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Decoration thingy

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Let's get straight to the point: how do I make CVAR-dependant death state?

To clarify: we have lamps. Normally, they just shine (Or don't shine), and you can't hit them.

However, I want to make them destructible, when the appropriate CVAR is used.

Edited by Grieferus

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Okay, pretty simple. You can do it either in decorate or in zscript.


    TNT1 A 0 {
        if ( GetCvar("cvar_isshining") ) {
            return resolveState("Death_shine");
        } else {
            return resolveState("Death_Normal");
        return resolveState(null);
    // stuff
    // stuff


    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(GetCvar("cvar_isshining"), "Death_shine")
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(!GetCvar("cvar_isshining"), "Death_Normal")
    //intentional fallthrough
    // stuff
    // stuff

And a little clarification, if ( GetCvar("cvar_isshining") ) means GetCvar("cvar_isshining") equals true, while ( !GetCvar("cvar_isshining") ) means GetCvar("cvar_isshining") equals false.

Edited by ramon.dexter

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    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(CallACS("environmenttoggle")==0, "Death_shine")
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(CallACS("environmenttoggle")==1, "Death_Normal")
    //don't really know what goto should be here
    LAMP AB 2 A_PlaySound("glassbreak")
	TNT1 AAAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("GlassPiece",random(-2,2),random(-2,2),random(47,49),random(4,8),0,random(5,10),random(0,360),0,80)
	LAMP B -1
    Goto Spawn

If I got this right.

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Got it!

Now that I'm thinking, I could do this with other decorations.

The problem is... Well, they're randomized (Although, it's optional), so it seems that the only viable option is to make a separate actor for each randomized decoration (To prevent, for example, skulls appearing from a stick with only a head).

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Just a heads-up, you'll only want to use the DECORATE version if you're targeting Zandronum, ACE Engine, or some other non-gzdoom port. For GZDoom itself, go with ZScript so you don't lock yourself out of the power of the language for when you'll inevitably need it.

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I'm using old version of GZDoom, which supports ZScript, but I don't know how different the syntax of its version of ZScript is from newer ones.

Edited by Grieferus

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The basic syntax is the same in all versions, pretty much -- later versions add new features, functions, and whatnot, but the example posted uses some pretty basic stuff (GetCvar and ResolveState have been around for a long while). Give it a shot.

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