrue, I used marksman+support and it did the job just fine. You're also kinda buried in ammo for it, not enough to just use it willy nilly but I found that I could use it fairly frequently for the big fights.

I do not agree. Anything that can be sniped can be done so with either the pistol or the crossbow in one-two shots, being either human bandits, gasbags or pitfiends(? the dog-like creatures). Maybe the fatter mutant variant who throws explosive bolts at you but those can be two shot in two crossbow shots as well.

Anything that needs a bullet hose; the wendigo and gladiator has spades of health and runs in that annoying jittery pattern so either flamethrower or dakka machine is the way to go. At least what's I strongly felt playing the game.

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I didn't really use it for long-range sniping so much as medium-range fire where the decreased firerate made it easier to stay on target. I also didn't really use it for gladiators since those fuckers are so jittery, at first I used the double-barrel but after a while I just started blowing them up.

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Posted (edited)

I really enjoyed hard reset but I feel like the ending was a bit sudden and whoever varni is I wish she was a bigger player in this plot cause I was a bit lost.

I really wanted to meet Athena in Hard Reset, given the memory wipe hasn't happened yet 


Edit for bug report: on my second playthrough of hard reset, both playthroughs had merchants  in Michonne who would take my money for no benefit. Last time it was violets food, this time it's rigs machine gun upgrade for the modular rifle. Thankfully spawning a blur sphere with the console still gives you mod kits, so I got my upgrade anyway

Edited by Urutora

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Do I need a new version of GZDoom for this to work? I keep getting errors when trying to launch it using DoomLauncher. When trying to use the standalone version, the batch file runs FreeDoom instead.

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1 hour ago, Pechudin said:

Do I need a new version of GZDoom for this to work? I keep getting errors when trying to launch it using DoomLauncher. When trying to use the standalone version, the batch file runs FreeDoom instead.

Probably yes, but for now I would wait to play Ashes because there is supposed to be some big update.

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1 hour ago, Broadsword Jim said:

Probably yes, but for now I would wait to play Ashes because there is supposed to be some big update.


Nevermind, I fixed it. Just added the newest GZdoom version to the list of ports and it worked.

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