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Tom's Halls: A Doom Alpha Community Project (MUSICIANS WANTED!)

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Might be worth noting that COMM1 is an early, Doom 1 version of The Spirit World, since 0.5 E1M6's use in Doom 2 was noted as well. There's a much more complete version of that iteration of The Spirit World as MAP22 in the Doom 2 July 1994 prototype that contributors may want to take note of, as the Doom 1 version is barely finished.


Since E5M1 and extramap are included and those weren't created for the original release of Doom 1 (former is Ultimate Doom, latter is likely Jaguar Doom since it was found in the 3DO Doom source code), maybe MAP36 could be included and finished as well as a bonus deathmatch map or even just as a full normal map.


Excited to see what this becomes. I won't be taking any slots though, I think this project is deserving of much better mapping skills than what I can provide. I wish you and all contributors good luck because I think this is a really cool idea.

Edited by Individualised

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A while ago I made this- it replaces E1M1 with it's 0.5 version and adds some geometry adapted from an early version of Hangar as seen in A visit to ID Software, and replaces E2M1 with 0.4's E1M11 with added geometry from E1M10. Each map has the theme of their respective episode. Would like if I can submit these here.


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Question - in the FAQ you said the format is "Doom (Doom Format)". Does this mean anything available in the format from later versions/Ultimate Doom is fine to use (e.g. blazing doors and fast lifts), or should we strictly stick to what was available in version 1.1?

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Tom Hall is the Doom developer who intrigues me the most, mainly because he was a bit "out" and had different ideas about the game itself (I think this was the main reason of why he left Id Software while Doom was still in development).

I can't really participate as I've got my own projects that are already taking up a lot of my time, but I'll be watching closely !

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As a huge Alpha Doom fan, I approve this!

Also, once this is finished, do you plan on adding a DeHackEd-based gameplay mod that makes it resemble the alpha/beta version(s) or keep it as it is?

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Hell Yeah, a true reimagining of the Alpha levels for Doom's early development is finally nice to have, minus all the Feature Creep stuff related to the Doom bible.

Edited by Wadmodder Shalton

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7 hours ago, SMG_Man said:

Question - in the FAQ you said the format is "Doom (Doom Format)". Does this mean anything available in the format from later versions/Ultimate Doom is fine to use (e.g. blazing doors and fast lifts), or should we strictly stick to what was available in version 1.1?

That is a good question I hadn’t considered. I think it’s fine to use line actions from Ultimate Doom. It’s not technically authentic, but I’m not too worried about that. Authenticity isn’t really the main focus of this project.

3 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Really interesting project! What IWAD are you aiming for? Doom or Doom 2?

We’re shooting for Doom. If there’s enough interest we could do a Doom2 map pack as well but it’d be much smaller as there’s a lot less to work with.

1 hour ago, taufan99 said:

Also, once this is finished, do you plan on adding a DeHackEd-based gameplay mod that makes it resemble the alpha/beta version(s) or keep it as it is?

Right now I’m planning on keeping it as-is. I considered at one point implementing some new alpha/Doom Bible-inspired enemies, but ultimately decided keeping it vanilla was best.

8 hours ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:

A while ago I made this- it replaces E1M1 with it's 0.5 version and adds some geometry adapted from an early version of Hangar as seen in A visit to ID Software, and replaces E2M1 with 0.4's E1M11 with added geometry from E1M10. Each map has the theme of their respective episode. Would like if I can submit these here.


I’m actually familiar with these maps - they were a big part of my inspiration for this project. Both maps are really cool and I appreciate you sharing them here! I’m going to pass on E1M1 - it’s a good level but I really don’t recognize the 0.5 E1M1 in here besides the general horseshoe shape. As for E2M1, I hadn’t caught the fact that you included E1M10 - I love that! I’m of two minds about this one - it’s a really good map, but you also cut out huge portions of the level, and it seems that you built the map from scratch based on those two levels rather than finishing up the actual levels. If so, would you be willing to redo this map using the original geometry?

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May I suggest moving the resource wad link somewhere more prominent? I just spent an annoying few minutes getting E5M1.wad to load without texture errors, trying various combinations of IWADs and Individualised's DEV.WAD, until I realised I was missing a file that was hidden amongst a bunch of other links, inside a spoiler tag.*


I also noted the switch on the side of the soulsphere pillar did not animate or sound on activation. You may need a SWITCHES lump, necessitating a Boom engine, or for vanilla compatibility, to combine SW1TEK with one in TEXTURE1/2 the vanilla engine knows about (cf. SW1SKULL in TNT:Evilution).


* and then on top of that it turned out to have spaces in the filename, grumble

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Having E1M10 and E1M11 as seperate maps would probably be for the best to be honest, if only because I'm really interested to see what someone could do by extending E1M10 (and because E1M11 I feel is big enough for a Doom 1 IWAD map).

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2 hours ago, RjY said:

May I suggest moving the resource wad link somewhere more prominent?


I also noted the switch on the side of the soulsphere pillar did not animate or sound on activation. You may need a SWITCHES lump, necessitating a Boom engine, or for vanilla compatibility, to combine SW1TEK with one in TEXTURE1/2 the vanilla engine knows about (cf. SW1SKULL in TNT:Evilution).

I posted the link somewhere hopefully more prominent - sorry for the confusion there. I probably should’ve just bundled the necessary assets with E5M1.wad, too, so I’ll do that when I get a chance. Thanks for the suggestion.


As for the switch, SW1TEK should be one recognized by the engine - it’s a Doom II switch texture, which I assumed would work even in Doom format since they share the same executable. Is that not the case? I thought it worked just fine for me in Chocolate but I may have been mistaken.

2 hours ago, nicolas monti said:



Can I take 0.4 E1M11?

LoneAlpha has already expressed interest in that slot, so I’d like to discuss it further with him before opening it up to others. If he decides he doesn’t want to, though, it’s yours!

Edited by Faceman2000

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17 minutes ago, Faceman2000 said:

As for the switch, SW1TEK should be one recognized by the engine - it’s a Doom II switch texture, which I assumed would work even in Doom format since they share the same executable. Is that not the case? I thought it worked just fine for me in Chocolate but I may have been mistaken. 


AIUI P_InitSwitchList only recognises doom2 switch names when doom2 is the IWAD (i.e. gamemode==commercial). They are not recognised in shareware, registered, or Ultimate Doom*. This is certainly borne out in PrBoom+ in which I just recorded this -complevel 3 demo; -skipsec 65 to see the switch (not) being pressed. I am surprised to hear that it worked in Chocolate.



* trivia: P_InitSwitchList was not updated to handle Ultimate Doom in the original source release, so in some early source ports the registered switches -- e.g. the shotgun switch at the start of E2M2 -- didn't operate.

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19 minutes ago, RjY said:

AIUI P_InitSwitchList only recognises doom2 switch names when doom2 is the IWAD (i.e. gamemode==commercial). They are not recognised in shareware, registered, or Ultimate Doom*. This is certainly borne out in PrBoom+ in which I just recorded this -complevel 3 demo; -skipsec 65 to see the switch (not) being pressed. I am surprised to hear that it worked in Chocolate.

Ah, gotcha. Interesting! I’m probably wrong about Chocolate - I must’ve just not noticed. I’ll have to update the resource wad to remove the switches. Is this true also for Doom II’s animated textures and flats?

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5 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:


LoneAlpha has already expressed interest in that slot, so I’d like to discuss it further with him before opening it up to others. If he decides he doesn’t want to, though, it’s yours!


no problem, if it is unavailable I could take 0.3 SHAWN2, the one with two crates in a room and a pool with imps at the west and make a full map out of it.

Edited by nicolas monti

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I love this idea! I came up with pretty much the exact same concept recently but I'm glad someone else did it lol

I guess I'll claim 0.4 E1M10 if it's okay. 0.3 SHAWN2 was my first pick but it looks like someone else already claimed it.

Edited by Plerb

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1 hour ago, Faceman2000 said:

Is this true also for Doom II’s animated textures and flats?


No, happily P_InitPicAnims does not look at gamemode, so the animations will work as long as the patches and flats are supplied and the textures defined in the PWAD. For an example, 2002ADO uses {B,S,W}FALL[1-4] in several places.

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10 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:

If so, would you be willing to redo this map using the original geometry?


6 hours ago, Individualised said:

Having E1M10 and E1M11 as seperate maps would probably be for the best to be honest

In this case, I'll only claim E1M11, E1M10 might be better if combined with all the other "stub" levels

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32 minutes ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:


In this case, I'll only claim E1M11, E1M10 might be better if combined with all the other "stub" levels


I Agree with that, E1M11 is a full map in its own right, E1M10 was made by Romero and has a different mood I guess.

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47 minutes ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:


In this case, I'll only claim E1M11, E1M10 might be better if combined with all the other "stub" levels

Alright, sounds good! It's yours!

3 hours ago, nicolas monti said:

no problem, if it is unavailable I could take 0.3 SHAWN2, the one with two crates in a room and a pool with imps at the west and make a full map out of it.

Have at it! I'm excited to see what you come up!

3 hours ago, Plerb said:

I love this idea! I came up with pretty much the exact same concept recently but I'm glad someone else did it lol

I guess I'll claim 0.4 E1M10 if it's okay. 0.3 SHAWN2 was my first pick but it looks like someone else already claimed it.

All yours! Good luck!


I also updated the resource wad - all new switches have been removed - and E5M1.wad so it can be played without the resource wad.

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I'm in a big dillemma. On one side, I want to participate here as well, but on the other side my skills are far below everyone else here.

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This project makes me happy. About the Doom 2 thing, you could do a Doom 2 conversion at a later late, mimicking what happened to Refueling Base and 'COMM1'. The Doom 2 early version thats out there has a wildly different version of The Crusher and an early unfinished Dead Simple with Doom 1 textures, so you could 'Doom 1-ify' those too. Its got a near-finished version of COMM1 too, I extracted it myself and changed the Doom 1 textures and it became a full playable level, so you can look at that Doom 2 version for ideas on what to do with the Doom 1 version.

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6 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

This project makes me happy. About the Doom 2 thing, you could do a Doom 2 conversion at a later late, mimicking what happened to Refueling Base and 'COMM1'. The Doom 2 early version thats out there has a wildly different version of The Crusher and an early unfinished Dead Simple with Doom 1 textures, so you could 'Doom 1-ify' those too. Its got a near-finished version of COMM1 too, I extracted it myself and changed the Doom 1 textures and it became a full playable level, so you can look at that Doom 2 version for ideas on what to do with the Doom 1 version.

Yeah, and MAP36 (as seen in DEV.WAD - not the prototype you mention) which I mentioned before.

Edited by Individualised

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Starting with 0.3 SHAWN2, paying total respect to the rooms made by lord Tom, just height, texture and light tweaking as he did with his containment area and spawning vats.

The layount is pretty much complete, still "lots" of work to do






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Apologies, if I am confused with map names reshuffling between pre-release and release version, but are there chances E1M2 is included?
Sure this seems to be a map Romero was working mostly, but both Romero and Hall agreed it was an important milestone for development of the game, it was part of the earliest set of maps (screenies from as early as March 1993 are showing it), and it even has a pre-beta version to have something to start with. Sure, this will be a reverse journey as compared to the process with all other maps, but would it be a reasonable addition to the consideration list?





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