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Hello! I've recently gotten into the doom mapping scene, and have been cooking up a WAD for the past couple months. I've decided to release a one map teaser, just to see if the WAD's worth finishing. Please go easy on me, this is my first serious attempt at mapmaking. It's not finished and nothing here is final. To play you need GZDoom and the Doom2 IWAD. Enjoy, and happy dooming!







Edited by GlebyGlobster
forgot the screenshots

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Just beat this on UV. Better than my first map, that's for sure. Still leaves a lot to be desired though - very linear gameplay and the secrets really offer no tangible benefit or reward unless you really suck at Doom. Plus you access most of them after gaining access to the exit, so it's kinda pointless to go for them unless you're trying to get all kills. I got 8/9 secrets but must've either missed one or one of them is broken. The texture for the monster closet in the outdoor area with the doghouse is misaligned, not sure if that's intentional but it looks kinda out of place. The switch texture also does not change (the switch that unleashes the spectres) when pressed. 


It seems as though you got most of your secret design philosophy from Doom 1, especially secrets hidden within secrets. While a cool idea, like I said, there's just too many and it seems rather unnecessary unless going for 100% kills. 


I'll say what I'd say to anyone trying to get good at mapping - keep producing content, keep learning, keep playing PWADs that you like and study their geometry! Speaking of, the geometry/detailing/overall design direction in this map is kinda all over the place, gives it a sort of retro feel. But probably doesn't hold up today. 


But yeah, better than my first map. It also felt a bit too easy on UV and I'm used to playing things on HNTR so take that as you will. 


Thanks for the upload! Hope I wasn't too harsh. 

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17 minutes ago, bioshockfan90 said:

Just beat this on UV. Better than my first map, that's for sure. Still leaves a lot to be desired though - very linear gameplay and the secrets really offer no tangible benefit or reward unless you really suck at Doom. Plus you access most of them after gaining access to the exit, so it's kinda pointless to go for them unless you're trying to get all kills. I got 8/9 secrets but must've either missed one or one of them is broken. The texture for the monster closet in the outdoor area with the doghouse is misaligned, not sure if that's intentional but it looks kinda out of place. The switch texture also does not change (the switch that unleashes the spectres) when pressed. 


It seems as though you got most of your secret design philosophy from Doom 1, especially secrets hidden within secrets. While a cool idea, like I said, there's just too many and it seems rather unnecessary unless going for 100% kills. 


I'll say what I'd say to anyone trying to get good at mapping - keep producing content, keep learning, keep playing PWADs that you like and study their geometry! Speaking of, the geometry/detailing/overall design direction in this map is kinda all over the place, gives it a sort of retro feel. But probably doesn't hold up today. 


But yeah, better than my first map. It also felt a bit too easy on UV and I'm used to playing things on HNTR so take that as you will. 


Thanks for the upload! Hope I wasn't too harsh. 

thank you for the feedback. i see i have a few bugs to fix. i'm glad it's not complete shit.

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  • 5 months later...

the wad is cancelled. I've been burnt out with doom modding and the original files for the doom map has been lost due to my old pc dying. however I've moved onto hl2 modding. i've been working on recreating the map in half life 2 as a learning exercise. while I'm moving on to modding different games, I'll never forget the doom community's patience and helpfulness. i have put some screenshots from an indev version of the source remake. it is very clearly early in development and I'm still blocking things out. maybe I'll finish the source remake in time for the anniversary of RBWTTAB. although it isn't really meant for general fps gameplay. I'm making it to develop my skills further and learn more features to make the map look better. i might try and learn how to code enemies in the source engine so that i can make doom demons to fight. I'm not sure.20240111183425_1.jpg.9acd33550b1959ccecfd6eb2961363ab.jpg20240111183829_1.jpg.7ac3271a81be3d5e5661131bc8c16092.jpg20240111183845_1.jpg.68fd7d0153d895d2b15424bc55cabef7.jpg 

Edited by GlebyGlobster

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