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WAD Releases Subforum Reorganization Proposal


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23 minutes ago, Xaser said:

P.S.: How common is the word "map" used to describe levels outside of the Doom community? I wonder if it would make more sense to say "levels" instead of "maps" here, but I dunno if I'm overthinking it.


I'd say it's pretty common, mate. Most people who make them refer to themselves as "mappers" rather than level designers and say things like, "Check out my new map!" and, "thanks for playing my map, guys".

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42 minutes ago, Xaser said:

P.S.: How common is the word "map" used to describe levels outside of the Doom community? I wonder if it would make more sense to say "levels" instead of "maps" here, but I dunno if I'm overthinking it.


I know this comes from a case of wanting better clarification for those fresh off the boat from Elsewhere, but it definitely feels like you're overthinking that one. There's an established vocabulary within the Doom community to refer to dem tings as "maps", so I don't think it's really too much to ask of newcomers to make the connection between what they might know elsewhere as stages or levels or whatchamacallits and "maps".


"Mods" is way more vague, though, and so your other proposals seem pretty on-point. And I wish I had a better suggestion for the "Mod Discussion" section, because as you pointed out, that's a prickly one.

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I think "Gameplay Mods" is much better than just "Mods", and it also reinforces the distinction between mod and wad. 



My IRL friend conflates the terms mod and wad constantly, it triggers me a little bit ngl


I also think it's good to mention things like textures and midi and make those terms visible with minimal browsing. 

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I think pulling the WAD subforums up to the top level is justified; WADs are so fundamental to why people still play Doom and come here that it's funny shoving them all into a single top-level forum. The current WAD forum has the most posts of any top-level forum (even more than Doom General or Everything Else, impressively), so it's not like there's too little activity for it.


One thing I've never been clear on, though, is what distinguishes "WAD Discussion" from "General" - there are topics that obviously belong in General because they have nothing to do with WADs, but it feels to me that a lot of threads could just as easily go in either.


Another common mistake I see is to post editing questions in the WADs section. I would have thought that "Doom Editing" was clear enough, but apparently people still miss it on a regular basis (or perhaps they think making a map isn't "editing"?).


Not to beat a dead horse, but I think "map" is well understood, especially among 3D games (for example, every multiplayer FPS; in fact, if you Google "CounterStrike levels" you get an explanation of the CS:GO ranking system, not a list of its maps).



Your screenshot made me check the Sunder thread for MAP21 >:(


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3 hours ago, Shepardus said:

Another common mistake I see is to post editing questions in the WADs section. I would have thought that "Doom Editing" was clear enough, but apparently people still miss it on a regular basis (or perhaps they think making a map isn't "editing"?).

Tbf, if I pretend for a moment that it's unclear what "Doom Editing" refers to, then the subforum's description suddenly looks completely unhelpful. It basically just repeats the term "editing", which if already unclear does not improve the situation one bit. Contrast to zdoom forums' editing subforums, which say stuff like "Ask about editing graphics, sounds, models, music, etc here!" - keywords which can be associated more directly with what one is doing. I don't really have a good "general" phrase suggestion (and I don't think DW traffic warrants specific subforums like scripting or assets), but it should probably say something to the effect of "questions about making your maps/wads/mods go here".

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I think putting renaming "Doom Editing" to something with "Help" in the title would go a long way towards clarifying that it's a help subforum.


Something like "Doom Editing Help and Utilities" would be good- including "and utilities" because stuff like the DoomTools thread is in there... even though I wish all those utility threads (and Doom Launcher, which is just chilling in Doom General) were in a renamed "Source Ports and Utilities" subforum, and then Doom Editing could just be Doom Help... But I digress.

Edited by Blast_Brothers

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I like this. I can say as a new member that indeed this proposal is very much clearer. I mean I did figure out what each subforum was for but I was not a fan of the nested structure.

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This is a sensible idea. "Maps and Megawads" has a nice ring to it, and it would abbreviate easily to M&M, which is funny because the compulsiveness of playing Doom maps resembles the compulsiveness of eating M&Ms. The "discussion" subforum's name presents more interesting problems than the question of whether to call "levels" "maps," and I don't have a good solution for any of them. Thanks for raising the issue in the general forum.

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Here's my 2 cents on the proposal:


- Maps & Megawads (using the word "map" here is a good direction, but this sounds a bit ambiguous and clouds the purpose of the discussion forum)

- Gameplay Mods & Resources (this is a good change)

- Mod Discussion (the word "mod" in this context makes it sound like it's only for discussing gameplay mods)


Here's how I would do it, instead:


- Map Releases & Development (a mixture of old and new)

- Gameplay Mods & Resources (Xaser's new version)

- WAD Discussion ("wad" is more all-inclusive in this context)


Splitting the sub-forums up into a new category is a good idea overall (I mean, it doesn't even make sense for resources and discussion to be a sub-category of new releases)!

Edited by sq. Tiramisu

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