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More Night Dive Remasters Announced: Turok 3 and Dark Forces

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Speaking of multiplayer Turok games, I am noticing people complaining about Turok 3 Remastered lacking a multiplayer component. Is that really a big deal or is Turok 3's multiplayer more or less the same thing as Turok 2's?

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On 12/1/2023 at 1:34 PM, Rudolph said:

What makes Turok 3 only a "okay-ish" game again?


I was actually rather excited about this one, but given the price and the mixed opinions, I am having second thoughts right now.


Price wise you might just want to wait. I'm okay personally paying that price for a solid retro FPS experience but it is a little high. I'm playing the game for the first time just now, I never played it on the N64 originally. The remaster is excellent, the game looks fantastic. It is weird how much it throws away from Turok 1 and 2's game design. Which is both a bad... but also good thing. 


I could see myself replaying Turok 3 because it's short and to the point in comparison to 2. With 2 I finally finished it thanks to the remaster a couple of years ago, but I don't know if I honestly would ever replay it, it's so long and labyrinthian. Honestly the original save point based experience was probably well above even the likes of Hexen in terms of progression frustration. 


Turok 3's level design is fine, I think it's getting better as it goes along, I'm over halfway into the third of five chapters. It is super linear, but, in practice it's not too different an experience from say Quake 2. I don't think it's trying to be Half Life, Half Life's thing was no cut scenes. But I think it could be compared to Quake 2 only it tries for a story. 

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Yeah, a focused linear experience is oftentimes better than a meandering one. It is probably why I struggled with Metroid Prime, which in many ways is essentially Turok 2's spiritual successor. I see that Turok 3 Remastered is about the same price here as Roboquest, so I will take your advice and wait.

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  • 2 months later...

So the Dark Forces remaster is out:

At 8:45 he mentions "a playable version of an old Dark Forces demo" included as bonus content, which I'm assuming is the "lost" level aboard a Star Destroyer? It is mentioned in the FAQ:


8.5 What happened to the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mission? =============================================================== The DF box shows a Mission aboard an Imperial-class STD that doesn't appear in the game. Daron Stinnett has this to say: Originally, that was our first level. It was a really well designed level, but we decided that it was too big for the first level of the game. We were concerned that the puzzles were too difficult and that the level was too non-linear for beginners. So instead we created the secret imperial base. Much of the geometry for the Imperial-class Star Destroyer was carried over to the Executor. But the mission was different, so not all of the geometry could be reused.


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2 hours ago, MrFlibble said:

At 8:45 he mentions "a playable version of an old Dark Forces demo" included as bonus content, which I'm assuming is the "lost" level aboard a Star Destroyer? It is mentioned in the FAQ:

Yes. The Avenger level has been dug up from the archives and restored to playability by Lucius. It's available in the Vault menu.

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Just to clarify, that level was not intended for the demo during development, or was it? The quote from the FAQ implies that this was just the original first level of the full game.

Would've been cool if the demo contained a unique level not found in the retail game.

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9 hours ago, MrFlibble said:

Just to clarify, that level was not intended for the demo during development, or was it? The quote from the FAQ implies that this was just the original first level of the full game.

Would've been cool if the demo contained a unique level not found in the retail game.

The Vault description says it was used in an expo demo build shown at CES before it was cut.

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Right, an expo demo. I forgot about that. But these are quite often rather incomplete, like that non-playable HoMM1 demo.

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On 2/29/2024 at 11:35 AM, Kinsie said:

Yes. The Avenger level has been dug up from the archives and restored to playability by Lucius. It's available in the Vault menu.


omg! Lucasarts predicted the Disney buyout back in 1995!!!!

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