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The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

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5 hours ago, OniriA said:

One bitchslap to the face will make him snap out of its drug induced hallucination.



Edited by OniriA

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On 8/6/2023 at 2:57 AM, bobstremglav said:

I find japanese language very scary for learning, so 10/10

You are a unicorn, and I am the Doom slayer. You are dead. -infinity/10 on the “How freaking screwed am I?” scale.

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5/10 worthy opponent to challenge. I had to stare at green and red scribbles trying to figure out what it was until I saw the username. Now, if this was a fight, while I try to understand what I'm up against the 2 words would throw a serious punch. What a battle

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Not sure what would happen when doom guy fights a magical peacock/dragon woman. He probably would win but he decided not to because it's not a demon. 8/10 fight though, I would pay to see doom guy fight anyone.

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i don't think a fairy queen could curse you since you are all mechanical, then again you never know. 


As far as the fight between the praetor doomguy VS (sorry i had one of those things before but i forgot what they were called) I  think it would be a challenge for doomguy, but with enough energy and cacodemon pet (why not, doomguy deserves another pet after he lost daisy) i think it would be a fair fight. 10/10 would fight again, they should make another version of smash bros but this time you have everything. EVERYTHING.

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Random emo begone! I am the Doomslayer anyways I don’t even need use a crucifix or even a gun. Just a punch in the stomach.

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2 hours ago, DiceByte said:

Random emo begone! I am the Doomslayer anyways I don’t even need use a crucifix or even a gun. Just a punch in the stomach.

Are you sure your the doomguy? Quite a fight. 9/10 praetor has argent energy.

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5 hours ago, Djoga said:

I am dead.

What even is your profile picture?


Anyway back to the idea. 4/10 because doom guy versus a Pokemon would be confusing.

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34 minutes ago, DoomGuy999 said:

What even is your profile picture?


Anyway back to the idea. 4/10 because doom guy versus a Pokemon would be confusing.

a rapper

and no chance again -∞/10

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