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Weapon viewmodel FOV changed and I want to reset it


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does anyone know how to reset the viewmodel FOV in DOOM 2016? I tried out a map and it messed with my viewmodel fov and made it pretty hard to play. Is this some sort of mod? If so, please link it so I can solve this irritating problem.

EDIT: Somebody on discord sent me a map ID to reset it.

EDIT 2: I have fixed the FOV

Edited by soss

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I made a map called "Cvar Resetter" for cases like this. Map ID for it is 48SUJR4A. (I see you found that map yourself but I'll leave this here for anyone else who checks this post) Typically, maps that override these values either reset them when you beat the map, or the map is still a WIP and doesn't have that set up quite yet. But there's not much a map author can do if you leave a map early as SnapMap logic can't trigger off of that.

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