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BETA FILE: Hot Soapy Water.pk3

This pk3 will require GZDoom and DOOMII to run. Resources are compiled within the file.


***Maps are currently inaccesible due to the HUB not being built.*** In that case, use IDCLEV to access them.


SWITCH.wad you'll need to time map swc01 in console to reach.

Enough Houses.wad you'll need to time map mum01 in console to reach.


Here is the current Maplist:

I'm not tagging everyone again

MAP01 - Entrywaytoobig - @myolden

MAP02 - Underhalls - idsoftware

MAP03 - DOOM 2 explained to Gen Z - @Walter confetti

MAP04 - Missing Inaction - @Cammy

MAP05 - Time - @MtPain27

MAP06 - Hi i am MtErebus37 and this is nail of doom - @Walter confetti

MAP07 - HannaH - @Amiga Angel

MAP08 - We're Going For a Ride! - @DynamiteKaitorn

MAP09 - Desert Sand Feels Warm At Night - @Snowy44

MAP10 - TE2P2E1125 - @Danlex

MAP11 - Sprout - @Death Bear

MAP12 - Erased Impressions of McGee's #02 - @Sneezy McGlassFace

MAP13 - Guitar - @Ash4ash

MAP14 - The Doll - @Klear

MAP15 - Food Poisoning - @TheEvilGrin

MAP16 - Mondriaan Art Quiz - @Peccatum Mihzamiz

MAP17 - Beginnings - @NeilForshaw

MAP18 - Persistence - @Weird Sandwich

MAP19 - Acceptance - @Weird Sandwich

MAP20 - Adherence - @Weird Sandwich

MAP21 - Over the Rainbow - @Egregor

MAP22 - Bonus Map to No Where - @Egregor


These four are all technically the same level, with each subsequent map being a new version. As each update was submitted as a new map, I thought it'd be novel to have each update be it's own map. 

MAP23 - Cremaster Threeish V13 Act-I: Janus - @Yagacaw

MAP24 - Cremaster Threeish V26 Act-II: Parlor - @Yagacaw

MAP25 - Cremaster Threeish V39 Act-III: DOOM TOO - @Yagacaw

MAP26 - Cremaster Threeish V42 Epilogue: Janus Two: Venus - @Yagacaw


SWC01-33 - SWITCH.wad - @Death Bear

MUM01-32 - Enough Houses - @muumi


Future updates will be added to this thread with hub additions.


If you think new maps will be added to RC1 you're dead right.

And while you're at it, check out QUICK N' DIRTY!


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I did a quick run through the beta in VR because that's what I do. I'm playing on a brand new Quest 3 using the amazing QuestZDoom port. Note - it's not GZDoom and these maps were not designed to be ran in VR, so there might be issues. That said, pretty much everything seemed to work fine. I don't recall any major issues, aside from a softlock at the end of The Doll. Which is my map. Which I wanted to make QZD compatible. Sigh. I'll fix it. Overall this was a ton of fun and I'm looking forward to revisiting some of the maps in the future.

I play the wad the same way I would a gallery exhibition - with a relatively brisk pace, making note of pieces that pick my interest with the intention of coming back to them later, if there's still time before closing time. As such I wasn't usually looking for secrets, went through the maps with the intention of just getting a quick impression. I quit out or cheated if I hit a snag and/or was no longer having fun. There's a couple of maps where I know I've missed some content.


I've posted some feedback for each map on discord and I will repost my thoughts on maps made by mappers not present there.


Here's the full playlist: 




Missing Inaction @Cammy
Would have been better with voxels, maybe next time. No idea if you can complete it since I ran out of patience after two minutes and quit out.


Time by @MtPain27
What a wonderful map for someone more skilled than I am! The clock looks awesome in VR. The idea behind the map is pretty interesting and I like how the same layout is used for each section while maintaining difficulty. Those hurtfloor parts are scary! But I don't have the skillset to crack this one. I stumbled through most of it, stuggling at times, but just couldn't possibly figure out a strategy for vile o'clock, always being swept into a corner and away from needed ammo. Maybe the port I'm using still has wonky BFG mechanics? There were some issues with it in the past, but I thought it was fixed. Maybe I'm just not good enough. I gave up. Might come back to this on a lower difficulty later, if they are implemented that is. But there's not way XII isn't just a horde of cyberdemons, right? In the end I realised it's just not... worth my time.


Desert Sand Feels Warm At Night by @Snowy44 
Oh my, this is beautiful. I started by chilling in a hot tub for a bit. Just what I've been missing in map03 (in my feedback I was lamenting the lack of a bench). I'm not convinced the change of texture on the front side of the column bases looks good (maybe it's unavoidable? not sure), but other than that the map is just beautiful! Well, it also looks like it's about to spring an ambush on you. But I just walked to the exit and that was it. Did I miss something? Probably! But I liked the chill atmosphere.

Guitar by @Ash4ash
Why did this take me so many attempts to get right? It's not even hard. Well, might be because I'm a dummy, because I suck with analog sticks, because I was trying to be fancy with infighting and kept falling off the guitar. And didn't find any way back up. There should be a teleporter (or a more obvious one if there is one already). The name Guitar of Death reminds me of O of Destruction, though to parody that map I'd pick a different musical instrument - the triangle.

That's about it. My favourite map was Mondriaan Art Quiz because I love Mondrian. A couple of maps worked so well in VR to the point I think you're missing out playing them flatscreen, namely Entrywaytoobig, We're Going For a Ride!, TE2P2E1125 and Erased Impressions of McGee's #02. But every map has its merits. This is what I call art.

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