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Tom's Halls: A Doom Alpha Community Project (MUSICIANS WANTED!)

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7 hours ago, Cacodemon187 said:

It's going pretty well so far! Although I'm a bit concerned about how similar the map has to be to the original product... I've been pretty much breaking apart the original map and stitching different sections together while adding a couple original areas in between.

You'll still do so much better than me. ;)

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Alright, after working on this every day since this project started, I think my map is just about done. Difficulty levels, deathmatch spawns, etc are implemented. I tested UV with keyboard+mouse and lower difficulties with keyboard only (I didn't test Nightmare :P). I primarily tested it in DSDA-Doom and it was also tested in Crispy Doom and Chocolate Doom. Would appreciate some feedback.


It uses the E2M1 slot for now. It's primarily E2 themed but there are bits and pieces of E1 and E3 in there.


Edited by Plerb

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Played @Plerb's E1M10 and it was quite good. I only did a UV playthrough, took me 23 minutes to get to the end, 27 after I spent some time to go to the courtyard to 100%-out kills and secrets; didn't have to quick load at all. Aesthetic- and gameplay-wise - if this was put into one of the E2 slots for a person who played it for the first time, I doubt they would think this was not a map id folks have authored, so great job there!

Now progression wise, I liked the crosses towards the end very much, and that baron's battle cry was very fitting. But compared to the cool crosses the final encounter was not so cool. With the amount of gear I was carrying towards the exit a single caco and baron.... I would have expected something more "slaughterish" at the end to put all those cells and rockets to good use, or to break me some sweat after having picked up sousphere and blue armor. If felt especially out of place since I had to clear out a hall full of barons roughly in the middle of my journey, which made me back track for supplies. Is worth putting more monsters in the final room?

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This is good stuff, @Plerb! I played through this morning - UV took me about fifteen minutes, 7/9 secrets. Some highlights for me were the computer room with the red key trap, the plasma gun secret, and of course the massive inverted crosses. Loved that effect! And the opening hot start - the zombies enter the room almost exactly as soon as you kill the imps! That must've taking a lot of testing to get timed so perfectly. Love it!


I felt that I was short on ammo the first half of the map and then abundant with it the second - this may have been because I was being too stingy with my rockets at first, however. Otherwise gameplay felt nice and polished and I had a great time. The only thing I noticed that definitely needs fixing is the exit room - the room is 128 units tall but the texture Tekwall3 is only 112, resulting in a gnarly tutti frutti in vanilla.


And then - nitpicks haha. There's a couple really steep staircases - maybe this is a personal preference thing, but I feel like those usually look pretty bad. The one connecting sector 139 to the start of the map could be replaced with a teleporter pretty easily, and I think it would look a little more elegant. The other, connecting sector 322 with 361, is a little trickier, so it's probably fine as-is. I also felt the first outdoor area (sector 249) and the big beige room with the blue key were very square looking. However, my second time through the outdoor area, at the end of the level, it felt fine, so it may have just been the proximity of those two encounters. A couple trees outside might help. As for the beige room, the row of lockers doesn't really break things up or contribute much, and the crushers are largely a non-issue as they take so long to go up and come back down. I'd suggest lowering the crushers' ceiling height a little bit, removing the lockers, making the room less square, and then perhaps adding some more of those wooden pillars to break things up a bit. All suggestions though.


I didn't feel the final fight was all that anti-climatic, but I'm also a sucker for atmosphere so the transition from base to hell-themed was enough to keep me happy haha.

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3 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:

And the opening hot start - the zombies enter the room almost exactly as soon as you kill the imps! That must've taking a lot of testing to get timed so perfectly. Love it!


That was completely unintentional, heh. :D Whenever I tested it I wouldn't kill the imps until I got a shotgun. That's pretty cool how it worked out that way.


3 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:

As for the beige room, the row of lockers doesn't really break things up or contribute much, and the crushers are largely a non-issue as they take so long to go up and come back down. I'd suggest lowering the crushers' ceiling height a little bit, removing the lockers, making the room less square, and then perhaps adding some more of those wooden pillars to break things up a bit. All suggestions though. 


I followed a couple of these suggestions, though I didn't end up changing the shape of the room too much. I also kept the lockers, as while they don't contribute much, they're needed for activating one of the secret areas.


Anyways, here's a new version of my map, following some of the suggestions of @ludicrous_peridot and @Faceman2000. (Also @Melodic Spaceship privately tested the first version of the level before I uploaded it, but I was in a hurry when I posted it and forgot to mention him. Sorry!) Changes:

-I added more enemies to the final room

-Fixed the tutti-frutti in the exit room

-Replaced the staircase connecting the bunker to the start with a lift

-Added some wooden skull pillars to the bunker room

-Lowered the crushers in the bunker room

-Added some trees to the outside area

-Fixed some texturing oversights here and there


Hope I didn't forget anything.



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While I still find my map's current state a bit lacking, I figured I gotta give this for playtesting purpose anyway.

  • Slot is E3M1.
  • All AlphaBetaResources.wad textures are inside the WAD, so no need to load the separate texture WAD too while playing.
  • Song is ZZD_E4M2.mid from Bobby's Lost MIDIs.

Let me know what you think of it (I'd be even happier to see anyone test it on multiplayer, especially DM).


Edited by taufan99

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Took 0.5 E1M1 from @taufan99 for a spin. Really liked the hellish re-rendition of the original tech base, that kept geometry but gave it a completely different feel. Played only single player UV, and had to quick load coupe of times and also couple more times during the boss encounter. Took me 16 minutes to beat the map with 100% kills 75% secrets, then spent another 5-7 minutes looking for the remaining secrets but could not find them. The atmosphere was fittingly eerie and melancholic, and the choice of tune helped.


I don't know how intentional this was, but I liked how specters decided to follow me after having had seen me through the narrow window near the plasma gun, and thus lead me to the secret area with blue armor.


Placement wise, did not feel like a secret level to me, could be a good first level for a later episode though.


Now for some feedback and suggestions.


I could walk through this cage, and I did not know if this was intentional or not:



There is this small texturing glitch:


The scrolling metal band of the faces figure felt out of place to me. It would not feel so, if only the faces themselves would scroll.



Without mlook I was unable to hit the evil eye with shotgun from the top of the platform with the switch. Would it work if the platform is made higher?



The baron is very much clearly visible here, so, is changing the geometry slightly to hide him better possible - or maybe adding two or thee cacos in the altar part of the room to come to baron's help when player attacks?



The fence around the boss was a strange one. It prevented the boss from hitting me once I was off the ladder. And it prevented me from hitting the boss until I was at point blank shot distance. It was a confusing element, so curious about the intention?





Also this boss battle... I was able to kill the boss quickly without taking damage simply by hiding behind the columns and point blank auto-aiming with BFG. I am not sure it would have been that easy, if it was not for the fence limiting it's movement. Also the purpose of the fence was not quite clear to me: I found out I could lower it out _after_ having defeated the boss. Oh, and the lava pool felt kind of "mean" as well, I'm not sure it added to anything the boss battle, and otherwise it simply punished the player for having had achieved the victory. So my suggestion is - why not just let the boss roam, allowing the player to use columns for cover; possibly add more cover spots, and also put lava spots across the courtyard instead of that single pool to require more conscious maneuvering from the BFG wielding player or teleport in more imps on the hill slopes to create additional distraction.

Finally, it may have been _the_ clue that I have missed, my bad, but I could not figure out what the torches meant. The two blue ones were obviously for blue key locked door; but then a single blue one? And a pair of green and ordinary colored - is the green one for the baron hiding around the corner? Felt confused about this.

Edited by ludicrous_peridot

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@ludicrous_peridot Thanks for the comment! I knew I could take one thing or two/more from the words after giving the first build.

  • The window overlooking the blue armor secret you mentioned was initially meant to add interconnectivity for deathmatch. You know, when you feel like being cheeky and sniping your opponent(s) on the other room. (Speaking of which, I just realized that the window sector was tagged with the Secret effect. Whoops!) But come to think about it, I think that could work as a decent secret indicator as well.
  • That cage shouldn't have been passable, but I forgot to tag it with Impassable. As well, I forgot to add the mid-texture to back sidedef (inner side of the cage, that is.)
  • I just felt like experimental when I added that boss cage, to prevent the player from picking up the blue skull key first without having to defeat the Spiderdemon first. In retrospect, I think it's my dumbest idea so far.
  • The random torches nearby the exit door are a bit... symbolic, in that they represent what's to come after; other maps full of hellish randomness. I don't know, it's sort of an afterthought I came up with.

Download latest revision here: t99-05e1m1-rev1

List of what's new/fixed.

  • Cadaver cage at the beginning should now be impassable. As well, texture has been adjusted to show more "properly".
  • The slight texturing issue on the lift platform hall should be now fixed. If that's still not the case, let me know! The textures were somewhat wonky because I copy-pasted that part from the 0.2 test level, in case no one already noticed that before.
  • Changed platform trigger boundary on the teleport destination at the beginning of the lift platform to alleviate potential softlock issue.
  • Sigil-esque evil eye alcove should now be shootable from the distance without mlook.
  • Boss fence has been removed. In addition, blood pool has also been changed into two blood streams on the outside area, as well as an enemy ambush to further add the challenge.
  • More health and armor stuff to balance the map difficulty.


Edited by taufan99

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Hey @taufan99! Sorry for the late review. I only played the latest revision, took me about eight minutes to beat on UV, 100% secrets and kills, one death.


This was quite fun. As our most ludicrous Peridot mentioned before, you did a really good job taking the techbase maps and making them believably hellish - the twist on THESTORE was quite fun! I also really liked how the map opened up into an arena before the Spiderdemon fight. And the 0.2 map as a moving platform maze? Felt very true to the spirit of Sandy's levels. Good work.


Some things to fix:

  • The imp in the above the blood pool before the exit (thing 43) is stuck in the wall.
  • There are two spectres (things 50 and 58) that are stuck together on easy
  • Sectors 53 and 151 should be merged - right now they create a hall of mirrors as they move separately
  • Line 888 and 890 should have LITE5 instead of LITE3

And then some suggestions:

  • There are several places throughout where the floor texture changes without changing height. While this isn't a rule, it's generally considered good form
  • The first room would be more interesting if it wasn't rectangular

Once again, good job!

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@Faceman2000 Will you add new music to maps that didn't already feature new music? That was what I was assuming (and was why I didn't include any new music in my submission), but I just want to be sure. I'm also wondering about how you'll handle map titles.

Edited by Plerb

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2 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:

Hey @taufan99! Sorry for the late review. I only played the latest revision, took me about eight minutes to beat on UV, 100% secrets and kills, one death.


This was quite fun. As our most ludicrous Peridot mentioned before, you did a really good job taking the techbase maps and making them believably hellish - the twist on THESTORE was quite fun! I also really liked how the map opened up into an arena before the Spiderdemon fight. And the 0.2 map as a moving platform maze? Felt very true to the spirit of Sandy's levels. Good work.


Some things to fix:

  • The imp in the above the blood pool before the exit (thing 43) is stuck in the wall.
  • There are two spectres (things 50 and 58) that are stuck together on easy
  • Sectors 53 and 151 should be merged - right now they create a hall of mirrors as they move separately
  • Line 888 and 890 should have LITE5 instead of LITE3

And then some suggestions:

  • There are several places throughout where the floor texture changes without changing height. While this isn't a rule, it's generally considered good form
  • The first room would be more interesting if it wasn't rectangular

Once again, good job!


I want to add something that occurred in my playthrough. I was about the final part of the map and went back to the fireblu room with the moving floors, the floor wasn't moving anymore and I got softlocked.

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37 minutes ago, nicolas monti said:


I want to add something that occurred in my playthrough. I was about the final part of the map and went back to the fireblu room with the moving floors, the floor wasn't moving anymore and I got softlocked.

From which side did you come back there? I'm asking this as I'm revising my map once again, for now at least.

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17 minutes ago, taufan99 said:

From which side did you come back there? I'm asking this as I'm revising my map once again, for now at least.


let me check


EDIT: I reached the exit room and went back to the fireblue room, the floor wasn't moving anymore. Open the doombuiler and check what linedef triggers that, an easy fix.




If you go and get the plasma gun and teleport back AND it happens that the floors were up when they stoped moving you are locked because you cannot activate the linedef to make them move agan.


you can remove that action on the 568 linedef or perhaps to raise the teleport destination sector if you actually intended to make the floors stop for some reason.


Edited by nicolas monti

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16 minutes ago, nicolas monti said:


let me check


EDIT: I reached the exit room and went back to the fireblue room, the floor wasn't moving anymore. Open the doombuiler and check what linedef triggers that, an easy fix.


Oh yeah, I'm well aware of that (Linedef 568, at the first staircase leading to the spectres). On my revision, I've made sure to more carefully put linedefs reactivating the floor lifts, avoiding softlock. I assume you're playing an earlier version I uploaded before that revision?

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5 minutes ago, taufan99 said:

Oh yeah, I'm well aware of that (Linedef 568, at the first staircase leading to the spectres). On my revision, I've made sure to more carefully put linedefs reactivating the floor lifts, avoiding softlock. I assume you're playing an earlier version I uploaded before that revision?


yeah, sorry for that, I read the changelog and that change wasn't mentioned I suppose.


EDIT: On the geometry I woudn't change anything, I appreciate how you managed to get creative while keeping the rooms with the same proportions, your take on the alpha 02 irregular room was quite good. 

Edited by nicolas monti

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6 minutes ago, nicolas monti said:


yeah, sorry for that, I read the changelog and that change wasn't mentioned I suppose.

Ah, no problem. I should've written it better myself.

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On 8/18/2023 at 9:39 PM, Plerb said:


That was completely unintentional, heh. :D Whenever I tested it I wouldn't kill the imps until I got a shotgun. That's pretty cool how it worked out that way.



I followed a couple of these suggestions, though I didn't end up changing the shape of the room too much. I also kept the lockers, as while they don't contribute much, they're needed for activating one of the secret areas.


Anyways, here's a new version of my map, following some of the suggestions of @ludicrous_peridot and @Faceman2000. (Also @Melodic Spaceship privately tested the first version of the level before I uploaded it, but I was in a hurry when I posted it and forgot to mention him. Sorry!) Changes:

-I added more enemies to the final room

-Fixed the tutti-frutti in the exit room

-Replaced the staircase connecting the bunker to the start with a lift

-Added some wooden skull pillars to the bunker room

-Lowered the crushers in the bunker room

-Added some trees to the outside area

-Fixed some texturing oversights here and there


Hope I didn't forget anything.




Man.. what a nice map, it feels really E2 Tom Hallesque. I appreciate again that you kept the original part almost intact and for the rest you mostly used my favourite textures, compohso, "grayrot" etc. Not sure about the unpegged comp-startan textures when the closets unleash the cacodemons in the central room, perhaps it was your shortcut to align the texture.

I'm quite intrigued by those platform pillars in the outside yard, they look also like some strange architecture Tom Hall would do carrying out the ideas of his Doom Bible.

I appreciate that corridor with the tech arches which emulates what Romero did with his own, it makes the theme of the map well integrated.


A couple of things:

1) when you get the plasma the pinkies are mostly harmless, you can avoid them easily, you can put the closets further away so they actualy catch you while leaving the section.

2) the exit room: you can avoid the fight rushing to the exit. you can put the barons in the exit room with block-monster lines so they stop you and you need to kill the other monsters or to put a pillar in front of the exit door that need to be lowered to stop you for a moment.

just suggestions, I wouldn't mine if you do not take them as the map is gorgeous as it is now.


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Incoming second revision!  t99-05e1m1-rev2

5 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:

Some things to fix:

  • The imp in the above the blood pool before the exit (thing 43) is stuck in the wall.
  • There are two spectres (things 50 and 58) that are stuck together on easy
  • Sectors 53 and 151 should be merged joined - right now they create a hall of mirrors as they move separately
  • Line 888 and 890 should have LITE5 instead of LITE3

And then some suggestions:

  • There are several places throughout where the floor texture changes without changing height. While this isn't a rule, it's generally considered good form
  • The first room would be more interesting if it wasn't rectangular

These issues (and suggestions) should be addressed by this revision. As well, a few visual tweaks and several health/armor items have been added at some places.

Edited by taufan99

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9 hours ago, Plerb said:

@Faceman2000 Will you add new music to maps that didn't already feature new music? That was what I was assuming (and was why I didn't include any new music in my submission), but I just want to be sure. I'm also wondering about how you'll handle map titles.

I’m hoping we can get some new tracks for this project - once we’ve got a few more map slots filled I’m going to reach out to some composers and see if they have any interest in this project.


As far as level names go, once we’ve got the final map order figured out I’ll reach out to everyone who hasn’t supplied a name yet and ask if they have a preference on the name. I’ll come up with one for any levels where the author didn’t 

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0.4 E1M5 -> E2M8: Malice.

MIDI is "I'm Afraid of American" by Gifty, from un14, with some tweaks.


This is version 1 - feedback much appreciated.

Difficulty settings have not been implemented yet.


I tried to make optimal use of the geometry that was already there, and to replicate the idiosyncrasy of Doom 1. The result is... interesting.


Malice V1.zip

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14 hours ago, Blast_Brothers said:

0.4 E1M5 -> E2M8: Malice.

MIDI is "I'm Afraid of American" by Gifty, from un14, with some tweaks.


This is version 1 - feedback much appreciated.

Difficulty settings have not been implemented yet.


I tried to make optimal use of the geometry that was already there, and to replicate the idiosyncrasy of Doom 1. The result is... interesting.

Gave this a go, and I must say I like the interpretation of the 0.4 E1M5 here! Those cyberdemons felt so intense to deal with, and you made that "cavern" section pretty visceral with all those demons.

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On 8/21/2023 at 6:08 PM, nicolas monti said:

Man.. what a nice map, it feels really E2 Tom Hallesque. I appreciate again that you kept the original part almost intact and for the rest you mostly used my favourite textures, compohso, "grayrot" etc. Not sure about the unpegged comp-startan textures when the closets unleash the cacodemons in the central room, perhaps it was your shortcut to align the texture.

I'm quite intrigued by those platform pillars in the outside yard, they look also like some strange architecture Tom Hall would do carrying out the ideas of his Doom Bible.

I appreciate that corridor with the tech arches which emulates what Romero did with his own, it makes the theme of the map well integrated.


A couple of things:

1) when you get the plasma the pinkies are mostly harmless, you can avoid them easily, you can put the closets further away so they actualy catch you while leaving the section.

2) the exit room: you can avoid the fight rushing to the exit. you can put the barons in the exit room with block-monster lines so they stop you and you need to kill the other monsters or to put a pillar in front of the exit door that need to be lowered to stop you for a moment.

just suggestions, I wouldn't mine if you do not take them as the map is gorgeous as it is now.


Kept forgetting to respond to this, sorry!

Glad you liked it! And these are all good suggestions. I'm a bit swamped with other stuff right now, but hopefully in the next month I'll have a third version made with these suggestions in mind.

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Hey @Blast_Brothers, I apologize for my silence. IRL has been really messy for me, and while I gave your map a playthrough and enjoyed myself, I want to give it another spin or two before I put together my review. Seriously, good job though - you took a whole lot of empty corridors and mazes and made something fun out of it. :)


I also have an update: my first Rev of my E2M3 revamp (0.3/0.4/0.5 E1M3) is done. Only UV is in place currently, and I haven't touched coop or DM beyond putting in spawns for them, but I'd love it if people could give it a play and send any feedback. E2M3 is possibly my least favorite map in Ultimate Doom, so I wanted to refresh it as much as possible and leave it as unrecognizable as possible without too many major geometry edits. I hope everyone enjoys!



And with that largely complete, I'm going to go ahead and claim E3M3 (0.4 E1M9/0.5 E1M5). I've got some fun ideas for it I'm excited to try out.

Edited by Faceman2000

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@Faceman2000 could I have my 0.5 E1M1 submission named Andhakupa?

Also, I've given your E2M3 revamp a try. A very solid one at that, but I've noticed at least two bugs.


etrn01.pngThis spectre here is stuck nearby the wall.

etrn02.pngHOM on the plasma gun secret alcove.

Otherwise, it's a very creative map revamp. The map layout is so vastly different from the final original map, and I mean it in a good way.

Edited by taufan99

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On 8/23/2023 at 5:12 PM, Blast_Brothers said:

0.4 E1M5 -> E2M8: Malice.


This is version 1 - feedback much appreciated.

Okay, @Blast_Brothers! Full review in-bound.


I've played through the map a couple of times now - first time I died quite a lot; in subsequent playthroughs I've only died because I suck at fighting Cybies. This is a good map. As I stated before, you really make use of every area in a fun way; I enjoy the scramble to try and collect as much firepower as possible before the final showdown and the sense of progression throughout. Texturing is very nice and quite fitting for a Deimos location, too - I like how half the map is techbase and half is demonic. The secrets are fun, too - I didn't get the BFG in my first playthrough, but found it in my second, and I had to check UDB to see how to get the blue armor. Is it intentional that the BFG can only be obtained with the help of the Lost Souls?


I didn't see anything that needed fixing, so that's great. As far as suggestions go - the opening hot start is very, very hot. The barrels make movement difficult and my first couple tries I just got boxed in and died there. I would suggest removing a couple barrels just to make movement easier in the chaos of the start. I would also suggest switching the chaingun and berserk pack to help make those first thirty seconds a little easier and because 


it makes more sense to be armed with a chaingun than a berserk with the zombieman ambush.


Another suggestion - your map is largely flat. I know this a result of the alpha map, but I feel some slight verticality throughout could mix things up a bit. For example, you could turn each of the six long "spoke" hallways into large stair cases so that the central area could be elevated, and the SP_FACE cave maze could have some height changes throughout it too to make things a little more interesting and make navigation easier. These are just suggestions, but some increased height variation throughout would be nice.


Finally, an aesthetic edit - generally the IWAD maps had an obvious DOOR3 at the start of the map to show where you came from. Not all of them had that and if you don't want one that's okay, but I think it would be nice to have one in the starting area personally.


Overall, great job and a fun boss map.


17 hours ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:

I'm thinking that I should update my map (0.5 E1M11) to be harder. What do you think @Faceman2000 ?


I personally thought your first rev of the map was perfect, difficulty-wise, besides the couple places I pointed out. If you feel strongly about it, perhaps you could put them as coop monsters so people who want an extra challenge can play solonet?


17 hours ago, taufan99 said:

@Faceman2000 could I have my 0.5 E1M1 submission named Andhakupa?

Also, I've given your E2M3 revamp a try. A very solid one at that, but I've noticed at least two bugs.

Otherwise, it's a very creative map revamp. The map layout is so vastly different from the final original map, and I mean it in a good way.


I have updated the first post to reflect your maps name! And thank you for playing. I have made those edits and they'll be reflected when I upload an updated version with difficulty settings and so forth.

Edited by Faceman2000

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Given that extramap.wad is also included as part of the plan (even if only as one of the Scraps), would these be permitted as well?


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On 8/28/2023 at 5:18 PM, Faceman2000 said:

Hey @Blast_Brothers, I apologize for my silence. IRL has been really messy for me, and while I gave your map a playthrough and enjoyed myself, I want to give it another spin or two before I put together my review. Seriously, good job though - you took a whole lot of empty corridors and mazes and made something fun out of it. :)


I also have an update: my first Rev of my E2M3 revamp (0.3/0.4/0.5 E1M3) is done. Only UV is in place currently, and I haven't touched coop or DM beyond putting in spawns for them, but I'd love it if people could give it a play and send any feedback. E2M3 is possibly my least favorite map in Ultimate Doom, so I wanted to refresh it as much as possible and leave it as unrecognizable as possible without too many major geometry edits. I hope everyone enjoys!



And with that largely complete, I'm going to go ahead and claim E3M3 (0.4 E1M9/0.5 E1M5). I've got some fun ideas for it I'm excited to try out.


Hey man, I love what you did with the map, the layout is almost intact and yet each space is enhanced, the texturing and lighting is great too. The placement of the start and the exit also takes care of the weird labyrinthine original layout and the new setting of the original acid vats was something unique!

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5 hours ago, nicolas monti said:


Hey man, I love what you did with the map, the layout is almost intact and yet each space is enhanced, the texturing and lighting is great too. The placement of the start and the exit also takes care of the weird labyrinthine original layout and the new setting of the original acid vats was something unique!


8 hours ago, taufan99 said:

Given that extramap.wad is also included as part of the plan (even if only as one of the Scraps), would these be permitted as well?

That would be a fun idea, but as they’re all Doom II format, they wouldn’t fit in this project. I’ve been pondering the viability of a Doom II follow up when this is done, with IDMAP01, the couple unfinished maps from the early Doom 2 release, and the Doom 2 map in DEV.wad. I suppose if you threw in these and maybe the handful of TNT rejects that we have access too, that would make enough maps. That’s all in the future, though.

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