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What do you guys think about postal 2?

Postal 2  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about it?

    • It's just overly edgy!
    • Nah, it's just funny

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One of the few games that makes a good execution of being a Edge Lord.

Since I'm good with edgy/cringe humor, I think is funny AF.

Also, it got few years ago a full Spanish Translation (was making my own before that lol) so 10/10

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I enjoyed myself. It was cool just getting to play around in an environment with ragdolls back then. I had a Postal 2 poster in my high school locker. 

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It is an ambitious game in the sense that it wants to create a living open world. Back then that was still novel.


However the custom Unreal-based engine they used can only do so much, and with Paradise Lost in 2015, it was definitely out for the count.

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How many videogames do you know of where I ginger man wearing sunglasses and a leather coat walks down the street with his nob out pissing everywhere whilst a random dog starts barking and eating a police officer, a drug dealer just casually selling in his house and then all of a sudden a random videogame employee asks you to see your boss.


And that's just Monday! XD

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53 minutes ago, Azuris said:

I've read that you can play it without killing anyone and i tested it out... i did it.


You monster!


I wasn't a fan of scat / peepee humour and there's a lot of that in that game. Thankfully there's also a lot of other kinds of humour that I could wholly engage with and have a proper knee-slapping laugh about. Also shoving a shotgun up a cat's bum and using it as a living silencer until it... "expires"... never gets old. I'm a dog person, can you tell? Lulz

Also games need more male ginger protagonists. Especially if they have no souls.

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I don't find a lot of the intentional comedy all that funny, it's just not my kind of thing. What I do find funny though is the gameplay itself, shit like throwing a machete like a boomerang at random people, slicing heads as it spins around.


And the fact that being a pacifist is a viable option is just great to me. A really humorous counter to what you'd expect from a game like Postal, but also iconic to the game's spirit of player freedom. The lack of that freedom was one of the many reasons why Postal 3 is so jarring in comparison.

Edited by Mr Masker

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Guilty pleasure tbh. While I've never found the humour overly funny (and over the decades its aged horrendously badly), the open world "do as you wish" and "btw everyone is an arsehole" game mechanics I've always found pretty entertaining, especially towards the end of the week.

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3 hours ago, Azuris said:

I've read that you can play it without killing anyone and i tested it out... i did it.


Yes in fact, there's an achievement that consist in playing the whole main game (No Apocalypse weekend cuz is obligatory) without killing.

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It's fucking hilarious all around. I played it sorta blind in 2021 b/c Ik about it's existence and saw a few clips before I played myself. Made it up to Thursday, I guess I left it on hold to go play other games, but shit is hysterical lmao.

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It was one of the first Steam games I ever bought. Definitely a win, it ran well on the shitty netbook I had at the time and I really enjoyed unlocking some of the achievements, not to mention other aspects like the voice acting (and on this note, I was shocked when I found out that Rick Hunter wasn't really impersonating a character as opposed to his regular talking voice just sounding like that).

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Guilty pleasure?


Nah, this game is just a pleasure in general, jank as fuck and doesn't take itself seriously yet remains perfectly enjoyable.


Just dumb fun, have it always installed in case I get the itch to dress as a gimp and piss on cops, which is surprisingly common.


Postal 1 however, no.

Postal 4 is pretty ok too but it isn't nearly as charming.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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"Hi there, would you like to sign my petition!"
"Look, just sign this stupid petition. I've got stuff to do."
"Sign my petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog!"
"Okay, I guess that sounds pretty good!"

Fucking love those sorts of interactions. Even the socialization is so goddamn hilariously janky, it's unreal.

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7 minutes ago, TheCaneOfTheTophat said:

"Hi there, would you like to sign my petition!"
"Look, just sign this stupid petition. I've got stuff to do."
"Sign my petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog!"
"Okay, I guess that sounds pretty good!"

Fucking love those sorts of interactions. Even the socialization is so goddamn hilariously janky, it's unreal.

"Are you gonna sign this, or will it be your surviving family members?"


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It's....fine? My friend has speedran it before but wandering around just sucked ass after a while. Some parts are probably more childish than they need to be in 2023 but at least it wasn't a parody of itself like subsequent games. I like edgy humor but dialogue becomes very repetitive after the tenth or so time.

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...That was what Computer Gaming World magazine felt about the game... they hated it.

Edited by HavoX
er, sorry, I meant Computer Gaming World.

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It is a functional shooter. I think the humor is a bit over the top and is not for me. I find the game loop to be uninteresting, unless trying to do a pacifist run. Even with that restriction though, the writing and humor just aren't my cup of tea. As the game relies heavily on the player enjoying that aspect I find myself getting bored and annoyed rather quickly, and as such have never actually finished the game.

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35 minutes ago, HorseJockey said:

It is a functional shooter. I think the humor is a bit over the top and is not for me. I find the game loop to be uninteresting, unless trying to do a pacifist run. Even with that restriction though, the writing and humor just aren't my cup of tea. As the game relies heavily on the player enjoying that aspect I find myself getting bored and annoyed rather quickly, and as such have never actually finished the game.

The hell of it is, their is a glimmer of a brilliant game in their: a game about an FPS protagonist trying to do a set of mundane tasks in a grounded yet reactive world has far more comedy potential then any of RWS's attempts at """satire""". Think JC Denton being tasked with helping his neighbor with their gardening  with the mission parameters just being something as vague as 'reduce weed presence to zero' and 'make sure it's fully fertilized' then letting you loose with everything from a shed full of tools to earth moving equipment to improvised explosives!

Stick with the immersive sim philosophy of never judging the player and you could go hogg wild!

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I absolutely love Postal 2, and it's one of the few games that I still play regularly. It's been called childish, immature, obscene, stupid, but I disagree. It's so ridiculously self-aware that it basically became South Park: The Video Game when it came out.


Running With Scissors knew exactly what kind of game they were making, and they knew exactly how to piss people off from all walks of life. They made fun of people who thought that going around with a petition to ban videogames was a viable choice. And they were protesting outside of their office. They made fun of rednecks taking people hostage and forcing them to wear gimp outfits. They made fun of the mass paranoia of radical Islamists forming terror cells in people's back yards. They made fun of the police becoming a violent military state. And Apocalypse Weekend is still one of the most satisfying zombie games that I've ever played. 


It's janky and I'll admit that. And some of the forced jokes were never that funny. But all in all, I would say it's one of the few joke games that has really held up well. It made fun of everyone that it could make fun of, and for that reason I would say that it's a classic.

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