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Frequently Used Music in Doom PWADs

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Here are some of the most valuable MIDIs that are often used:


  • @Chris LaverdureFight the Logic If You Can (OST Alien Vendetta, map 20)





  • @stewboy — Desk Lamp (OST Sunlust, map 04)





  • @Foofoo — The Mucus Flow (OST Community Chest 2, map 24)





  • Simon JuddIndustrial (OST Sunder, map 09)





  • @stewboyStars (OST Speed of Doom, map 31: 1010011010)





  • Christopher Jon WilkinsCHRIS3.MID





Edited by Geniraul
August 18: Stars. October 11: CHRIS3.MID.

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"Plasma" by Lee Jackson (From Duke Nukem 3D, Dark Side level) would be an obvious one. Most famous useage is probably Alien Vendetta MAP10, but I've heard it in several other maps (some map in Sunder off the top of my head?), and I'm sure there's a boatload of maps I haven't played which use it. I've also used it because its probably my favourite MIDI of all time, if I had to pick just one.

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On 7/25/2023 at 2:45 PM, SMG_Man said:

I've heard "Lullaby" by The Cure in a surprising amount of custom levels, from random WADs in the Maximum Levels collection


On 7/25/2023 at 2:45 PM, SMG_Man said:

Maximum Levels collection


On 7/25/2023 at 2:45 PM, SMG_Man said:


That just jogged my memory - I knew it was in one of the first levels alphabetically in the Doom II folder, so I went to the good ol' https://classicdoom.com/mlcdwads.htm Max Doom list and yep, it gets used in 2DIE.wad - that surprised the hell out of me when I heard a midi version of that song in Maximum Doom back in the day... 

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"Astral Dreadnought" by Jimmy, originally from Plutonia 2. It was also used in Valiant, Good Morning Phobos, Tangerine Nightmare and possibly other places.


"Gutter Penny" by Alfonzo, originally from Realms of Parthoris (Heretic wad). Also used in THT: Threnody, Man on the Moon, Solar Struggle and Eviternity.

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2 hours ago, Celestin said:

"Astral Dreadnought" by Jimmy, originally from Plutonia 2. It was also used in Valiant, Good Morning Phobos, Tangerine Nightmare and possibly other places.


"Gutter Penny" by Alfonzo, originally from Realms of Parthoris (Heretic wad). Also used in THT: Threnody, Man on the Moon, Solar Struggle and Eviternity.


Both absolutely killer MIDIs, good call!

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Unreal tournament Music surprisingly,

Stuart Rynn SoD music gets used a whole lot

Also Jimmy's Jenesis Midis.

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