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Some screenshots as requested. I don't know if this map will be accepted, but I had fun making it. It's not much of a looker though. Just wish I could do a 1984-themed map more justice.











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19 minutes ago, Silhouette 03 said:

Some screenshots as requested. I don't know if this map will be accepted, but I had fun making it. It's not much of a looker though. Just wish I could do a 1984-themed map more justice.


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Hmmm, yeah it looks kinda of mish mashy, first screenshots that you have send me earlier were much more thematically consistent. But! I can help you with texturing and detailing! Plus i would get more insight about the state of the map with the file itself, but for now i like where this is going. Keep up the good work! And im glad you are having fun. @DoomGappy i would like to hear your feedback about it too.

Edited by SpaceCat_2001

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8 minutes ago, SpaceCat_2001 said:

Hmmm, yeah it looks kinda of mish mashy, first screenshots that you have send me earlier were much more thematically consistent. But! I can help you with texturing and detailing! Plus i would get more insight about the state of the map with the file itself, but for now i like where this is going. Keep up the good work! @DoomGappy i would like to hear your feedback about it too.

I think it should be grayer and have more rubble's and broken stuff. The water should also be gray if possible. Would have to check if we have it. Also, abandoned buildings and rooptops might be a good place for a map like this.

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1 minute ago, DoomGappy said:

I think it should be grayer and have more rubble's and broken stuff. The water should also be gray if possible. Would have to check if we have it. Also, abandoned buildings and rooptops might be a good place for a map like this.

We dont have gray water, only blue one and dirty one, theres a black gold instead of nukage, but its for Fifth episode. I can make in the next version of texture pack dirty water and dirty waterfall more grayish. But the idea of being more broken is right, because both in the film and book, governmental aircraft, disguised as an enemy ones, were bombing their own cities to install terror into population.

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20 minutes ago, DoomGappy said:

I think it should be grayer and have more rubble's and broken stuff. The water should also be gray if possible. Would have to check if we have it. Also, abandoned buildings and rooptops might be a good place for a map like this.


@DoomGappy, @Silhouette 03 something like this?

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19 minutes ago, DoomGappy said:

That looks like choccy milk

Damn it, so are we keeping the old dirty water? Though water in Bishkek waterchannels does actually sometimes look like choccy milk

Edited by SpaceCat_2001

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The older looks good, I guess I just wanted that grey water I've seen in some wads. Damn, I wanna drink Bishkek choccy milk now.

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On 8/12/2023 at 8:49 AM, SpaceCat_2001 said:









HELLO EVERYONE! Welcome to the project! 




DOOMMAX is action movie inspired(even if 1984 is not) MBF project with 6 episodes, each one has a theme centered around a movie.

First episode - 1984

Brutalistic, grayish, more blocky and opressive

Second episode - Highlander

Cityscape! New york like, at night, with trashy alleyways and dark lighting

Third episode - Escape from New York

Cityscape(again), at night aswell, even more trash, rubble and ruins, abandoned decaying city.

Fourth episode - Evid Dead

Swampy landscape, Forest, Wooden structures and demonic corruption

Fifth episode - Waterworld

Rusty, covered in polips, water everywhere, Low-tech low-life

Sixth episode - Total Recall

Cheesy sci-fi, High-tech low-life, Martian rocky landscape, techbase in nature




You are a kid in 80s, Father bought you a VHS which you wanted so badly. You inject it into vhs player, and you become so immersed you become the main hero of the movies you watching As you distractedly pop the VHS inside the player, you start feeling a weird sensation. Your fingers seem like they are being pulled by a mysterious force. You look at The VHS player and see that half of your forearm has already been engulfed by its gaping mouth. You try to pull away, but it's too late, the device slowly swallow you whole. You pass out from the strain. When you wake up and look around that first scenes of the movie you watched.


Mapping rules:

  • You must have watched the movie of the map you chose before mapping.
  • You must incorporate references to the areas of the part of the movie you're making
  • Your level must fit the size progression of each episode, going from small level to medium to large to final battle. But this also depends heavily on the structure of the act from the movie your using in the map, not a literal recreation, think of it as a movie(you chose) they you remember it.
  • Narrative elements are encouraged. Since this is a project based on movies, telling a story with the environment is fitting, but not literal imitation of the story, but impression of it
  • Have fun mapping and don't be afraid of asking for feedback. Being more narrative focused means that Sometimes an idea may be hard to understand by others. In these cases, an outsider's perspective may make all the difference in the world
  • Level of the detail depends on the scenes used as inspiration from the movie, but overall, maps neither be overdetailed or underdetailed
  • The ending map of each episode should have exit switch in the similliar vain to this screenshot: 
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  • You can claim two maps at a time. And please just dont claim map and then dissapear without a trace. If anything happened write it in the thread or DM me.
  • You can suggest additional textures up to five per person!
  • Adding your music is encouraged either its midi version of the soundtrack from the respective movie, or a midi inspired by them you made yourself
  • And if anything you can always ask me questions! But dont forget that i can be busy or sleeping, so i cant always answer on time


Guidelines of map submission:

 Number of you map, then your nickname, and version of the map, plus if you want to submit the music with, its should be a midi.

In the end the name of the file should be like this: Map14SpaceCat_2001v0.1




Project should be finished somewhere near the New Year holidays. But its a subject for change




And this is important we have a google drive, where you will post your maps and music, and it has needed texture pack!





 01 Red Letter Day - SpaceCat_2001
 02 Victory Turbines -
 03 Proll District -
 04 Route Kanal - Silhouette 03
 05 Ministry of Truth -

 06 MCPD -
 07 Trash Compactor -
 08 Collector's flat  -
 09 Holy Grounds - Dmh094
 10 There can be only One -

 11 Maximum Security - scientifikgenius 
 12 The Lone Tower -
 13 Dead Flat - 
 14 Cannibal Boulevard - SpaceCat_2001
 15 Theatre of Carnage -

 16 Evil Cabin -
 17 Forest -
 18 Hard Rain - 
 19 Keith Town -  
 20 Church of Saint Pucci -  

 21 Eden -
 22 Oil Rig -
 23 Smokers Ship -
 24 Underbelly -
 25 Everest -

 26 Megacity -
 27 The Last Resort Bar -
 28 Arghir Mines -
 29 UAC HQ - Dmh094
 30 Ancient Aliens -

Secret Levels:
 31 [Redacted] - jo2ukegappy
 32 From Dusk till Doom - 

 33 ? - [reserved]



Screenshots of MAP01 and Map14 i made:

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A BIG Thanks to @DoomGappy for formating the post!



maybe share this in the amalgoom thread, maybe you'll get some mappers

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11 hours ago, DoomGappy said:

The older looks good, I guess I just wanted that grey water I've seen in some wads. Damn, I wanna drink Bishkek choccy milk now.

Its not a great idea to drink from our waterchannels though


Edited by SpaceCat_2001

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5 hours ago, scientifikgenius said:

@SpaceCat_2001 do u think a possible secret robocop map could be possible? the first movie was in 1987 so it fits with the theme

It could be done, we are using mapinfo anyhow, but its just i would need to make textures for it, and the problem is, which scenes we will use as a reference for the secret level about Robocop? Abandoned Factory? The lab where robocop was made? The HQ of the company that made robocop? Thus textures would be made accordingly, it would be just easier to make DOOMMAX 2 with another set of movies that includes Robocop, and obviously will have these locations aswell

Edited by SpaceCat_2001

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I've just fallen into this very interesting project. Aware of this, however, I'd like to make a suggestion that may be controversial (and that will make @DoomGappy roll his eyes):


In the experience I had making my last map, El Chavo del Doom, it became clear that the best format for creating narrative maps with a Duke Nukem 3D feel is UDMF. I can even help set up the file and teach you basic scripting and decoration.


UDMF would give mappers immense creative freedom. This, on the other hand, means establishing some new rules, limiting the mappers a little as to which elements can and can't be used (can sections of more than one floor be used? What about ramp-shaped sections? Is it allowed to use lamps, decoration, new monsters, without first contacting the administrator?).


Anyway. I think it's a question that's well worth discussing, and if you decide to adopt it, I'm happy to help in any way I can. If you don’t, I will make my map within the current guidelines.

Edited by The Royal We

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1 hour ago, The Royal We said:

I've just fallen into this very interesting project. Aware of this, however, I'd like to make a suggestion that may be controversial (and that will make @DoomGappy roll his eyes):


In the experience I had making my last map, El Chavo del Doom, it became clear that the best format for creating narrative maps with a Duke Nukem 3D feel is UDMF. I can even help set up the file and teach you basic scripting and decoration.


UDMF would give mappers immense creative freedom. This, on the other hand, means establishing some new rules, limiting the mappers a little as to which elements can and can't be used (can sections of more than one floor be used? What about ramp-shaped sections? Is it allowed to use lamps, decoration, new monsters, without first contacting the administrator?).


Anyway. I think it's a question that's well worth discussing, and if you decide to adopt it, I'm happy to help in any way I can. If you don’t, I will make my map within the current guidelines.


Contrary to what you have said, I also think this project which wants to be more narrative driven would benefit from changing its format to UDMF. I advise you guys to play his El Chavo del Doom map, even though its a very niche theme outside of Brazil and Mexico, just to see what can be accomplished in narrative terms using that format. It's something I wouldn't discard as a possibility if I were @SpaceCat_2001. It might also be a good learning opportunity for me and the rest of the team.

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idk i'm already doing well even without using UDMF. i prefer using MBF/boom over stuff like UDMF because of its more simple layout and features as well as the compatibility of MBF/boom compared to UDMF

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9 hours ago, SpaceCat_2001 said:

It could be done, we are using mapinfo anyhow, but its just i would need to make textures for it, and the problem is, which scenes we will use as a reference for the secret level about Robocop? Abandoned Factory? The lab where robocop was made? The HQ of the company that made robocop? Thus textures would be made accordingly, it would be just easier to make DOOMMAX 2 with another set of movies that includes Robocop, and obviously will have these locations aswell

probably the HQ of the company that created robocop leading into the lab

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3 hours ago, The Royal We said:

I've just fallen into this very interesting project. Aware of this, however, I'd like to make a suggestion that may be controversial (and that will make @DoomGappy roll his eyes):


In the experience I had making my last map, El Chavo del Doom, it became clear that the best format for creating narrative maps with a Duke Nukem 3D feel is UDMF. I can even help set up the file and teach you basic scripting and decoration.


UDMF would give mappers immense creative freedom. This, on the other hand, means establishing some new rules, limiting the mappers a little as to which elements can and can't be used (can sections of more than one floor be used? What about ramp-shaped sections? Is it allowed to use lamps, decoration, new monsters, without first contacting the administrator?).


Anyway. I think it's a question that's well worth discussing, and if you decide to adopt it, I'm happy to help in any way I can. If you don’t, I will make my map within the current guidelines.

It turns out there's more recreations of la vecindad than i expected. I also made a recreation in my first wad. It doesn't hold up for my standards, ti has some issues with the textures, but i actually enjoy to replaying it

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