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How to play Roger Ritenour's Pleiades?

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I don't know how well known this mapset is in here so I don't know if anyone will be able to help me.


I tried to download the wad because it seemed very interesting and from what I've seen Roger is a pretty good mapper, so when I tried to play it with the latest zdoom release because it was designed for an old zdoom version, there were a lot of weird glitches in map01. Music didn't play for some reason and there were random icon of sin screams around the place. I thought that maybe I should download some older zdoom versions so maybe the glitches were gone, but not at all. One version seemed to work fine but the skyboxes were all corrupted, in another one the music worked fine but there were still random Icon of sin screams, and the oldest one didn't even run properly with my modern computer.


So has anyone managed to play this thing properly? and how? It looks like a very interesting mapset so It's a bit of shame it's so hard to play properly nowadays.

Edited by OceanMadman

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I gave MAP01 a spin in a recent version of GZDoom and didn't encounter the issue you described with the icon of sin screams. The only obvious issue I noticed was the music not playing, and that can be fixed by editing the MAPINFO in SLADE to remove all the .mus extensions from the music names.

Edited by Shepardus

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6 hours ago, Shepardus said:

I gave MAP01 a spin in a recent version of GZDoom and didn't encounter the issue you described with the icon of sin screams. The only obvious issue I noticed was the music not playing, and that can be fixed by editing the MAPINFO in SLADE to remove all the .mus extensions from the music names.

The IoS sounds are quite rare so they aren't very annoying, but I'm just a bit worried there might be other issues further in the wad. Thanks for telling me how to fix the music though.

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