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[Community Project] VANITY

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Little status update: Making good progress on my map (Map 20), but still have a ways to go. Trying to limit scope creep so I'm aiming for a short-ish, punchy slaughter-lite map with a volcanic/tech theme - should be on track to have it done by the deadline (fingers crossed).

Map will be titled "Embalmed With Magma", and I've got a super metal midi to get the blood flowin'. Here's some progress screenshots of the opening area:







Edited by stochastic

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18 hours ago, stochastic said:

Little status update: Making good progress on my map (Map 20), but still have a ways to go. Trying to limit scope creep so I'm aiming for a short-ish, punchy slaughter-lite map with a volcanic/tech theme - should be on track to have it done by the deadline (fingers crossed).

Map will be titled "Embalmed With Magma", and I've got a super metal midi to get the blood flowin'. Here's some progress screenshots of the opening area:


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this reminds me a lot of sunlust, for all the right reasons.

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1 hour ago, EPICALLL said:

this reminds me a lot of sunlust, for all the right reasons.


Hah, thanks! This is my first time using this texture pack - really my first time making a techbase-esque map, so I'm having lots of fun with it and seeing where it takes me creatively. Hopefully the end results aren't too derivative :)

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I could also use an extension if possible - February has become a crazy busy month. I've got the whole layout for my map, but just need to flesh out detailing in certain areas. 

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I think that he stated that he's not gonna give up on this project until the slots are filled, so the February deadline is more of a soft-deadline, and there is still a possibility of an extension.

Also, I'm waiting for a response from @BlazedMaps about his blessing to modify their abandoned map.

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8 hours ago, GreenAnime said:

hi can I take the last slot and maybe extend the deadline a bit or nah?

sure, have the last slot... Given the amount of time it's taken other people to make their maps, I'll set the deadline to... May 3.

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After much (practically not any) deliberation, and after the requests of a few of the members of this CP, soo... 
We're going to be shrinking the team, basically... Anyone who still hasn't started their map and doesn't think they will today, I would kindly ask you to leave, so...
@Eon Toad
If you were pinged above, I need a status update on your map, if you can't provide a status update within the nearest week, I will remove you from the project.
As for the rest of you, I assume you intend to finish the maps which occupy the slots you fulfilled, perhaps even another beyond that point. For that, I invite you to the discord server I have created for the ease of access.
You don't have to join, however I recommend you do, and if you hold (or intend to hold) multiple map slots, I highly suggest you do.
Also, special message for one person in this project...
@BlazedMaps Can you please send the map you have to @Ar_e_en?

Also I am so sorry @BeachThunder for completely forgetting you posted your map27, I'll get to it tonight.

Edited by EPICALLL

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I will leave the project, I don't think I'm at the skill level to make a map for a CP yet, I want to focus on personal projects before any of that. Sorry for wasting your time.

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On 12/14/2023 at 12:27 AM, BeachThunder said:

Author: BeachThunder
Map Name: Visceration
Difficulty Settings: Implemented (+coop starts)
MIDI Used: MegaSphere - Staccato Slaughter (No Rest For The Living - Community MIDI Pack)
Description: Amidst the stinging heat of a molten lagoon, several ominous structures linger in the presence of a grotesque, flesh-carved fortress.
Author's Comments: The most open map I've made so far. It's only somewhat nonlinear, though. It mostly just boils down to whether you get the red key or the blue key first.

Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/Vanity MAP27 - Visceration_v1_0.wad


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Two (or three, depending on how you look at it) small problems I have with this, I'll keep it simple.

1. The Mancubus in the cavern leading to the red key is monster window dressing, because you can just walk right past him without any merits
2. The stairs in the blue key building are too steep, you can't see going up, and you can't see going down... Not to mention they ruin the fun of the ambush on the way back up them.
3(ish). Your map is a little easier than I expected, I had a whopping zero deaths on it. Consider a buff.

Also, that room with the stars is really really really pretty.

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I have barely started on my map so I will be leaving. Sorry to not complete my map in time and waste your time. I wish the best for this project :)

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Right, i have somehing started for this, but due to work i wont have acces to my home comp for another few days. But i should be able to drop the finished thingy after around valentines or so. In the mean time, can some one quote the 2 maps submissions before and after my spot, so i can get around to implementing the start and end protions faster once i can? Ty.

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7 hours ago, VBraveMany said:

Right, i have somehing started for this, but due to work i wont have acces to my home comp for another few days. But i should be able to drop the finished thingy after around valentines or so. In the mean time, can some one quote the 2 maps submissions before and after my spot, so i can get around to implementing the start and end protions faster once i can? Ty.

Ar_e_en already submitted his MAP16, so you can just play/analyze it to find out. @CursedJade999 How does your map start?

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On 11/25/2023 at 3:07 AM, Ar_e_en said:

Alright, here is version 2 of my map: MAP16_Vanity_(Ar_e_en)_v2.zip


Most of the changes revolve around the second phase of the map (I tried making it a bit more forgiving). There are a few minor changes as well (mostly visual and geometry based changes).


Here's the post with my map, in case you're looking for it.

One thing to note about my map is that it has one new custom flat (derived from one of the textures in the texture pack), but I don't think that you need to worry about it, because the whole "blue plasma melting everything into lava" thing that I had going for that map is a concept that is more tied to the facility that my map takes place in than anything outside of the facility, so you could do just fine with having regular lava lakes in your ruined futuristic map.

The start of your map would probably be a cave setting, maybe with the futuristic rail-tracks at the beginning as well.


Here's the exit from my map:





Edited by Ar_e_en

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Unfortunately I have been very busy recently so I am unable to make my map. Sorry, and good luck to all the mappers!

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On 2/5/2024 at 11:18 PM, EPICALLL said:

Also, special message for one person in this project...
@BlazedMaps Can you please send the map you have to @Ar_e_en?

I checked his post history, and he seems to post somewhat sporadically, so either I could wait for him to give me his unreleased and most up to date map, or I could take his most recent public version of his submission and start to work on that version. I think I might go with either the latter option, or we could mark his spot as "open for other submissions" and wait for someone else to fill that spot (luckily - my Map 09 is finished and posted in this thread, so people can get an idea of how the exit for Map 08 should look).

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Sorry for the late reply. I had some false starts but couldn't make anything up to the standard of what other people have submitted here. You're probably better off without me on this one.

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On 2/7/2024 at 8:10 AM, EPICALLL said:

Two (or three, depending on how you look at it) small problems I have with this, I'll keep it simple.

1. The Mancubus in the cavern leading to the red key is monster window dressing, because you can just walk right past him without any merits
2. The stairs in the blue key building are too steep, you can't see going up, and you can't see going down... Not to mention they ruin the fun of the ambush on the way back up them.
3(ish). Your map is a little easier than I expected, I had a whopping zero deaths on it. Consider a buff.

Also, that room with the stars is really really really pretty.

Visceration v1.1:

  • Raised the height of the blue key basement / made the staircase shallower.
  • Added some more enemies (and ammo) in the mancubus cave.
  • Added arch-viles into the blue key basement.
  • Added some pinkies that spawn in after opening the first door in order to discourage camping in the starting area.
  • Tried to improve / raise the difficulty of the final encounter.
  • Replaced some enemies with harder counterparts.
  • Added some additional enemies (14 more on Easy, 22 more on Medium, 23 more on Hard), plus some other general skill rebalancing.
  • Cacodemon surprise!
  • Fixed the door to the castle, so it can now also be opened from the inside.
  • Improved some textures/geometry.
  • Changed the blur sphere to a blue armour; the blur sphere causes issues in (G)ZDoom with enemies ignoring you.
  • A bunch of miscellaneous small fixes and changes.

Download: https://doomshack.org/uploads/Vanity MAP27 - Visceration_v1_1.wad

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I'm almost done building MAP12 and now I have a music track for it. It's the theme from both Biowar and Claustrophobia 1024's MAP02s.

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3 hours ago, RileyXY1 said:

I'm almost done building MAP12 and now I have a music track for it. It's the theme from both Biowar and Claustrophobia 1024's MAP02s.


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Aight so i may have been a bit optimistic about my ability not to get anoyed with the editor, but have made progress. So should be done in like 3 or 4 days. Anoying bits are done so all i'm left with is having to build an outside area. I guess i could post a screen or 2 once i'm home from work(aprox 12 hours from now), tho lighting is not implemented yet, cos thats literaly the last thing I tend to do.

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6 hours ago, VBraveMany said:

Aight so i may have been a bit optimistic about my ability not to get anoyed with the editor, but have made progress. So should be done in like 3 or 4 days. Anoying bits are done so all i'm left with is having to build an outside area. I guess i could post a screen or 2 once i'm home from work(aprox 12 hours from now), tho lighting is not implemented yet, cos thats literaly the last thing I tend to do.

I don't think I've ever been annoyed with the editor, but man had being optimistic about things always backfired on me.

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Oh I get constantly anoyed at the damn thing... Mostly when I closse a loop of lines and doesnt make the sector, and have to redraw the same thing 5 times(literaly same motions, same steps nothing different and it finaly graces me with doin what it was supposed to the first time around) or the complete opposite and overlaps lines instead of merging them and turns sectors into a freakshow. ANYWAY. Here's stuff... in full bright, cos no lighting yet.





Edited by VBraveMany

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15 minutes ago, VBraveMany said:

Oh I get constantly anoyed at the damn thing... Mostly when I closse a loop of lines and doesnt make the sector, and have to redraw the same thing 5 times(literaly same motions, same steps nothing different and it finaly graces me with doin what it was supposed to the first time around) or the complete opposite and overlaps lines instead of merging them and turns sectors into a freakshow. ANYWAY. Here's stuff... in full bright, cos no lighting yet.


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Looks really good.

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Alright, I've been inching my way towards a complete map for far too long, here's another progress update, @EPICALLL.



I made some good progress despite the pretty long wait. I've been busy with a lot of stuff.

Here's what I added:


- A lift that leads to a bridge where you meet a cyberdemon and a bunch of caged cacos

- An area that leads to a teleporter that then leads to a difficult mazey section with a teleporting gimmick

- An area that leads to a big lava filled section with a caged archvile, this area is a WIP

- Another section that is a WIP; then map ends there for now.


I've also decided to finally deem the map as 'Bloodstar Citadel', because why not.



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