DoomGappy Posted August 11, 2023 (edited) I decided to create a topic before finishing this project because I want some input from the community and some help with the creation of the other sprites. I realized that doing things alone, I might be missing some important basic stuff. For example, I just realized I need to make doors, which I hadn't taken into account before. I also think I might not be fully aware of how the doom engine works, so help would be appreciated. So, I'm proud to announce Gempackd - A Colorful Doom Project. Introduction You know, I really like wood. And metal. And stone. So I decided to create a pack of textures for doom based on this theme. It started with a single image. Only one. But then It spiraled out of control. The majority of these textures were made using this image as a source. There are more than 4000 of them and still counting. I still am not really sure why I did it. I just know I did. The ideas couldn't stop coming and so I just gave way to them. What's in this pack? Many new textures. Combinations of 4 colored frames, 16 gem stones and 62 frame types, plus liquids, liquids with grids, bars, hatches, flats, and many other things. Might as well try to create a community mod based on this, because now I really want to see what people can do with it. I'll update the count and this section later with more info. How to use it? Textures follow naming conventions better explained down below. The basics are the materials, Bl (Black), Gd (Gold), Sl (Silver) and Wd (Wood), and the material inside the frame. They are Am (Amber), Ct (citrine, Em (Emerald), Gn (Granite), Op (Opal), Pk (Pink Sapphire), Rb (Ruby), Sm (Salmonite), Sp (Sapphire), Wh (White Stone), Lm (Light Marble), Mm (Medium Marble), Dm (Dark marble), Lw (Light Wood), Mw (Medium Wood) and Dw (Dark Wood). Then, for borders, for instance, which are the largest part of the pack, the last two characters define the type of the texture. Is it a side border or corner frame? Each of those has a number, and it never changes between textures. The number 00 always represents the straight square box, the number 07 always represents the squarish texture wiith nails on the corner, and the number 04 is always the grid with 9 holes. Here are some examples: BlAm00 BlEm07 BlRb04 Texture naming The texture names follow many patterns. Below you can see them in detail. (Work in progress) Spoiler Gemless sprites (MmNN) Useful for stairs, bridges and many other types of constructions. Mm = Material NN = Number (01-10) Borders (MmFrNN) Borders. Can be used as windows, grids or decoration. There are four materials: Bl = Black Gd = Gold Sv = Silver Wd = Wood They are named like this: Mm = Material Bd = Border NN = Number (01-62) Gems (GmMm) The 16 gems available. They are: Am = Amber Ct = Citrine Dm = Dark Marble Dw = Dark Wood Em = Emerald Gn = Granite Lm = Light Marble Lw = Light wood Mm = Medium Marble Mw = Medium Wood Op = Opal Pk = Pink Rb = Ruby Sm = Salmonite Sp = Sapphire Wh = White Frames with gems (MmGmNN) The meat and potatoes of the pack. Different combinations of the four border colors with the 16 gem types, meaning there is 64 variations of each of the 62 borders, totalling 3968 possible sprites. These can be used as floor decor, wall decor, table or surface edges, ceiling decoration, stairs, among many other things. Mm = Material Fr = Frame NN = Number (01 to 62) Mixed borders (MxMmBdNN) Similar to normal borders, but with two different border colors. Mx = Mixed M = Name of border material 1 (outer material) m = Name of border material 2 (inner material) Fr = Frame NN = Border number Mixed borders with gems (MxMmGmNN) Mixed borders with gems inside. Mx = Mixed M = Name of border material 1 (outer material) m = Name of border material 2 (inner material) Gm = Gem name NN = Border number Stair Guardrails (SRNNnn) Stair guardrails for different types of places and heights. SR = Stair Rail NN = Number of the grid. Generally two consequential numbers for use in both sides of the linedef, like 01 and 02. nn = Number of the model of the rail. Animated Liquids (LqNnFn) Liquids based on original Doom nukage. Named after tasty juices. There are 6 new liquids, and they are Ch = chocolate, Cr = Cherry, Lm = Lime, Or = Orange, Pf = Passion Fruit, Tm = Tomato. Lq = Liquid type Nn = liquid color Fn = Frame letter. 3 frames for each (F1, F2, etc). Bars (MmBrNnV) Can be used for cages and other types of grids. Mm = Material Br = Bar Nn = Number of the bar Hatches (MmHtNn) Mm = Material Ht = Hatch Nn = number Grids (GsMmnn) Grids without liquids inside them. Gs = Grid size (Bg = Big Grid, Sm = Small Grid) Mm = Material nn = identifying number Animated liquid with bars (MmBrLqNF) Liquids with grids over them. Animated. Mm = Material Br = Bar Lq = Liquid name N = Number of the bar F = Frame letter (A, B, C, etc.) Switches with two colors (SwNCcSt) Sw = Switch N = Number C = Color 1 c = Color 2 St = State (on or off) Switches with one color (SwNCSt) Sw = Switch N = Number C = Color 1 c = Color 2 St = State (on or off) Bricks Bricks have three categories, regular, Groove and Flat. Regular Groove Flat Doors (MmDrGmNn) A wide variety of doors. Every ten doors the size changes. Doors 01 to 10 are 96 pixels tall, Doors 11 to 20 are 112 pixels tall, and so on. Mm = Material Dr = Door Gm = Gem Nn = Door number Texture numbering (UNDER REVISION) The numbers on the frames are, admittedly, not so orderly. I started working with 64x64 textutres, then had ideas for 32x32, 32x24 and then 128x64. But then I also had new ideas for 64x64, and so some of the latter numbered frames are also squared ones. Still, There is some logic to the numbering here. Expand for detailed information. Spoiler 01 to 10 Material + rivets/nails. Useful for many things like beams, stairs, flooring, etc. Texture 00 A thin border texture, good for flooring. Textures 01 to 10, 15 to 20 These are 64x64 frames of many shapes. Special Textures 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23 and 24 These are a mix and match of the cross inside a border. They are just a little different from border 01 and border 09. The second number represents the color of the cross inide the border. Borders ending in 1 mean the internal cross is black, 2 means it's gold, 3 means it's silver and 4 means it's wood. For example, WdAm14 is a wood cross pattern inside a wood frame with Amber inside, while GdPk11 is a black cross inside a gold frame with Pink Sapphire inside. WdAm14 GdWd12 Textures 25 to 36 These were intended as flats to be used for tables and elevated layers. 29, 30, 31 and 32 can also be used for walls in a satisfactory way, as seen in the showcase map. Pay attention to the direction of the lighting on the border, though. Here is an example of an irregular table built using these borders. Remember, you can always match different colors, surfaces and borders! Textures 37 and 38 These are 64x24 and 24x64 textures. Good for stairs and borders, also. Textures 39 to 42 More square textures. Can be used for many things, including stairs and borders. Textures 43 to 50 Textures made for use with stair edges and borders. Textures 51 to 62 Wide variants of some of the square textures. Can be used in many ways, like wall panels and doors. Bricks Some brick textures for castles and walls. Doors Some door models. There are 10 slim door types (64px wide) with 3 heights for each, 96px tall, 112px tall and 128px tall. There are also 10 wide door types (128px wide) with 3 heights for each. Gems There are 16 gem textures. There are also 8 alternate very shiny textures for Amber, Citrine, Emerald, Pink Sapphire, Ruby, Salmonite, Sapphire and White stone. Good for raw rocks. Liquids (Flats) There are 10 animated liquid flats with 3 or 4 frames each, represented here by the first animation frame. Liquids (waterfalls) There are 10 liquid waterfalls with 4 frames each, represented here by the first animation frame. (Thanks to @Not Jabba for allowing me to use his sprites as a starting point for some of these) Bars There are 16 bars, 8 in Black metal and 8 in silver. Wood and gold felt pointless, but maybe in the future they will be added. Bars + liquids (waterfalls) Bars with waterfalls inside them. Look really nice in the game. Represented by the first black bar available. Grids (midtextures) Grids for use as separation from two areas. There are 16 grids, 8 in Black metal and 8 in Silver. Hatches Good for highlighting tunnels. 5 in Black, 5 in Silver. Grids + liquids (Flats) and Hatches + Liquids (Flats) There are a lot of these. These are intended similarly to the table borders as building blocks for gridded areas with liquid under them. 01 to 13 are big grids, 14 to 26 are small grids. There are many, because there are 52 grids (26 in Black and 26 in silver) and 32 liquid frames, totalling 1664 textures, approximately. There are also 10 hatches available, 5 in silver and 5 in black. Good for showing entrances to underwater passages (I still have no idea how to make those). Here are some cool layouts to showcase what you can do. (I had more fun than I should have building these.) Doors Stair Guardrails Switches Changing textures Spoiler These naming conventions were made so that the editor can easily change the textures to whatever he wants in a quick way. Want to change a black border opal surface to a black border ruby surface? Just change BlOp28 to BlRb28. => BlOp28 BlRb28 Want to change the same black border ruby surface texture to a gold border emerald surface one? Just change BlRb28 to GdEm28. => BlRb28 GdEm28 Besides the frames, which constitute the majority of the pack, there are also the bricks, following the same convention. For example, if I want an Amber brick wall I can use BkAm01. There are MANY PATTERNS demonstrated here: BkAm01 BkWh02 BkSp03 Bksp04 If I want to change the brick from amber to citrine I just change BrAm01 to BrCt01 => BkAm01 BkCt01 There are also some broken bricks on the works BkCt05 And ultimately, the flats. There are 16 flats also following the same convention. Their names start with Gm (Gem) because it's easier to find it when mapping than FL (Flat), which gets confused with Doom's textures If I want a Blue Sapphire flat, for example I just type GmSp. GmSp If I want to change from Salmonite to Dark Wood I just change GmSm to GmDw => GmSm GmDw Contained in the wad are also the frames without any stone textures behind. These can be used for mapping, as metal bars and grids but also by other creators to whichever end they please. Screenshots Spoiler Videos Spoiler How was this pack created? I made the textures using gimp in indexed mode with the doom palette, made the frames using the same method, and then I manually activated and deactivated layer by layer and exported them according to the naming conventions. It was a long and arduous process, there were some mistakes, but I finished it. The project files are also on the zip file if anyone wants to do anything with them. Inspiration I didn't base this mod on any previous work, but to say that I wasn't inspired by anything would be a lie. The strongest one is probably Refracted Reality, with its colorful and vibrant environments. If you haven't checked it yet, please play it! I also drew some inspiration from other colorful megawads like Ancient Alens (all time favorite) and Sunlust. Adventures of Square probably also played a role. Many thanks to all those who worked so hard on these mods and provided the community with so much joy. I also want to thank the community itself. Doom was one of my first games ever, and my passion for FPS games has only grown ever since. It feels good to finally be able to contribute back to the community in some way. I hope this can also make people's lives better and more entertaining. Releases:12/08/2023 - V 0.6 and showcase map Usage and credits Feel free to use, distribute, modify and, of course, create maps using these. I would be really glad if I ever saw something I made being in someone else's WAD. If possible, you can credit me as Jo2ukeGappy or just Gappy in the .txt file somewhere. If you would like to contact me, you can reach me here or through the email I would also love to play all the submissions, so please send them to me or post them on this thread! Cheers, and happy Doomin'! Edited September 8, 2023 by jo2ukegappy formatting, added information 24 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 11, 2023 (edited) As you can see, this is pretty much still a work in progress. I just didn't want to continue polluting the "Post your Doom textures" thread. Looking forward to seeing other peoples' opinions. If anyone feels like helping out, my first pickle is making some broken brick textures, pointed out on the other thread. I like Bk05, but can't figure out how to make the other broken brick textures look as nice. Bk01 Bk05 (with cracks, satisfied) Bk02 Bk06 (prototype, not satisfied) Bk03 Bk04 Edited August 11, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 12, 2023 Some pics of the showcase map for this. Spoiler 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 12, 2023 (edited) Some more screenshots. I'm sure better mapppers can do more interesting things with this when it is released. Spoiler GdOp (Gold Opal) room Ruby room Pink and Blue Sapphire room Salmonite and White stone room Edited August 12, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 12, 2023 (edited) Some doorframe mode ls I came up with after searching for some inspiration: And with stone: Edited August 12, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
Decay Posted August 12, 2023 These are really cool textures, I like them a lot. Excellent work. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Red Recluse Posted August 12, 2023 Somewhere probably Flotsam Italo-doom No Reason's Speedmaps 3 Junkfood most of all and tarakannik wads there are enough nice textures. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 12, 2023 1 hour ago, Decay said: These are really cool textures, I like them a lot. Excellent work. Thank you very much. I hope it turns out fine, pretty and usable. I've been making some pretty stuff with it. I should have not posted multiple posts with screenshots, and just updated the main post instead. Is there any way to delete posts around here? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 13, 2023 (edited) So, here goes nothing. First time releasing something. I decided to name this version 0.6, as I fell there's close to 60 percent of the work done. There is also the showcase map in which I tried to show some ways that I think these textures might go well together. There are no enemies in the map, but I plan on expanding it later with some gameplay elements (You can see there is already a working trap door in the emerald room). Also, I dont promise full compatibility yet. I'm new to doom editing. These infos are important, though. The map is saved in UDMF format, and I've only tested it with GZdoom. I hope you can understand. Ultimately, there is still a lot missing from this release, so stay tuned for future updates.Gempackd - v0.6 Edited August 14, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) I made some prototype doors or panels and floors, Some flats for using with stairs or bridges, And some textures for the bottom of stairs or ladders, Also some steel beam textures, These all tile nicely. I will probably pipe down for the next few days, uni is starting again. Edited August 14, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 14, 2023 (edited) Some screenshots of the borders. So, how are they? Spoiler Edited August 14, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 15, 2023 (edited) Update: While testing the map, I noticed some mistakes in spriting that I had to correct. These were texture borders not being in true black color, and also some black and gray spots on some of the original gem surfaces. Thus, I had to scrap over 2000 textures and start anew. I know noone is probably using the textures I made to create anything yet, but if there is at least one person that's doing so, don't worry. The naming conventions remain the same so when updating the texture pack you may just need to tweak some numbers, because some new frames were added. Edited August 15, 2023 by jo2ukegappy Changed my mind about art direction and deleted stuff. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 16, 2023 (edited) I kinda can't stop spriting... (or having ideas, for that matter). Edited August 16, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 16, 2023 (edited) And to finish the night, I've just learned how to make animated textures. The world is mine. (Right click > repeat to see true awesomeness!!!) Edited August 16, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 18, 2023 So, this is the update. Since one of the main focuses of Gempackd is to be modular, that is, the interchangeability of frames, materials and shapes on the fly in the editor, I've rearrenged all of the frames to fit a certain order. 64x64 (flats) come first, then stair and door borders, then wider textures. I believe there is still some reordering to be done, but this is how it looks like so far. I calculate the final result to be over 4000 textures, and I know that there will still be many more things to be added from here until the end of the project. Still, I think I'm satisfied with these shapes for the square frames, and probably will not create any more from here on. Bear in mind that each of these frames has 16 variations (except for textures 01 to 14, some of which are redundant and will be turned into flats, eventually). After I finish all of the black frame variants, I'll have to make the gold, silver and wood equivalents, and then I can start creating the final results again. I honestly never thought I had it in me to create so many things like these. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 18, 2023 Ok, maybe one more square sprite 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 18, 2023 42 minutes ago, jo2ukegappy said: Ok, maybe one more square sprite Got to a design I like. This will serve as a base for other switches and other types of switches. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 20, 2023 Just made a small video to show some of the doors and frames I made. Still improving. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted August 25, 2023 (edited) This project has become much bigger than what I'd initially thought. Once I'm finished there will be close to 8 thousand textures or more available. I will also release a miniwad consisting of 4 maps trying to put together a coherent vision of 4 different zones where these textures can be used. I know other people will be many times more creative than me with usage, but I hope this can demonstrate that these were very well thought out and created with the intent of being used by the community as a whole. In the meantime, have some door models. Some will probably still be altered to look even more like doors. Edited August 25, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted September 1, 2023 (edited) Almost all of the square borders are ready. There really are a lot of textures. Also, here are some of the liquid falls with grids. Edited September 1, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted September 2, 2023 Just found a way to make the rock and tile sprites look more three dimentional and I'm feeling really good! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted September 9, 2023 (edited) just made some cool looking metal steps. These are joined, but the textures are separate. Also, some lights, more to come later. Edited September 9, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted September 11, 2023 (edited) Made a mockup of a little door opening. I guess Ideally, the rope would go up with the door, but I still don't know how to implement that in the game. I have some ideas, like having the beam as a mid texture with a very small space between the wall and the door, and the door texture being the door and the rope only. Also some ladders A techy wall texture, though I don't think it fits too much thematically. Some very cool wires for creating cables, beams and supports. Like this one And a woody panel which will probably change a lot, since there are many brick textures that would fit here. Also alignment. Edited September 11, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted September 11, 2023 (edited) Some warning stripes and steel beam shenanigans too. (colors will be corrected later) Editing just to say I may be absent for a while. I will still finish the project, but it has been growing too much and overtaking my headspace immensely. This is the latest update, the warning stripes in wad format: Warning Stripes Edited September 16, 2023 by jo2ukegappy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted October 28, 2023 (edited) So, this has been dormant for a while. I have been working on some community projects, and also maintaining a thread on mapping, making some videos and some tutorials. I have not abandoned this project, and the mini wad for this already has a story of sorts and the idea for 4 maps. It just has gotten so big that I haven't had the time to invest on this right now. But since I've started this, I've made some good friends around here and met some wonderful people. It makes me feel very welcome. I hope I can contribute to the community for many years to come. Here are the last things I had made before I started focusing on other things. Wall with gems: Metal beams with wires: Ladder steps with inset gems: Stairs and fence: Stairs guardrails: Some types of wooden Doors: This project is not dead yet, I just have been focused on other things at the moment. Once things have cleared up, I'll come back to it with better mapping and editing skills. Edited October 28, 2023 by DoomGappy 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
dmh094 Posted October 31, 2023 These are pretty damn cool. I’ll have to use them in a project soon :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoomGappy Posted October 31, 2023 3 minutes ago, dmh094 said: These are pretty damn cool. I’ll have to use them in a project soon :) I'll be packing up a new version soon. Can't wait to see what you'd make of them, Dmh! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
dmh094 Posted October 31, 2023 3 hours ago, DoomGappy said: I'll be packing up a new version soon. Can't wait to see what you'd make of them, Dmh! That makes two of us xD 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Buzter55555 Posted November 1, 2023 On 8/13/2023 at 8:19 PM, DoomGappy said: I made some prototype doors or panels and floors, Some flats for using with stairs or bridges, And some textures for the bottom of stairs or ladders, Also some steel beam textures, These all tile nicely. I will probably pipe down for the next few days, uni is starting again. This I wanna learn how to do make textures 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Buzter55555 Posted November 1, 2023 On 10/28/2023 at 5:13 AM, DoomGappy said: So, this has been dormant for a while. I have been working on some community projects, and also maintaining a thread on mapping, making some videos and some tutorials. I have not abandoned this project, and the mini wad for this already has a story of sorts and the idea for 4 maps. It just has gotten so big that I haven't had the time to invest on this right now. But since I've started this, I've made some good friends around here and met some wonderful people. It makes me feel very welcome. I hope I can contribute to the community for many years to come. Here are the last things I had made before I started focusing on other things. Wall with gems: Metal beams with wires: Ladder steps with inset gems: Stairs and fence: Stairs guardrails: Some types of wooden Doors: This project is not dead yet, I just have been focused on other things at the moment. Once things have cleared up, I'll come back to it with better mapping and editing skills. Omg I hope u understand and I know u do when wood door new sounds to open ,kinda like a screeching noise 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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