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Station-12 topside: episode 1 [BETA RALEASE]

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Station-12 topside: episode 1 is the sequel to station-12.wad and the first part of a three part wad.

this wad includes a lot of changes to enemy and weapon looks and behavior, doom cute and environmental storytelling that you will experience has you try to escape station-12 


map list: 

map01- Portal Site B

map02- Pipework

map03- Bio Lab Alpha

map04- UAC Express 

map05- Living Quarters 

map06- Cave System 06

map07- Nuclear Waste Processing

map08- It Breathes

map09- Kur

map10- The Surface



in the events of Station-12, the marine enters hell with the intension of putting an end to hells forces, but hell is immortal and infinite, it makes part of the fabric of reality, it can not be stopped. with this notion the marine finds himself in the losing end and is only hope is to exit hell into the station again and get to the surface, to warn the humanity.

 but even you know this hope is an illusion.



Recommended to be played with woof our gzdoom (prboom breaks some custom sounds)

make sure the compatibility settings are mbf21  






Gameplay changes



lost soul: takes less damage to kill but it explodes on death

chaingunner: he fly's

hell knight: faster speed 

baron of hell: fires two projectiles instead of just one

cacodemon: faster speed and faster projectiles

arch vile: he also fly's 

arachnotron: fires grenades 

mastermind: fires mancubus projectiles 

cyberdemon: fires a four burst of revenant projectiles 

ss: changed to a fast demon that fires a burst of two cacodemon projectiles



fist: changed to a knife that fires faster  

pistol: fires a two bust shot 

chaingun: changed to fast firing dual wielding submachineguns 

super shotgun: changed to a auto shotgun

rocket launcher: changed to a grenade launcher 

plasma rifle: faster firing speed

bfg: "different" firing style




 (this is still a beta version because there might still have some bugs that I didn't see wile play testing) 

Download station12 topside: episode1 s12-2.zip [OUTDATED]


thread of the first station 12: 






Edited by NoC0ncentrate51

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Very cool concept and great map design, however I played using gzdoom and I find the weapons very sluggish to respond.

If you use single fire and don't hold down the fire button it's even worse. The weapon animation(s) remove the classic Doom responsiveness.

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Managed to get some more time to play today, I'm kind getting used to the guns etc. and I'm really enjoying the map design in general. Bit like Blake Stone :-)



Found two possible soft locks.


map03: in the blue key area it seems you can get soft locked if you jump back down the lift after the fight instead of progressing forward. Same if you jump back down to that area from the main area. The switch for the lift just needs to be repeatable.


map04: towards the end of the map as you are about halfway through the second side train you can get stuck behind a barrier. If you rush through the train carriages you can get over the barriers as they shut, leaving the switch to lower them on the other side (where the switch is on the back of a crate).


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