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What classic 90s shooter has the least active modding community ?

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It would probably be either Marathon or Unreal, judging by the amount of content being developed for both games. Yes, Strife is another good example but it's a little more obscure anyways and by raw numbers, Dangerous Dave would probably win the prize as the least developed community.

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I'll throw my hat for Star Wars Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight.

There used to be a large comunity that graduraly  withered down to nothing, with their old site taken down.

You can still find a few remnants on Discord where they promised a new site but nithing has come frim that as far as I know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the games I play from the 90's all still have an active modding community (Doom, Command & Conquer, Half-Life) but the game that I don't think has any active modding scene anymore, is Dune II (and Dune 2000).


As with games from the zeroes, there is one that used to have a very active modding community but has dwindled complete stand still which the game really didn't deserve: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. One of the best "Trek game" that transcended the usual Star Trek bubble and appealed to non-Trekkies alike. Remove the Trek stuff and you still end up with (for the time) a good shooter . . .

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Chex Quest have a few mods.

Kaos (it's a freeware game made by a italian developer) have virtually nothing for It, except having a in-game editor.

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On 8/9/2023 at 5:37 AM, heliumlamb said:



I was skimming this page and initially read this as Cyberdildo.

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5 hours ago, Murdoch said:



Sounds like a classic 90's FPS to me.




One that was fully developed but never released. Something related to dildos I presume. 

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I don't think there are many mods specifically made for Hacx, despite it being compatible with ZDoom's engine and all that.

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Speaking of Descent, it turns out there's this custom mission database that has active uploads every now and then. Color me surprised.


On 8/20/2023 at 2:20 AM, Walter confetti said:

Kaos (it's a freeware game made by a italian developer) have virtually nothing for It, except having a in-game editor.

Fastest Shovels for Kaos when?


On 8/20/2023 at 4:43 AM, Biz! said:

Surprised to see a lack of mentions of "System Shock".


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