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I C H I N I C H I (32-map megawad)

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Finished playing it today. Was pretty good. And it's the first recent 32-map megawad I've completed in sometime. So extra points there.

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Project Brutality 3.0 - Doom 2 - [Ichimichi] - Map: #14 - 18 - [4K60ᶠᵖˢ] - [100% Secrets]


Map: #14 - Around She Goes




Map: #15 - Diamond Mines




Map: #16 - Tortured




Map: #17 - Map UAC




Map: #18 - Creep





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Came for the Nugget, stayed for the WAD.


Really though, this is some good stuff; fun and all-around pretty damn solid. Bravo!


A few possible bugs I found (spoilers):


You can go through this lift in Map28 without lowering the blockage just by running into it diagonally, like from this side:


I suggest raising the teleporter and blockage's height.


Likewise, you can get the Yellow Key in Map32 early by bumping into its pedestal:


Again, I suggest raising the pedestal's height.


Lastly, some text in the last text intermission goes off-screen:


This might be port-specific, but I suggest throwing a line break in there just in case.



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A good WAD like Kinda!


Only a few minor problems were encountered:



- Players can jump into sectors 213/243 and get stuck.


MAP24: (coop only)

- Sectors with tag 16 will close the path (after crossing lines 1170/1144) blocking players in previous area from progressing.



- Line 2455 is S1 and the blue door (sector 64, tag 22) can be closed again.


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On map13/14 right now, this wad rocks! Really great shit man, one of the best wads of the year in my opinion, well paced, lots of badass concepts and ideas executed pretty frugally in just the right way. Keep it up!

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Started this tonight, got through the first 10 maps; it's tons of fun!  Great job, well-paced fights, handsome maps, great classic fun.  Can't wait to play more!

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Thanks all for the positives comments! I’m elated that this has been a hit with so many of you.


I’ve uploaded version 1.1, which is now linked via the initial post. This deals with the minor bugs along with a couple of aesthetic-related bits n’ bobs - although since then, an unpegged lower texture is bringing out the OCD in me, so in the future perhaps I’ll release a 1.2 too, if other minor bugs are brought to my attention :D 

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I've also just finished the first 10 maps and am having a good time with them! I like the variety of map locations and the maps themselves are just pure fun to blast through! Not really that hard on UV so far for me, but having enough health and resources isn't diminishing the fun at all. And no obtuse progression that KINDa had occasionally. Feels more streamlined in a way. Looking forward to finishing this!

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Man, that was so good I finished it UV max in just two sittings. The difficulty felt just right most of the way through, with some really nice curveballs here and there. The only time I felt it bordered on unfair was during the first minute or two of MAP25, but everything else was simply delicious. I'm sincerely impressed with the layout variety, level of detail and architecture, encounter design and how consistent everything is, especially for maps made within a period of 24 hours each. Congratulations on this amazing release! I'll be nominating it to this year's Cacowards.

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You know, I spent the majority of this project worrying about if it would be good enough; however I feel really happy that ichinichi is a hit with so many Doomers and that’s really boosted my own confidence in my mapping abilities. A big thanks for that as your comments, feedback and play-throughs on YouTube have really meant a lot. 

Edited by TheMightyWhoosh
Cannot English

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On 8/28/2023 at 7:15 AM, TheMightyWhoosh said:

You know, I spent the majority of this project worrying about if it would be good enough; however I feel really happy that ichinichi is a hit with so many Doomers and that’s really boosted my own confidence in my mapping abilities. A big thanks for that as your comments, feedback and play-throughs on YouTube have really meant a lot. 

I finished this megawad earlier in the week, 2 sittings total, and you should be proud of what a good job you did.  The maps are handsome in a classical Doom way, play wonderfully, secrets are hidden smartly and a joy to find, it's just great Doom all around.  I had a ton of fun playing, and heartily recommend this, especially to players who may feel intimidated by more difficult wads.

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v1.2 has now been uploaded. I’m considering this to be the final version with the majority, if not all of the bugs, early key grabs and the such eliminated along with minor tweaks of the aesthetics (mainly in MAP06, so the level doesn’t feel as sparse). 

Can’t thank you all enough for the positive feedback and comments. I’m very happy! 

Edited by TheMightyWhoosh
Cannot grammar

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This is really solid work. I've only gotten to map06 so far but it was a lot of fun getting there. As far as I've seen there haven't been any issues. This is obviously the work of someone who really knows what they're doing.

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This was a really fun set of levels. Solid fights nothing too rough. Played using Brutal Doom. The only problem I found was with the secret map BOOM! being unplayable because the explosions tanked my frame rate hard. Otherwise this set was a real treat.


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I generally liked how all of these maps could be completed in relatively short order. And that none of these romps had the insane difficulty slaughter that most projects seem to treat their UV experiences with these days. Feels like a breath of fresh air really, I haven't had to resort to cheats or savescumming (except when I died at the end of a map once and didn't want to replay it). Well done.

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Is this updated completely on idgames now? Would like to start running it but don't wanna record more runs if theyre gonna desync :p

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  • 1 month later...

heh. i just wanna say that, despite being a speedmapped set that i played months ago, this megawad continues to live in my head. it's really, really good - all the maps are uniquely charming and each have some weird quirk in there that make them stand out from the rest. it feels very much like a set from the 90s with how it explores a bunch of different ideas that typically aren't seen in a lot of modern wads, though it's obviously far more streamlined. i can't wait to see what you put out next!!

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20 minutes ago, roadworx said:

heh. i just wanna say that, despite being a speedmapped set that i played months ago, this megawad continues to live in my head. it's really, really good - all the maps are uniquely charming and each have some weird quirk in there that make them stand out from the rest. it feels very much like a set from the 90s with how it explores a bunch of different ideas that typically aren't seen in a lot of modern wads, though it's obviously far more streamlined. i can't wait to see what you put out next!!

Thanks very much! Really appreciate your comments!

Edited by TheMightyWhoosh

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Oh shit, I completely forgot about this one, as it came out while I was still on my Doom hiatus. I have a lot of catch-up to do!


I have played the first two maps and the difficulty seems perfect to me. I do not know if it is the choice of textures and the use of existing Doom tracks, but I cannot help but be reminded of Plutonia.

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39 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

I do not know if it is the choice of textures and the use of existing Doom tracks, but I cannot help but be reminded of Plutonia.

The first map definitely gives Plutonia vibes, I think the choice of texture and music is deliberate considering how much they fit together and with Plutonia.


I like that the title track is Evilution's but MAP01's is from Congo, it gave me this weird mix of both Final Doom parts. Maps are definitely more on the Plutonia side in terms of size and gameplay, but there are lots of Evilution tracks mixed in with the Bobby Prince ones.

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25 minutes ago, brick said:

The first map definitely gives Plutonia vibes, I think the choice of texture and music is deliberate considering how much they fit together and with Plutonia.

Gameplaywise, however, the mapset so far has been the anti-Plutonia:


I keep expecting sadistic ambushes that never come. Heck, MAP03 gave me a Invulnerability Sphere right before spawning many Chaingunners in!



Not that I am complaining, mind you.

Edited by Rudolph

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On 9/6/2023 at 6:21 AM, Zeroandneko said:

This was a really fun set of levels. Solid fights nothing too rough. Played using Brutal Doom. The only problem I found was with the secret map BOOM! being unplayable because the explosions tanked my frame rate hard. Otherwise this set was a real treat.


Quite late to reply, but that's the problem with mod you use rather than map itself. It plays well and keeps stable framerate if you play without loading any mods.

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Pretty good wad. Maps layouts are really cool to look at, and the use of vanilla textures/mechanics its put together really well. Each map has some sort of weird thing going on in them, which makes them stand out even more. The TNT feel through the mapset its nailed really well, but with its own twists. There's a lot of really cool visual narrative scenery/details and weird abstract touches here and there to look at.


Last but not least, I cant help to feel a sinister thing going on behind all that 90's/early 2000's charm. Walking alone in these maps feels wrong sometimes...

Edited by dashlet

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I'm playing the wad right now and i think there is a problem on map03 Foundations. If you're doing the map in a wrong order and go manually into the room with the blue key without the teleport, the wall behind you close, can't trigger the enemies and stuck in the room forever. There is no way to kill yourself either. I assume,this is not just a "troll" and not intentionally designed that way?

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