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Ultra-Nightmare Saves

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Is there a way to preserve save files of UN runs?


As someone who's played the game many times, UV is fun but kinda easy, Nightmare is irritating, but Ultra-Nightmare is a horror experience, like Doom 3. Any slight breeze might cause you to gib, so you're always on edge, turning corners, trying to get the enemies ASAP when they spawn in. It is identical to Nightmare, but when you know you have infinite continues, you're less careful because you'll get it eventually. This causes you to play sloppy and fail more often, leading to more deaths, which gets annoying. Ultra-Nightmare demands perfection, and it also forces you to consider trade-offs, how and when to approach certain secrets, particularly since one bad fall results in death, unlike in Eternal where it's just a hit. 


Anyway, I enjoy the playstyle, but I've always felt that UN would be more accessible if you could save progress between levels and if you die, it resets to beginning of the level (like classic Doom pistol start when you die). That way you still have to play the level over which is punishing, and you have to play the game very cautiously to ensure you survive, so the horror vibe is still there, but it's less time wasted when you fail.


All that said, does anybody know if it's possible to keep your save file on UN? 

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The whole point of UN is that it is a permadeath mode, one mistake and that's it -  which for me always made it much more fun because of that. I've completed the game on UN three times, and the thrills of success are sure something. However, I once experienced a situtation on UN where the game crashed after right after I died in Kadingir Sanctum and to my surprise the savegame was still there. I started the game again from the map and immediately after loading my health started to fall towards zero and it would do the same every time I would load up the save. So, there seems to be a somekind of failsafe for situations like that. You can save between levels though, once you've completed them if it's too much to do the whole game at one go.

Edited by Kristian Nebula

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