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From what I played I can say that it is an interesting work.
Sadly i doubt i can complete it without going blind lol

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after 50 or so attempts i finished map01! i read your reply to Catpho which helped a lot



here is a zip of all the demos made in the process, including a possible linedef skip issue detailed below



in MAP01 a couple times i think i linedef-skipped the lines around the super shotgun, which prevented the wall from lowering to reveal the revenants at the beginning.

not sure if there's anything you can do about it but just letting you know


also I saw your reply to Catpho but not your reply to Knifeworld, so I spent most of an hour trying to exit map 2 LMAO


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Thanks for the video and demos, looks like I forgot to double up the linedefs around the SSG until now. Already fixed for next RC.


I've seen a lot of different opinions regarding MAP02 and here's full spoilers for anyone out of the loop: there is no exit and there never was one in any version that was posted here, or sent to people for playtesting. There was a version that only I played, at one point, that had a secret exit to MAP03, but I axed it because I hated it. I've also seen people saying that they think there should be an exit somewhere, but I'm pretty adamant about this because I don't believe it's mandatory for a map to have an exit, especially one that doesn't even have any marked monsters or secrets. Almost every map in the WAD also ends with a death exit and the WAD is divided into several episodes that boot you back to the menu at the end of each one anyway, so the consideration for continuous play being different from single level play is essentially zero.

Anyway, thanks for the footage and thanks for playing. I've made some more changes for the next RC, and currently the only big thing left to do is clean up lines that aren't supposed to show on the automap. I've also got an idea in mind for a bookend map that I hadn't thought of before, but I'll have to do some more colormap experimentation to see if it pans out well.

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I should specify I am fully in favor of how MAP02 is. I was just explaining why i added those demos of me wandering around and punching walls hahaha. I personally think it's fine to have maps that don't have an exit. Maybe stating it up front might prevent some negative reactions, but it is of course up to you


Also I just finished through MAP05 and this is a ton of fun so far! I might put up another video once i finish goth episode

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Updated the WAD to RC1. No new maps this time, just bug fixes and aesthetic tweaks, however I have included a pair of optional alternate audio WADs made by @msx2plus, that may or may not be to your tastes. I would suggest giving them a try, I think you'll find that they make for a unique experience. (Load only one of them at a time, after ICGYA. ex: -iwad doom2.wad -file icgya-rc1.wad maybe.wad)


Most of what's left to do with the wad is automap line clean-up (which I might not even bother with for some maps) and optimizing Map07 in some way, because it has severe performance issues for some players.


Full changelog below, mirrored in the OP. You can also find rc0 and rc0.5 under the old versions section.


RC0.5 to RC1

Included 2 bonus sound replacement wads by msx2plus. Give them a try, I think you'll find them to really be something.

Replaced DSPLPAIN with another audio bit from Diablo 2
MAP01 - Double up lines around SSG to prevent linedef skip
MAP06 - Tweaked size of exit doors. Removed 3 rows of revenants from each end of the hallway - should make the map a bit more consistent. Might need another player buff as well.
MAP07 - Tweaked size of exit door.
MAP08 - Hopefully made the rev closets more consistent in how fast they teleport // hopefully made it harder to linedef skip the mega trigger
MAP09 - Tweaked exit door size.
MAP11 - Tweaked exit door size. All monsters in previous version of the map are now only present in multiplayer. This choice was largely made due to the performance issues that the map has in its current state, and it would require a lot of work with staggering monster wake-up timings to make it more stable. You can access the monster-filled version of the map via -coop_spawns or -solo-net, depending on which your port uses.
MAP15 - Change W1 teleports to monster only, double up linedefs to account for weird player movement.
MAP37 - Added mapper signature


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Out of curiosity, does that mean you've scrapped any of the remaining maps that you were planning to add? I've just been waiting to play this until it has the full maplist.

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2 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

Out of curiosity, does that mean you've scrapped any of the remaining maps that you were planning to add? I've just been waiting to play this until it has the full maplist.

Collaborative plans for one of the maps fell through, and the other map I was working on by myself hasn't ended up working out like I wanted it to, so it's likely not going to be included. There are plans for one more map, which would probably be slotted at the very end or between dashie's two maps in the final episode, but it may be not be added until the end of the month or some time into September. If that falls through, then there are no further plans. I've started to move on to future projects at this point and aside from trying my best to get Map07 to perform better, I probably won't change anything else that isn't gamebreaking. Feel free to wait and see if there's one last addition or go ahead and play it now, I won't mind either way. Thanks for showing interest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Final version is now available in the OP, and RC1 is available in the old versions section. It includes 2 more maps, one by msx2plus and another by myself.


Thanks for playing, and thanks if you haven't played it but are going to play in the future. See you next time.


Final changelog below.


RC1 to Final


+ 2 maps // Map40 by msx2plus, Map41 by Maribo
Completely filled out UMAPINFO details for an incoming 0.27 DSDA-Doom feature


edit: the borked text in extra_info.txt will be fixed in the idgames zip, I'm too lazy to fix it since it will be replaced here after it is accepted.

Edited by Maribo

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On 9/1/2023 at 7:10 PM, Maribo said:

It includes 2 more maps, one by msx2plus and another by myself.



Hmm.... might have to try em out.

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It's like as if nuts.wad was on estrogen during a bad acid trip, while you're getting slapped in the face by your favorite goth girl crush, and you kind of enjoyed it.


Pros: Artful, Creative, and Interesting

Cons: Could have used 1 or 2 more revenants in a few select spots.  And... holy shit balls...

Edited by Goat-Avenger

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a few QOL patches for the WAD, courtesy of @Firebert. These include MAPINFO/ZMAPINFO/EMAPINFO lumps (plus a cleaner UMAPINFO lump with episode designations in the map labels), widescreen TITLEPIC/INTERPIC/BOSSBACK/HELP graphics, and an ultrawide version of the status bar. This will also be linked in the OP, thanks Firebert. :)


If you like the idea of this WAD but found it too hard for you (and don't enjoy IDDQD gameplay), then you might be interested in some of the speedruns on DSDA that have been done since the WAD was finalized.

Edited by Maribo

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  • 1 month later...

When I first saw this I was entranced by the screenshots.  I saw a video of the first map posted but I almost felt like it hurt my eyes, so I wasn't sure if this set was for me or not.  


But I saw you post about it in other threads and your thought process making the wad, the more emotional aspect combined with the pallete and music, I say I get it now.  Currently on map04 and I really enjoy it.  Can confirm in game while playing it does not hurt my eyes fortunately lol. 


Though I'm not too used to this type of slaughter, after circling the revs In map03 for what felt like the 1000th time I felt the dumb "are you winning son?" Meme pop up into my head lol.  

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  • 4 months later...

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