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[Community Project] VANITY

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11 minutes ago, wumbo said:

Alright, I've been inching my way towards a complete map for far too long, here's another progress update, @EPICALLL.



I made some good progress despite the pretty long wait. I've been busy with a lot of stuff.

Here's what I added:


- A lift that leads to a bridge where you meet a cyberdemon and a bunch of caged cacos

- An area that leads to a teleporter that then leads to a difficult mazey section with a teleporting gimmick

- An area that leads to a big lava filled section with a caged archvile, this area is a WIP

- Another section that is a WIP; then map ends there for now.


I've also decided to finally deem the map as 'Bloodstar Citadel', because why not.



cool, checking it out right now.

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41 minutes ago, wumbo said:

Alright, I've been inching my way towards a complete map for far too long, here's another progress update, @EPICALLL.



I made some good progress despite the pretty long wait. I've been busy with a lot of stuff.

Here's what I added:


- A lift that leads to a bridge where you meet a cyberdemon and a bunch of caged cacos

- An area that leads to a teleporter that then leads to a difficult mazey section with a teleporting gimmick

- An area that leads to a big lava filled section with a caged archvile, this area is a WIP

- Another section that is a WIP; then map ends there for now.


I've also decided to finally deem the map as 'Bloodstar Citadel', because why not.



Some notes:
- The section with the teleporters is annoying because the teleports aren't exclusive to the monsters, consider finding another way around this problem.
- In the unfinished section, upon going up the narrow staircase to shoot the switch, the ceiling is too low for the player to descend the staircase.
- In the area with the cacos and the cyberdemon, the cyberdemon proves to be very annoying to kill, as he eventually falls down to the bottom where he is quite inaccessible
- I forget where, but somewhere along the way there is a stuck hell knight.

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17 hours ago, EPICALLL said:

- The section with the teleporters is annoying because the teleports aren't exclusive to the monsters, consider finding another way around this problem.


I have a good idea to solve this problem and make them exclusive to monsters, I'll fix that.

17 hours ago, EPICALLL said:

- In the unfinished section, upon going up the narrow staircase to shoot the switch, the ceiling is too low for the player to descend the staircase.



17 hours ago, EPICALLL said:

- In the area with the cacos and the cyberdemon, the cyberdemon proves to be very annoying to kill, as he eventually falls down to the bottom where he is quite inaccessible


The cyberdemon is still technically accessible, and I failed to consider that I know this map better than anyone and know the easiest way to kill the cyberdemon. There are a few radiation suits in the lava lakes that the player can use, and the player may still backtrack once they aquire the BFG, I'll make it more obvious, I suppose.

17 hours ago, EPICALLL said:

- I forget where, but somewhere along the way there is a stuck hell knight.

I believe that I fixed that problem, however I may be mistaken. I'll fix that as well.


Thanks for giving me all the feedback, I really appreciate it!

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1 hour ago, BeachThunder said:

@EPICALLLJust checking that you haven't forgotten my map again. I posted an update on the previous page, hopefully it addressed issues you had.

I forgot to check out your fix, but I did remember it's existence. So, I guess I kinda did, sorry about that... I'll check it out when I'm home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah yes 4 days... totaly not late again. Anyway!
Here's this damn thing finaly. (Music currently missing, cos a friend offered to compose 1 for it, so... that will be added in a later update)

If you're using a loader, things should be in working order. Using drag and drop to test it might result in my animated lump not overriding the one in the resource pack, resulting in a static "Energy beam" instead of an animated one. (can always temporarily re move/name the original in the pack while testing)


Author: DCraven_0ne (Thats the actual name I go by. This 1 is a temp while I get around to figurin out my old accs password... someday, eventualy... :P)
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Map Name: Disconnect
MIDI Used: Being worked on™
Description: Some underground tech facility, mildly damaged in places due to events from previous map.
Author's Comments: Fairly linear progression, monsters might sneak up on you from the back, so be mindfull of that.


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4 hours ago, VBraveMany said:

Ah yes 4 days... totaly not late again. Anyway!
Here's this damn thing finaly. (Music currently missing, cos a friend offered to compose 1 for it, so... that will be added in a later update)

If you're using a loader, things should be in working order. Using drag and drop to test it might result in my animated lump not overriding the one in the resource pack, resulting in a static "Energy beam" instead of an animated one. (can always temporarily re move/name the original in the pack while testing)


Author: DCraven_0ne (Thats the actual name I go by. This 1 is a temp while I get around to figurin out my old accs password... someday, eventualy... :P)
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Map Name: Disconnect
MIDI Used: Being worked on™
Description: Some underground tech facility, mildly damaged in places due to events from previous map.
Author's Comments: Fairly linear progression, monsters might sneak up on you from the back, so be mindfull of that.


Well, Seymour... You're an odd fellow, but I must say... You make a good map.
So, I saw this and immediately hopped onto my computer to play the map, no deliberations whatsoever. I said to myself "Oh, this'll be a good 20 minutes of map to play, I'm sure I'll find a few flaws, but I think I'll have an enjoyable experience nonetheless. And I was wrong the entire way through.
I spent 62 minutes playing this map, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience, and I only found TWO very minor flaws in this map.
I got all 286 kills, half of the secrets (that being, one secret), and 92 of this map's 94 items. So, you're probably asking how it went... And for that, I'll have to go back to the beginning, with MAP16.

So, when @Ar_e_en posted their map, I was amazed, I found it fun... Impressive, and definitely felt like a power fantasy, as I always felt well in control of every combat scenario, even despite the chaotic surroundings. And by the end, I was thinking just one thing... How in the hell do you follow that up? I thought that there would definitely be a less impressive map beyond this, and that I would have a lot more choice words to say about this map. Now, before moving on the this map, I would like to preface that I was so starstruck beyond words by the previous map that I failed to acknowledge the combat, which upon re-looking the original draft of MAP16, was a little on the sloppy side, yet still enjoyable. And now the combat is fixed, and it's better... Still not the most exciting combat I've seen, I've played some more fun encounters, particularly in Alm's and Stephens' work, however still really solid, and virtually flawless even if it could have been a touch stronger. So, now I took this map, loaded the textures, and played Entryway, as it had been a good week since I'd touched the game at all. Then I typed into my keyboard I-D-C-L-E-V-1-7.

That isn't smoke, it's fun! Fun from the new maps we're playing!
Immediately, I noticed that this map takes place a little after MAP16, as you are further down the railway, and have just climbed through a hole in the wall. I walk around a bit, fail to hit the non-operable switch, the usual. And then I walk behind the crates, I see some imps and hear some Spectres, so I shoot the imps and then grab the Berserk they were all eagerly lined up in front of. I climb through another hole in the wall, which brings me to a cave, full of these damn Spectres. So, I punch them out, grab the rocket launcher that'll be useful ten minutes from now, and press on. Eventually, after some trials and tribulations... I emerge out the other end of the cave, through another hole in the wall. So, then I fight some of the Revenants, Cacodemons and whatever else comes into my line of sight. After clearing out the room, I go down the hall and take a right. Slowly walking along the edge of the room. And then, well... I get jumped by an Arch-Vile, which I punch to death. Moving along, there's a lot of ping-pong'ing through the map, back and forth and back and forth... I do wish that maybe things were colour coded or marked off a little more, because I did get confused a couple of times around. Anyways, eventually this big, blue circular room opens up, and I'm greeted by a barrage of different enemies. By this point I have a rocket launcher, a shotgun, a berserk, and a newly acquired chaingun. I go up some stairs, encounter a Pain Elemental, of which I actually felt inclined to use a Rocket Launcher on due to the fact that there isn't much else to use by this point, which is interesting. Anyways, past the Pain Elemental, there's more stairs leading to a switch. I flip it, and a swarm of Revenants and Cacodemons come around. So, I kill them, and this set of bars that has been blocking my way for the whole duration of the map finally opens up. And immediately, I'm thrown into a Circular room, this time a lot more cover-focused as opposed to elevation-focused. This is all due to a Cyberdemon, who is a giant walking obstacle to get around, as you have to awkwardly yet cleverly position yourself in a way where the Cyberdemon can't see you flipping the switch at the center of the room. I should mention, this room has a SSG in it, too. Upon flipping the switch, a swarm of whateverthefuck comes around and absolutely shreds the Cyber, a few SSG blasts finishes him off. And then, the yellow key that had been taunting me the entire map presents itself, and I grab it. Then, I flip the yellow switch... This big door opens as a Cyberdemon teleports in maybe like 10 feet away from me, forcing me into the room. This room is gigantic. The whole map so far had been based inside of relatively small spaces up until this point, where suddenly nothing is any less than 2 Cybers tall, and 3 wide. The scrolling textures emphasize the feeling of chaos as I stumble around the map, upon noticing a BFG, I grab it... And finally, the room full of Archies, Revenants, Mancubi, and a really really angry Cyberdemon seems at least manageable now. So, I kill them all, and attempt opening the exit door, this exit door is massive, and it's jammed. So, I go to flip the four switches to un-jam the door, which are rather blandly all right next to each other as opposed to spread around the room. Anyways, the door opens, and I'm greeted by this massive vista, and some friendly neighbourhood Lost Souls, which proved to be rather fun to fight, as it felt like defending against a horde of zombies. And shockingly, by the end of this map, what I thought couldn't have possibly bettered the previous map, left me feeling more impressed and more excited for the mapper's future work than I was with the other guy.

Yes, and you call them Doom maps, despite the fact that they are obviously made for something called "Vanity".
After all of this, I must say... It's hard to believe, but I actually enjoyed this more than MAP16, believe it or not. The way it slowly ramps up in difficulty and intensity... The visuals perfectly complimenting the mindset of the player... It's great stuff. Of course, the map isn't without it's couple of flaws, however, at the end of the day, ironing them out would probably take less time than it took me to write this (51 minutes). Now, I can't just go out on a limb and say that all the stuff you've made is equally as good, because I've hardly seen anything else you've made... However, I will say this... I feel almost guilty having someone with as good an eye for this kind of stuff as you do in my project, seriously... I mean, come on, I've played one single map from you and I already feel like I've treated too much to myself... If that's not impressive, I don't know what else is. In terms of mappers to have for big name projects, your name NEEDS to be in the discussion, as I've honestly never seen combat quite this airtight in my time playing and/or making maps, I'm dead serious. The fact that you told me to give you a random ass slot in the project, and you made one of if not THE best map I've seen to date, that's got to be something special. Anyways, enough with me gashing, I'd be here all day if I didn't stop now. In short, your map is amazing, even despite it's minor hiccups. And it would be absolutely criminal to have you in another slot over here, (however I would appreciate it immensely if you did). Thank you for taking the time to read my graphic novel, and have a great day.


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I might check map 17 out tomorrow. I mean, if the project lead can write a novel about how awesome the map is - then there might be something to it!

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19 minutes ago, RileyXY1 said:

I'm almost done with MAP12. And I officially have the name, that being "Research Facility".

Cool. Thanks for the update, (now the section dedicated to episode 3 can look a little less depressingly barren)

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Played through map 17 and I think that it was a pretty solid map! It might be a bit too hard at certain parts, especially before you can get the SSG (meaning that you have some Archvile encounters that are a bit too tricky). The visuals in this map are really neat - a lot of good uses of the various blue textures, the fenced-off void in the hallway looks pretty cool and the outdoor area at the exit is great.

I did find some issues that might need to be looked into:


    Misaligned mid-texture on Line #2358.

    Missing texture at #410, #2213, #4703, #4707 and #4710.

    Not really an issue, but it would be nice to be able to open the big exit door on the outside as well.

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2 hours ago, RileyXY1 said:

We also still have some open slots. Slots 5, 8, 13, 29, 31, and 32 are all still open.

I'm aware.

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I'm also working on MAP24, and I'm taking efforts to make it look broken down. There's holes in the ceiling, pools of radioactive waste everywhere, and in one spot a hole connects together two rooms that are not supposed to be directly connected. I'm also designing the map with lower brightness than I usually use in my levels.

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Aight. Regarding the post by Ar_e_en - I fixed the misaligned mid-tex and added textures to the lines missing it, save for the 2nd one, cos that floor got moved up by accident. (probably while fidling with the lightlevels)

Added a switch on the outside of the exit door too. Also added 3 rockets(easy/medium) right of the arachnotron next to the wall, incase players waste all of them b4 the 2nd Archvile.


I can also like, put colored numbers on the 2 switches and the corresponding doors in the area b4 the powercore if its realy necessary. The 1 atop the stairs realy doesn't need any indicator, cos at that point you ran out of possible targets for it, so it should be obvious what it does.


I'll actualy wait with postin the update till the music for the map is done.

But i'm glad you found the map up to snuff. :P


Also, sure, why not? Gimme a number. I'll have a crack at another one.

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10 hours ago, VBraveMany said:

Aight. Regarding the post by Ar_e_en - I fixed the misaligned mid-tex and added textures to the lines missing it, save for the 2nd one, cos that floor got moved up by accident. (probably while fidling with the lightlevels)

Added a switch on the outside of the exit door too. Also added 3 rockets(easy/medium) right of the arachnotron next to the wall, incase players waste all of them b4 the 2nd Archvile.


I can also like, put colored numbers on the 2 switches and the corresponding doors in the area b4 the powercore if its realy necessary. The 1 atop the stairs realy doesn't need any indicator, cos at that point you ran out of possible targets for it, so it should be obvious what it does.


I'll actualy wait with postin the update till the music for the map is done.

But i'm glad you found the map up to snuff. :P


Also, sure, why not? Gimme a number. I'll have a crack at another one.

5, then.

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5 hours ago, Forgotten Soul said:

Okay,I will send screenshots of my progress every week

God damn, ok!

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you know what I'd like to join for MAP29. is that still possible?

Edited by JackDBS

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59 minutes ago, JackDBS said:

you know what I'd like to join for MAP29. is that still possible?

sure it is.

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6 minutes ago, EPICALLL said:

sure it is.

Alright. I'll try my best to finish it in a week.

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On 3/12/2024 at 5:17 AM, EPICALLL said:

of course.

Hey, so I made a little progress on the first room last night.




Just wanted to check if something with this kinda theme would be good for a map31.

Edited by SpinningPlates1

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1 hour ago, SpinningPlates1 said:

Hey, so I made a little progress on the first room last night.

  Reveal hidden contents



Just wanted to check if something with this kinda theme would be good for a map31.

Looks like something that would come outta some old cartoony N64 game. I'm down.

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16 minutes ago, JackDBS said:

Is there a CFG file for the texture pack like OTEX? Also what's the deadline

deadline is the first friday of may.
i know no such CFG. (what's a cfg i forgot)

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32 minutes ago, EPICALLL said:

deadline is the first friday of may.
i know no such CFG. (what's a cfg i forgot)

A file for UDB that divides textures into themes. It's a lot better if its such a large set like OTEX and 32-in-24

Screenshot 2024-03-13 220449.png

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