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[Boom Map] Hades' Bridgehead

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Port: PRBoom+ (tested), should also work with GZDoom tho mouselook is not recommanded for this map (nor is jumping)


IWad: Doom II

Single map on MAP01

Name: Hades' Bridgehead

Third map I've created. I have been playing with all the features that boom offers so this won't work in a vanilla source port. Mainly a techbase style of level with some hellish elements creeping in.

Difficulty levels have been implemented and there is over 200 monsters on UV.

Standard Doom story, demons have attacked your base, your the sole suvivior etc etc, so grab the BFG and get to some demon killing action.

Edit: Updated WAD with extra Super Shotgun and fix a couple of broken teleporters











Edited by BillyBones

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Played on UV. Very fun to play through. The Berserk seems to be right after getting a MegaSphere, and there were other parts of the map I was much lower on health. It was just me being blind, but I missed the Blue Key entirely and ran around the map twice until I found it. I think part of it was that I hadn't noticed it when I was in the lower section, and the ambush on the upper section is quite severe, so I forgot why I was even up there after clearing the enemies out.


Very enjoyable map.

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Mostly good, but the SSG location is not very obvious and thusly, incredibly easy to miss. Everything else was very cool. The Cyberdemon was admittedly expected but the exit room....well, that was a serious 'whoa' moment.




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1 hour ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Mostly good, but the SSG location is not very obvious and thusly, incredibly easy to miss. Everything else was very cool. The Cyberdemon was admittedly expected but the exit room....well, that was a serious 'whoa' moment.





Bloody hell its amazing you did the yellow key section without the SSG (even with quick saves). Sorry about that. I'm gonna update the wad to add an extra SSG in an unmissable location in that area so that no else will have to suffer like you did. 


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Tried and failed to complete the first revenant encounter a few times and gave up, turns out I can't dodge to save my life today. I'll try again later, as the map itself looks very interesting and challenging.

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Alright, I played to your map. And that was pretty good ! I liked the idea to see the map being "transformed" as spending time on it. This reminds me some "Dreamblood" maps. Nicely done ! ;)

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Really cool and enjoyable map. The teleporters in the room with the Pain Elementals, The Chaingunners and The Cacodemon where you walk on a wooden bridge don't work. Looks like you forgot to put the teleport destination, the lines are still green.

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7 minutes ago, angelomerz said:

Really cool and enjoyable map. The teleporters in the room with the Pain Elementals, The Chaingunners and The Cacodemon where you walk on a wooden bridge don't work. Looks like you forgot to put the teleport destination, the lines are still green.


Ah shoot, Updated wad to fix that. Thanks

Edited by BillyBones

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Map is a bit short. Just grab the bfg, one small fight and then you can exit :-). I did a legit fda too: hb-ryiron.zip


I like the hellish techbase theme. The combat gets a bit doorway fighty in places, but there's some good traps. 

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