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Mappers: What is your favorite monster?

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This is a very hard question to answer only because since doing Doom 1 mapping and working with limited materiel, so i will answer this in two ways. Doom 1 and doom 2. 


For Doom 1: Pinky and Shadow Pinkies. Why? Because the shadow pinkies are more dangerous in the dark then people think. Pinkies are fun to blast through but a hoard of them....yeah good luck.


For Doom 2: Arch-Viles and Chaingunners. I blame Plutoina for the cluster fuck of enemies that they throw at you.

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Barons are heavily underrated, and need to be appreciated more because of how cool the bruiser brothers were when we all first met them, even though they're just chunky imps.

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Revenants, I love watching someone playtesting a level and getting point blank blown up. I also like barons, but specifically fighting them with the ssg

Edited by LindaIsHere

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The OG red vs blue. The Astral Dreadnought's retarded cousin twice removed. But seriously, they're just so darn cute (Until they open their mouth: then they become fucking terrifying!). More versatile than the Imp, less spongy than the Mancubus.

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9 hours ago, EduardoAndFriends said:

Pain elemental. They’re so cute. 😍 I like to use them in conjunction with blocking baddies like demons / things that make you hide like archies. I just love their sounds too… OWWW!!


I love that sound too! Id really knew what they were doing here, giving the most distinct pain sound to the enemy you want to get rid of the soonest.


Anyway Cacos are my second favorite monster just because their remains look so colorful and pretty. I will sometimes throw in one or two of these into a fight, just to have the pile of dead demons afterwards look nicer!

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57 minutes ago, sq. Tiramisu said:


I love that sound too! Id really knew what they were doing here, giving the most distinct pain sound to the enemy you want to get rid of the soonest.


Anyway Cacos are my second favorite monster just because their remains look so colorful and pretty. I will sometimes throw in one or two of these into a fight, just to have the pile of dead demons afterwards look nicer!

Hell yeah, love a good caco. They’re the spice of life!

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Hell knghts, they are the perfect middle point between an imp and a baron. Not that tanky but not that weak

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Barons and Knights arent as well off, but thats fiine because I like a lot of the custom variants. While that may be frowned on, it fixes all issue.

Some of the very best custom monsters ever made are Baron and Knight typing and theres so many of them youll no doubt find something.  

Edited by Dreamskull

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This may be weird but I would say hell knights and revenants.

Hell knights: They have a lot of health but not a overwhelming amount so you can put them in as solid damage dealers and bullet sponges.

Revenants: They have less health but do more damage so they can help balance out the hell knights.

I usually place hell knights in doubles and revenants in groups of like 6.

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Shout out to shotgunners and imps, which make for a really solid low-tier core gameplay experience.


Otherwise... I love Archviles.  I used to be scared shitless by them as a kid (MAP16: Suburbs was terrifying, Plutonia MAP11 too...).  Now a'days I just spam them in my own maps.  They are good on their own, paired with other monsters, they are good as a horde.  They just rock.


If barrels are considered monsters, they deserve an honorable mention here too...

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Its a hatd choice between Revenant and Hellknight/Baron of hell... But i say Hk/BoH


They are just a middle point of tough enemies, Slow but pack a punch. Semi tanky. i tend to use alot of hell knights in own wads. And yeah baron of hells are like mini boss versions but as fun.

Edited by Diabodian

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