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Obscure/Unknown 90s Deathmatch maps/mapset

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Hello, recently i was mapping for a 90s style DM community mapset and i started to gain interest in those type of maps, did any of you knows any good or fun maps / mapset from that decade? Better from early years of mapping, but anything goes!

I knew already some good wads like Spectre Deathmatch, The Last Resort, Nowhere and Litropolis, Just from quoting the first maps that came in my mind...

Thanks in Advance!

Edited by Walter confetti
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>the last resort


Holy shit dude. As terrible as Dwango is, it's miles above that trash. Most of the better mapsets are smaller league focused sets like the Brit series, Pobla, or smaller sets like Dweller2. A bunch of earlier 1v1 maps were pretty good as well.

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11 minutes ago, Decay said:

Brit series

Mh... For me it's pretty well known series.

Thanks for the answers so far!

Edited by Walter confetti

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My bad, I meant to elaborate a bit more. In the 90s there were tons of pvp maps being made, and as a result the more well known ones tended to be the better ones - finding a diamond in the rough 25+ years later is going to be a challenge because they've mostly already been sifted through for various compilations or tossed to the side.

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