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DOOM3, final name?


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Yeah, I think the logo is fine. After all, I think a little bit of retro won't harm the sales. Everybody knows this is the most advanced game ever (technically anyway) Doesn't matter if the style of the logo is "in" or not. I agree with DSM, I would like it to be associated with the original Doom series. Even in its packaging.

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let 'em ship it in the original doom box! mebbe update the marine on the front with the new marine, change any screenshots in the back with new ones, and just call it DooM, using the original logo. and hope they're really nice and leave us a space under the logo for our own subtitle. sound good?

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The true beauty will be in the understatement. I have enough faith that the game will speak for itself, so it shipping under nothing but the "Doom 3" logo will be more than enough.

(And it would be cool points for Id if they just left out the sys recs on the outside of the box. Christ knows that there's been enough of that floating around...)

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Speaking of the box, I wouldn't want just a black box with just the logo alone. It's not that the logo wouldn't "speak" for the game, but I have an affinity for cool-looking art and I'd just like to have some really beautiful art to complement the logo on the box.

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dsm said:

Speaking of the box, I wouldn't want just a black box with just the logo alone. It's not that the logo wouldn't "speak" for the game, but I have an affinity for cool-looking art and I'd just like to have some really beautiful art to complement the logo on the box.

I hope they doo something with that cool red glowing pentagram thing.. that would be sweet. me really hopes they are going to do something cool and unique with the box. so I can put it on my book shell

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Scuba Steve said:

What about dropping the III alltogether? It's a retelling, right? what would be wrong with Just calling it DooM.

It could get mixed up with the original.

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Rotting Corpse said:

If the box is realy good. I frame it.

I've got all kinds of game boxes up on the wall in my computer room. Makes for an interesting environment. I like to call it "the wall of time well wasted."

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dsm said:

Speaking of the box, I wouldn't want just a black box with just the logo alone. It's not that the logo wouldn't "speak" for the game, but I have an affinity for cool-looking art and I'd just like to have some really beautiful art to complement the logo on the box.

As do I. Perhaps (as many forums have kicked around the idea,) a "Collector's Edition" package will be released that will enclose a book of artwork, both developmental and fan art. (Much like the Warcraft 3 CE.) It would get my blood money.

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Wow, dsm and the rest of you, you are such shallow people. Ever heard the saying "never judge a book by its cover"? Geez.

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Fredrik said:

Wow, dsm and the rest of you, you are such shallow people. Ever heard the saying "never judge a book by its cover"? Geez.

yeah, and don't judge it by the name either :P

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dsm said:

Speaking of the box, I wouldn't want just a black box with just the logo alone. It's not that the logo wouldn't "speak" for the game, but I have an affinity for cool-looking art and I'd just like to have some really beautiful art to complement the logo on the box.

Im hopeing that the box will have some sort of creepy art on there maybe like tortured souls or somthing, mangled bones with skulls and such in a pile.

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Tyockell said:

Im hopeing that the box will have some sort of creepy art on there maybe like tortured souls or somthing, mangled bones with skulls and such in a pile.

I second that.
/Me wonders why Fredrik calls guys like me shallow because we like artwork on the box

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Somebody's gonna die if the box doesn't have some art on it^
God damn it, it's not a half-assed, cheesy, we tried our best,look-at-me-I'm-scary game, it's Doom. Just a black box with DOOM or DOOM III on it would be the stupidest thing I've seen on a game box in a while.

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The_Aeromaster said:

everyone makes this mistake... The Legacy was the title of that trailer they released with reviews on the old games and a lil preview of D3

*Ahem*, I'm not "everyone" if you don't mind me saying that.
But yes, as I already pointed out "Doom 3: The Legacy" was the title of the official, non-illegal "commercial" video about Doom and Doom 3. On a huge E3 Doom 3 poster, it said: "The Legacy of Evil lives on", but that was just a slogan and had nothing to do with the title of the game.

And that's final - everyone who thinks this is wrong, needs to pull his head out of his ass.

Don't force me to go through tons of old threads to find the info for you.

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ravage said:

Doom has no subtitle.
Doom 2 has no subtitle.
Quake has no subtitle.
Quake 2 has no subtitle.
Quake 3 Arena has no subtitle.

Even the mission packs have no subtitle.

Doom 3 will be fine as is. :)

Oh yeah, H-S, when did you get a namechange?

Are you smokeing crack man?

Doom i dont think had a subtitle


Quake and quake 2 and quake 3 dont think so

But mission packs always have subtitle

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Just to join the fun....

Titles for Doom III...

Better Sit Down For This One

Have You Ever -REAAALLY- Shit Your Pants?

Oh Yea... You're Fucked Now

Hell, You Don't Know What Scared Is...

On a side note, I'd appreciate if someone would tell me what the cover looks like after the release... I think mine will be shredded open the instant i get home!

Is anyone else going to just take it back IN to the store and load it on one of their demo models!!?? lol

DOOM 3 im not sure what to have on the cover, Maybe Just a blood red box with currier new text "doom 3"

But is a box even the best idea? Maybe a fake leather bound cover like the necromancicon in Evil Dead 2, or something similar.

No matter what though, who's going to even have time to appreciate the box? Ok im sure well glance at it... just long enough to find the opening!

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