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Mappers: What is your favorite monster?

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See title - when creating a map, what is your favorite monster to use in encounters, and what is your go-to method in utilizing them?


I very much like using a high ratio of Shotgunners - they are easy and satisfying to gun down, pack enough of a punch to be a serious threat to the player, and their dropped shells are perfect to keep the carnage going when you're cutting through a horde of them.

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I usually use a pair of arch-viles to make the encounter more chaotic and nervous. They really do flip every encounter on it's head.

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Definitely imps. Completely harmless on their own if you're careful, potentially deadly if placed in a tricky spot, not annoyingly tanky but also needing more than a couple of bullets to take down. The most versatile enemy, if Doom could only have one enemy they'd do just fine. In 3IAC's MAP26 I had to avoid using imps, and it was surprisingly difficult.

Edited by Scypek2

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Imps imps imps imps imps imps imps imps imps


Seriously you just cannot go wrong with Imps, they're the perfect go-to monster for any occasion! Their simple attack never gets in the way of encounter design, and any weapon is fun to use against them - from the one-shot-one-kill flow of the single shotgun to blasting away large groups with the rocket launcher.

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A very difficult question :D Nothing in particular. I like to set up things in mixture, like a small horde of Imps and Demons coming at you while there might be some upper place where Chaingunners or Revenants snipe or something like this. 

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I just gotta go with imps. Whether it's replacing Mancubi on lower difficulties or providing something to shoot at early on that doesn't give the player too much free ammo or use too much ammo to kill. Also, they don't whiff as easily as pinkies do when fighting them in close quarters. 

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I would say imps, because when I don't have any good idea for enemy placement, I just start pouring them into my map randomly.


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A sole archvile can completely reshape a combat encounter by how lethal they are. Some of the most fun setpieces i can remember are related to archviles. No other enemy can create such complexity in doom, the closest thing to it is revenants because of how hard they hit and the fact they aren't as tanky, but they can be sometimes exploitable and cheesed by their quirks, a thing the archvile doesn't have nearly as much.  

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They're all great, I love them all. But there's one that takes the cake. None gets a stronger reaction from the player than the pain elemental.

Sometimes I'm in a mood to annoy the shit out of the player, and no monster gets the job done better than a well placed PE. They're so obnoxious to fight! And so much fun to try to balance ammo for! I can drop like five of them in a map and they can just hoover up all your ammo. They're much more evil than archviles in my opinion.

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Mancubi. I really like changing the colors of everything in my wads, and the amount of fireballs that sniping Mancubi shoot really adds to the bright aesthetic I like, and are quite fun to dodge. 

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10 hours ago, DoctorNuriel said:

See title - when creating a map, what is your favorite monster to use in encounters, and what is your go-to method in utilizing them?


I very much like using a high ratio of Shotgunners - they are easy and satisfying to gun down, pack enough of a punch to be a serious threat to the player, and their dropped shells are perfect to keep the carnage going when you're cutting through a horde of them.


Dude, your avatar is frightening! Lol

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Revenants. They are super fun to fight one-on-one or in hordes, whether it be their blood-curdling scream or their string of homing rockets, your death is only moments away.


Cyberdemons come second, as they are very versatile, whether it be in large areas or small corridors, their rockets give quite the punch. They aren't too difficult to deal with oftentimes, but they are loveable all the same.

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An interesting question. I cannot really say. At the moment the Archvile is probably the star of many encounters I make, or the Revenant. But I like PEs as well. Imps are a "whatever" enemy I guess, and I am only now starting to employ Mancs and Arachnotrons.

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I would say caco but so far they've made zero appearances in my released maps... I have a soft spot for the spider masterminds as well; the clumsiness, the weakness despite the imposing size, the lethality if there's no cover and no plasma guns...

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I like to use Pain Elementals sparingly ontop of already large lost souls swarms, though the pinky has proven to be the very best swarm monster. Humans and Imps are common choice when I dont know what to select for. Revenants and Mancubus are the classy pick when placed exactly right.

Edited by Dreamskull

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That LucasArts logo thingy that burns you alive.


Oh yes, that f*****g Archvile! = GOTTA KILL HIM FAST!


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Double post ....


Oh I forgot that Cacodemons are pretty cool as well.


Edited by pcorf

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Pain elemental. They’re so cute. 😍 I like to use them in conjunction with blocking baddies like demons / things that make you hide like archies. I just love their sounds too… OWWW!!

Edited by EduardoAndFriends
Edit shmedit

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