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Is it possible to set shortcuts for different games with Raze?

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I'm curious if it's possible to set shortcuts for different games with Raze, like how you can with Quakespasm by making a shortcut and adding XYZ thing to the target parameters. Does anyone know if it works or not?

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My pal groundbeefega, created a bat file for Duke3d, like this


@echo off

set game=duke
set moddir=mods/%game%
set savedir=save/%game%

start "" /d "%~dp0" "%~dp0raze.exe" -gamegrp duke3d.grp -file^
 "%moddir%/Widescreen Fixes for Duke Nukem 3D/duke3d_widefix.zip"^
 "%moddir%/Enhanced Resource Pack/duke-erp-for-raze.zip"^
 -savedir %savedir%/duke3d


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That looks a bit complicated.

It should be enough to just ensure that the engine finds your game data so that it shows up in the game selector, and then create simple bat files with one line each:


raze -gamegrp duke3d.grp

raze -gamegrp blood.rff

raze -gamegrp redneck.grp

raze -gamegrp sw.grp


and so on. The only place where more is needed is Redneck Rampage vs. Redneck Rampage Rides Again, because both game files are called the same.


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25 minutes ago, Professor Hastig said:

That looks a bit complicated.

It should be enough to just ensure that the engine finds your game data so that it shows up in the game selector, and then create simple bat files with one line each:


raze -gamegrp duke3d.grp

raze -gamegrp blood.rff

raze -gamegrp redneck.grp

raze -gamegrp sw.grp


and so on. The only place where more is needed is Redneck Rampage vs. Redneck Rampage Rides Again, because both game files are called the same.



I'm having trouble getting the one for Blood to work, but I don't know why it's not working.

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On 7/14/2023 at 10:21 AM, Professor Hastig said:

Blood is a bit tricky. Blood.rff is just the main resource. The game needs the entire content of its folder to work and you cannot copy it to the same folder

Here is my bat for blood:


@echo off

set game=blood
set moddir=mods/%game%
set savedir=save/%game%

start "" /d "%~dp0" "%~dp0raze.exe" -gamegrp blood.rff -file^
 "%moddir%/Blood Upscale Pack/bloodupscalepack.zip"^
 "%moddir%/Blood Voxel Pack/voxels_blood_v095.zip"^
 -mh bloodupscale.def -savedir %savedir%/blood


and for cryptic:


@echo off

set game=blood
set moddir=mods/%game%
set savedir=save/%game%

start "" /d "%~dp0" "%~dp0raze.exe" -gamegrp cryptic.zip -file^
 "%moddir%/Polished Cryptic Passage/PCP_for_Raze.zip"^
 "%moddir%/Blood Upscale Pack/bloodupscalepack.zip"^
 "%moddir%/Blood Voxel Pack/voxels_blood_v095.zip"^
 -mh bloodcpsafe.def -savedir %savedir%/cryptic


Edited by irukanjji
up info

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