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Phi Botanical Sector

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Desc: A botanical garden once used for UAC research, now under the hands of Hell and its inhabitants. Some parts of the garden remain, while flesh piles, lush vines, brick walls, and blood pools fill the rest of the area. Yet, not even Hell itself can grasp the garden's clever layout.


my first doom wad ig. i tested the wad with GZDoom and Chocolate Doom, and it took off about two weeks of my life to make.


this is a DOOM episode 2 styled map which replaces the second level of said episode. i designed this level for vanilla doom style gameplay and made it using Doom Builder X.


download here ---> phisec.zip






- fixed blue keycard being easily accessible

- fixed inescapable outdoor secret near exit

- changed blast door connecting phi gardens (spawn area) and fortress with UAC door

- changed ceiling textures in the armory (specifically, the areas with the armor and ammo)

- added UAC logo in spawn area

- added support beams by the UAC door in spawn area

- removed Herobrine


chocolate-doom 2023-08-07 17-13-18-04.jpg

chocolate-doom 2023-08-07 17-16-07-12.jpg

chocolate-doom 2023-08-07 17-17-02-18.jpg

chocolate-doom 2023-08-07 17-19-11-09.jpg

chocolate-doom 2023-08-07 17-22-13-35.jpg

chocolate-doom 2023-08-07 17-23-45-38.jpg

chocolate-doom 2023-08-07 17-25-22-44.jpg

Edited by Silvertopaz

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3 hours ago, Biodegradable said:


thank you for playtesting my level and making a video on it. i watched the entire video, but you could actually leave the "inescapable" secret. it was a door back to the main area that blended in with the textures and i thought the steps alone would give that away. nevertheless that was definitely a mistake on my end and i am considering on adding a switch to patch that up. also, since i designed this map for vanilla doom gameplay, the blue keycard platform is not supposed to be reached that easily, so i think that was more on your end. otherwise this was a decent video and review.


EDIT: speaking of the blue keycard, the platform was actually 24 units in height which is accessible. therefore that one is also my fault and i am going to raise it to 40 units.

Edited by Silvertopaz

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alright i've already updated my wad, now the blue keycard should only be accessed via the switch. same with the door for the outdoor secret by the exit. i also added some more stuff which y'all can read in the changelog of the OP

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There are a few more enemies sprinkled about than what my memory tells me episode 2 is, but this map really does feel like a classic joint - ever so subtly cramped in places, slightly cryptic secrets. The separate habitats behind the RKDs felt very spot-on for the theme, even if I didn't personally enjoy the overabundance of skullbois.


4 hours ago, Silvertopaz said:

alright i've already updated my wad, now the blue keycard should only be accessed via the switch. same with the door for the outdoor secret by the exit. i also added some more stuff which y'all can read in the changelog of the OP


I actually played the original release before reading this and got stuck where Bio did, before wall-humping to extricate myself. Maybe us Strayans are just oblivious, but thanks for the revision.

Edited by Daytime Waitress

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47 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:

There are a few more enemies sprinkled about than what my memory tells me episode 2 is, but this map really does feel like a classic joint - ever so subtly cramped in places, slightly cryptic secrets. The separate habitats behind the RKDs felt very spot-on for the theme, even if I didn't personally enjoy the overabundance of skullbois.



I actually played the original release before reading this and got stuck where Bio did, before wall-humping to extricate myself. Maybe us Strayans are just oblivious, but thanks for the revision.


you're welcome!


and yeah, when i added the monsters i mostly tested this level using chocolate doom. then i was also surprised at the actual amount of monsters i added when i tested in GZDoom, but i decided to keep the number since most of the monsters are spread out and easy to kill anyways.


on the other hand, i did make a big map for my first ever published level. mostly because i built this level using a fibonacci sequence lol. since i'm still new to mapping in Doom, i am considering making smaller vanilla doom levels, specifically of episodes 1 and 3. i've already got a few ideas jotted down so i'm kind of looking forward to that. i may also publish levels for doom 2 after.


otherwise thank you for playing my level!

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