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i wanna leave one of those in-joke "finally a good wad" posts that people tend to make when they're in on a CrAzY PrOjEcT like this, but i'll leave a real one instead:


evil experience across the board, completely inaccessible and unflinching. most maps are singularly invested in the death of the player. this is for a very specific kind of person, and that kind of person will like this a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2023 is the year of "mood mapping" and this wad is the centerpiece of the Louvre. This wad offers a unique experience you will not find anywhere else, so I suggest everyone give it a shot.

Edited by Meowgi

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Was wondering if I'd see this appear on DW. Looks amazing!

Also, I can't believe one of the first things I did with a MIDI file is paired with a map called Goth Girl Butt, though I'm not complaining!

I just found out it was called L1_var.mid in the original. The guy I found the rips from just matched the files with the level names apparently. https://www.karlsitretro.com/game-midi-dos-c/

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2 hours ago, pavera said:


holy fuck





This legitimately is the coolest Doom screenshot I have ever seen

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Up to the start of map 4, but sadly I should really get some sleep at this hour. The first map has to be the most incredible experience I've had playing doom for quite a while!



is there anything else to press/find in map 2 after you find the eyes? Awesome map in either case!

Map 3 probably has the most skeletons I ever saw in a map, super relaxing/meditative.

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Hello, I played the video game.

MAP01 (Vid Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)


For some reason, I was under the impression that I wasn't able to leave the box when the pinky/HK/rev/cyb/cyb-with-wings phase started, so I don't know if you even want to watch the first 4 parts of my "playthroughs", which just consists of me stepping on 100 rakes wondering how the scenario was survivable at that point. I already had a hunch that those pinkies are the weakest link that will allow me to escape, but since I brushed away the idea that I could escape the box for a long time it took a while, until I got tired of banging my head against the wall. Still, I'm guessing the blink-and-you-miss-it nature of the solution is the whole point of the opening puzzle, and once that was out of the way I recognized the rest of the patterns much easier, which are some really clever tests to see how much space I can carve. I imagine it would be fun to try and max this, but speedrunning joys have thus far eluded me — I'll settle with solving the map for now.

Very austere aesthetic. Not unheralded, but not exactly super common either (maybe I just don't play enough D5DA). It strips the world down to a blank canvas where the very movement of the monsters is the visual detail, give or take that weird white ceiling on top that I'm neutral on. Very intrigued to see how this is developed in the rest of the mapset.


Edited by Catpho

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6 hours ago, knifeworld said:

Also, I can't believe one of the first things I did with a MIDI file is paired with a map called Goth Girl Butt, though I'm not complaining!

I just found out it was called L1_var.mid in the original. The guy I found the rips from just matched the files with the level names apparently. https://www.karlsitretro.com/game-midi-dos-c/

It was actually a pain in the butt (lol) to find a midi that fit the map due to how short it is, but this one kind of just clicked into place. Fixed in credits for RC1, thanks.


@knifeworld re: Map02


It's just an exit-less stopper map. The corridor is about as long as I could make it in UDB without the player being able to walk through walls and at one point I considered making it significantly longer with silent teleporters, but made it a mood piece in the end.



@Catpho re: Map01


I'll check these videos out after work later, thanks for posting. Map01 is very player-hostile and has a specific solution in mind (you're right on with forcing your way through the pinkies :) ). It was originally the only full map in the WAD (along with Map02), but the project slowly ballooned to where it is now because of my growing interest in learning to do more complex mapping things than simply "making a map and adding a midi". The ceiling being visible was actually unintentional, but I decided to keep it that way because I really liked the way it frames against the HOMs and the rest of the map, and Nefelibeta agreed when they played one of the rough first versions. Thanks for playing.


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10 hours ago, Maribo said:

you are welcome to IDDQD, IDCLIP, IDCLEVXX, and TNTEM as you wish.

Now that's an offer you don't see every day.

Screenshots look awesome. Let's see if i manage to kill anything

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18 hours ago, msx2plus said:

this is for a very specific kind of person, and that kind of person will like this a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll say.  Maribo content in general tends to interact with my schizoid brain in quite a few interesting ways...  I'll leave it at that.


19 hours ago, Maribo said:

There are no difficulty settings, though you are welcome to IDDQD, IDCLIP, IDCLEVXX, and TNTEM as you wish.

I think some of the exits break with TNTEM and NoMo (did an IDDQD playthrough and a nomo playthrough on xbox controller).

Nevermind.  I typed -complevel 15 somehow at some point and messed up some of the boot-ups.  Me dum



edit: apparently 'schizoid' also has a distinct semi-formal definition too, one that also hits close to home even if at least in a figurative sense...  But also we clearly need to nuke the English language.

Edited by NoisyVelvet

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Omg.....there were actually a couple of moments that would've brought me to tears were I inclined to crying at all, but unfortunately, I'm almost completely unable to cry these days. Although admittedly half of that was the music choices (Zeal's Palace from Chrono Trigger is just so hella profound, I just can't) melding with the rather unusual palette. My favorite color is purple though, so that may be part of it. Granted, I'm not what you'd call inclined towards the "overwhelming odds" style of gameplay but this was just extremely entrancing. This gets my highest and most grateful recommendation.


PS: Actually, I guess one could call me schizoid, though its probably around 85 percent an act since its not really unpredictable to those that know me well and there's always a clear reason in my mind.





Edited by LadyMistDragon

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The different episodes for each difficulty surprised me especially. What's possible in MBF21 is blowing me away.


My eyes.......are satisfied. Disorienting, mystifying, and beautiful in every way, Mari. <3

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49 minutes ago, KeaganDunn said:

The different episodes for each difficulty surprised me especially. What's possible in MBF21 is blowing me away.

These are actually UMAPINFO episode definitions (which I totally forgot to note in the OP because I am silly). Green Goddess by Grain of Salt is a WAD that actually DOES use difficulty settings to denote different episodes, and it is fascinating (though sadly unfinished). And thanks. <3

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Thank you for making and sharing this! Very happy with all these mbf21 and UDMF wads that have been released this year, that are pushing the envelope or just 'doing stuff because they can'. This one's a real sensory overflowing thing (for me personally) at times and I'm all for it!

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Hi, thanks for the videos/streams, feedback, statements of surprise, expressions of interest/disinterest, and all shades of other reactions. It seems like people have been liking this a lot more than I initially expected when I was making it (Nefelibeta's map especially looks like people love it, and I'll say that it absolutely blew me away when they showed it to me), which is really nice to see.


I've updated the WAD and moved the RC0 version to an external file host. There will probably be 2 or 3 more maps depending on how things shake out. Anyway, changelog below and can also be found in the OP. Feel free to prod me if you notice anything broke, I did a lot of voodoo closet cloning and tweaking to set up basic co-op support and while I ran through the WAD to at least make sure the Player 1 starts are fine, it's entirely possible that one of the infinite BFG voodoos got accidentally screwed and I didn't notice, or Players 2-4 might be stuck in voodoo closets themselves.




+2 maps // MAP38 and MAP39, both by dashie

Added co-op starts to maps missing them + cloned infinite BFG setups. These are untested so it's possible that they may be unplayable through magnified lag or bad voodoo setups.

MAP12 - removed the stuck Revenants, which were not intentional + reduced map size to not be annoying as hell when building nodes
MAP17 - fixed wrong flats on teleport sectors
MAP31 - removed leftover infinite radsuit setup from previous iteration
MAP35 - fixed CWILV fonts

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