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@ABearInThaWoods I'll check out the updated version now. I had written out a chunk of feedback for your original version last night after I replayed it a couple times, but I forgot to post it lol.

Update: I've played through the map and I definitely enjoy the new monsters. However, I'm beginning to think that the greater problem lies with the layout of the map itself. I've taken a hammer and in my cowboy (Doom) builder fashion attempted to crack it open a little, missing textures be damned. Some other ideas I had which I didn't implement were teleporter gates as well as having all the platforms raised from the get go (and the switches revealed in the same order you've laid out already.) I realise my alterations have  affected gameplay, but it's only a demonstration of different methods of opening the map up a little.


Edited by FletcherHonoroma

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9 hours ago, SG. said:



Good map, but I have some small nitpicks:

-Dont really see the reason for all the cacos that spawn in starting place during final fight, most of them just stuck here and do nothing

-I would have swapped the placement of rocket launcher and plasma gun in the final fight, cuz plasma is essential for the fight, and yet, first thing you see is rocket, cuz you go in spiral-like way. And considering the fight is pretty chaotic and fast it may be a bit, "uncomfortable" sort of, for learning the arena and item placement

But last one is huge imo. Other than that good map

Stuck cacos again? uurrggh.... i'll take a look when i have free time. 


the weapon placement shall be swapped then. I suspect rocket  became more visible with the light effect, so I've swaped them around immidietly.


I did find the cacodemons getting stuck that you were talking about so i swaped that around. But I expect to have more changes coming up. let's just say there are some gateway issues lol. Thanks for the feedback, I like nitpicks because sometimes it can make  or break a map. Current solution is temporary, I don't like the light effect either, so v1 will have more significant changes. This is just a hotfix release.


Current(Latest) edition with hotfifxes: LeakageV099_1.zip


J'll also update my previous post. 

Edited by tumedaskihutaja_37685

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2 hours ago, EagerBeaver said:

@Yop, I made some cosmetic changes to my map (first of all, I changed some switch textures) and also triple-checked all difficulty flags.


So, this is the final version.



Red House with Demons Inside v1.02.7z


As I mentioned when I played this map on stream, it's a really fun and well constructed map. The way you have managed the space in this little house is really impressive. It goes to show that you don't have to use every single map unit of the 1K/1K space in order to make something really nice. That teleport jamboree with the fodder enemies and the super shotty will never not be fun. Really good stuff! 


I did notice one thing about the switch by the two chaingunners, it's set to the SW2 texture so it appears off after it's flipped. I'm not sure if this was intended but I figured I would mention it. I didn't really see any other texture issues.


50 minutes ago, tumedaskihutaja_37685 said:

Stuck cacos again? uurrggh.... i'll take a look when i have free time. 


the weapon placement shall be swapped then. I suspect rocket  became more visible with the light effect, so I've swaped them around immidietly.


I did find the cacodemons getting stuck that you were talking about so i swaped that around. But I expect to have more changes coming up. let's just say there are some gateway issues lol. Thanks for the feedback, I like nitpicks because sometimes it can make  or break a map. Current solution is temporary, I don't like the light effect either, so v1 will have more significant changes. This is just a hotfix release.


Current(Latest) edition with hotfifxes: LeakageV099_1.zip


J'll also update my previous post. 


I've been playing the versions of this map as they've been posted and while this newer version feels better to play I'm not sure you really need over 120 enemies in such a small space. The fights tend to get bogged down into holding a corner or a doorway and waiting for baddies to walk through. You could probably use half of the monsters and create a more dangerous map if you were to try to pincer the player a bit more with pressure from forward, backward, and above. Part of the frustration has to do with enemies hanging out on higher levels that you just wouldn't see unless you're using mouselook. I will say that I love the caco swarm, the arachnotron bully that prevents backtracking, and the way you used the viles. I also got caught by spectres pretty often because of how crazy the action was, I would just lose track of them. 


This map definitely has some promise to it and I feel like it's close to being really great. If I have a chance I'll try to do a short stream or a video this week to kind of spitball ideas of what could be done to help improve it. 


7 hours ago, FletcherHonoroma said:

@ABearInThaWoods I'll check out the updated version now. I had written out a chunk of feedback for your original version last night after I replayed it a couple times, but I forgot to post it lol.

Update: I've played through the map and I definitely enjoy the new monsters. However, I'm beginning to think that the greater problem lies with the layout of the map itself. I've taken a hammer and in my cowboy (Doom) builder fashion attempted to crack it open a little, missing textures be damned. Some other ideas I had which I didn't implement were teleporter gates as well as having all the platforms raised from the get go (and the switches revealed in the same order you've laid out already.) I realise my alterations have  affected gameplay, but it's only a demonstration of different methods of opening the map up a little.



I appreciate an outside look of my map. There are absolutely some threads of ideas that I like here, so I think I'll try to work some of those into a future version despite what I said earlier. I think a spark of inspiration was needed to get the creative juices flowing again! 


Some things that I noticed about your changes and what they illustrate to me

- I do agree that the health needs to be spread out some more

- I need to open things up a bit to allow more freedom of movement

- Forcing players to eat even a minor bit of floor damage to progress isn't fun, even if it's only 5HP. 

- Those up/down lifts are fantastic ideas. I just need to secure the BFG platforms a little to prevent players from getting them too early.

- I like the idea of the Arachnotron sniper but I'm not sold on it's position

- I need other places for the player to exit the front slime pit or I need to speed the existing lift up


I'll take these ideas back to the workshop and figure something out to address these spots. Thanks again for checking it out!

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4 hours ago, EagerBeaver said:

@Yop, I made some cosmetic changes to my map (first of all, I changed some switch textures) and also triple-checked all difficulty flags.


There is an error in the top line of the MAPINFO lump. The title of the map needs to be between quotation marks. I had to correct it myself to be able to play it in LZDoom. It won't run on GZDoom as well until it's fixed. I will give it a playthrough now, and write back.



Okay, that was quick. It is indeed a very cool little house map. The layout is as good as it can be for such a small structure, and you even restricted yourself more by adding a little yard outside and going below the restriction for the actual house. The central teleport massacre is the highlight of the fights, while the rest can be dealt with by peeking and taking cover around corners. No complaints from me, for map 03 i think this is a perfect match.

Edited by Tangra

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17 minutes ago, ABearInThaWoods said:

I appreciate an outside look of my map. There are absolutely some threads of ideas that I like here, so I think I'll try to work some of those into a future version despite what I said earlier. I think a spark of inspiration was needed to get the creative juices flowing again! 

Not at all. Frankly, I was a bit hesitant to post that for fear of seeming rude or unfairly critical, really I was just trying to put forward my suggestions for improving the map. I realise that it may have been a little blunt, but it was the easiest way to get some of my suggestions across - I'm simply no painter of words. So I'm glad that you've taken what I said in stride. I really do like the map and think you've come up with something really unique, and particularly challenging to make within an already challenging set of rules.

41 minutes ago, ABearInThaWoods said:

Some things that I noticed about your changes and what they illustrate to me


I think the health could do with being eked out a bit more generously, perhaps with the inclusion of the up/down lifts you can place more dispensers in different locations. In regards to the dispensers, I think they're a really cool feature and definitely an interesting inclusion. A couple proudly displayed at the beginning (maybe on the cyberdemon sewage fountain,) would be helpful in teaching the player that SW1BRNGN textures signify a health dispenser.

On my first playthrough, I must've spent a minute trying to shoot that dispenser on the backwall thinking that was the next switch for progression. In the version I had sent, I placed an Imp by the elevator, but I had forgotten to make it deaf so it abandoned it's post, but a monster there to sign post that the elevator is the next point of progression would be helpful too.

As for opening things up, the thing you most want to avoid is the bottleneck which occurs on the stairs, it becomes all too easy for them to completely block the stairs or just line up single file for a bite of knuckle sandwich.
The Arachnotron I just slapped there, I wasn't entirely sold on it myself, but I took an everything, but the kitchen sink approach lol

Another way to exit the slime pit might be helpful and also a way of leaving the starting peninsula, again, if you find yourself there it becomes a complete bottleneck.

I appreciate your ability to seriously take on board any criticism given your way, and I'm glad that you may find use of some of the ideas suggested. In spite of all I've said, you've got a really exciting map and a great cap to the megawad.

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7 hours ago, ABearInThaWoods said:

I've been playing the versions of this map as they've been posted and while this newer version feels better to play I'm not sure you really need over 120 enemies in such a small space. The fights tend to get bogged down into holding a corner or a doorway and waiting for baddies to walk through. You could probably use half of the monsters and create a more dangerous map if you were to try to pincer the player a bit more with pressure from forward, backward, and above. Part of the frustration has to do with enemies hanging out on higher levels that you just wouldn't see unless you're using mouselook. I will say that I love the caco swarm, the arachnotron bully that prevents backtracking, and the way you used the viles. I also got caught by spectres pretty often because of how crazy the action was, I would just lose track of them. 


This map definitely has some promise to it and I feel like it's close to being really great. If I have a chance I'll try to do a short stream or a video this week to kind of spitball ideas of what could be done to help improve it. 


I will  be updating it next week because this week..well... busy busy :D

I do agree on the monster ledges, especially the annoying one at the start.

I could probably end up with quarter of the monsters eventually. At the moment, they fill the role of fodder or ammunition, hence the high count. It doesn't help that AI keeps getting stuck. I even created a teleport conveyor for that caco swarm but it got a bit too big and now interferes with the rest of the map. 

I also don't think I need the barons or hell knights so that thing is up for looks as well. I'll probably throw a few more bones or rearrange some boners.

One thing I really, really hate is the beginning. 

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I've updated my Map06 to hopefully be a little more on par with the rest of the wad. I was really inspired by the wonderful submissions you have all been making and realised it wasn't fair for me to submit something which I had only put a couple of hours of effort into, when it's clear that so much effort has been poured into each and every one of your own maps. I was particularly motivated to do this by @ABearInThaWoods' Map05 and Map30 submissions, which although by my previous posts it appears I am giving him a hard time for, his inventive use of linedef actions in Map05 as well as voodoo dolls in Map30 allowed me to realise this updated version of map06.

All feedback is welcome and if anybody can record a demo, that would be greatly useful in figuring out the timing of a few fights.
I would be particularly interested in hearing about:

  • The Archvile pillar fight. Is this room too dark? Lol
  • The arachnotron fight. Is this room an overstuffed turkey? Is there enough health here?
  • The final fight. Is this timed well? Is the health and ammo not generous enough?

Please take special note that the appearance of the map is very much unfinished, and isn't representative of how it'll look when it's finished - I'm waiting for feedback before I begin to detail and texture in case I should have to make any drastic changes to the map's layout. I hope you like Startan and missing textures lol


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@ABearInThaWoods, @Tangra, thanks for playing and reviewing!


Now, I need to answer your questions.


Yes, the "reverse textured" switches were intentional. The main idea was that these switches were already activated by demons, and the player de-activates them to open doors and lower the yellow key. But while watching Bear's VODs I've remembered, that some Doom-tuber mentioned in one of their videos (I think it was decino in one of his playthroughs, but I may be wrong), that "reverse textured" switches may be confusing, because in that case you can't really tell, that you activated this particular switch or not. So, in the end I decided to make skull switches look normal.


18 hours ago, Tangra said:

There is an error in the top line of the MAPINFO lump.


Yes, that's my fault, I can be a bit absent-minded sometimes and forget about basic things. Thanks for noticing.


Here's the version with fixed MAPINFO

Red House with Demons Inside v1.02.wad.7z

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@EagerBeaver - MAP03 - Red House with Demons Inside

Really loved this one. Choosing a house as the setting for your map was smart since it works well within the rules of the Community Megawad, and you've excellently utilised the space to make it feel like it has a three dimensionality to it. Mowing down fodder is endlessly fun and you've nicely punctuated it with fights with tougher monsters. This map also includes some of the best secrets I've found so far lol


Really entertaining and replayable. 

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On 9/8/2023 at 3:15 AM, Yop said:

This is a check up post for those who have not said much since taking a slot
@Engired @Emperor S P O O N @Solmyr @dolanmolan @NinjaDelphox @Pegleg @raddicted

How are you progressing with your maps? if you've even started that is.
Simply checking in so that i know how far along everyone is since maps were coming in at a rapid rate.

I'm making good progress. The deadline is still the end of the year, correct? I plan on taking full advantage of the time to work on my map at a pace that fits with other things going on in my life.

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13 hours ago, dolanmolan said:

The deadline is still the end of the year, correct?

The deadline is still the end of this year.
I will shorten it if there's like 1-2 maps left to be completed to speed things up.
Also if anyone is interested in wanting to partake in MAP33, please also submit. 
If you want an idea on what to do for MAP33 then take a look at either mine of S.Gs entries.
All map33 entries should also end with the Teleporter flat as all entries will be connected together and also include what tags were used, as to not conflict with any other entries.
for those check Raiths, mine and S.Gs map33 posts :)
Oh and @Gothic Box and @FletcherHonoroma
Is map24 going smoothly or even started?

Edited by Yop

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Alright I've got updates for both of my maps.


[Map05 - Thin Walls Fall v3]




There wasn't much to change here, I felt the map was pretty much what I wanted it to be. Something relatively easy with enough detail to be interesting. I changed some light levels and added some little touches. The difficulty levels are not significantly different but I feel they're distinct enough. Barring any huge testing problems I'm gonna call this one done.


[Map30 - Toxic Pool Party v3]




Taking in some of the suggestions @FletcherHonoroma gave me I reworked how the map flows by allowing the player more freedom of movement. There are additional dispensers as well. Platforms were added to the front pool that will allow the player to get back up without having to use the lift and get boxed in. More health has been dropped around the map and extra cells were added to better ensure the map could be completed. The map still has a healthy difficulty but I feel it's more in line with what I believe is fair. More importantly, the map feels more FUN now, which is ultimately my goal in mapping anything. The map has also been given some beautification and is looking more interesting. Sometimes just throwing down lines solves the problem of a map looking bland. Similarly with Map05 I believe this close to being complete. If there are any huge problems brought up during testing I'll address them.


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Map Name: Urnacefay
Map Number: 29
Song Used: Custom Song - Alexwow
Custom Textures: None used.
Download: here
Author: raddicted





Edited by raddicted

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21 hours ago, raddicted said:

Map Name: Urnacefay
Map Number: 29
Song Used: Custom Song - Alexwow
Custom Textures: None used.
Download: here
Author: raddicted


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Great map, makes great use of the space and is a really tough gauntlet before map 30.

The main problem is there is almost no ammo for the first 2 keys which makes it a lot harder. I ended up having to play on HMP and it should be UV in my opinion, it is balanced while UV feels a bit ridiculous.


I also found whatever this is:


Screenshot 2023-09-14 185618.png

Look at where the blood flows to and you will see a weird gray line. I think that pool should be lowered into the ground by 4 or so pixels and it will look a lot better.


Another problem I had is the BFG and soulsphere being stacked on one another made it so I did not grab it and that gave me problems during the chaos which is the final fight.

I also think the exit pedestal looks

a bit weird.


Really good job!


Edited by Raith138

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16 hours ago, raddicted said:

Map Name: Urnacefay
Map Number: 29
Song Used: Custom Song - Alexwow
Custom Textures: None used.
Download: here
Author: raddicted


  Reveal hidden contents




Man, what a map. This one is beautiful, difficult, and really fun to play. Combat is smooth and violent too, its got everything you could ever want from a Doom map and still manages to come in within the 1k1k rule. Once I got to the Cyberdemon room I thought the scrolling textures were a platform lowering, then I noticed that the map was in cl9 format. Its technically outside of the rules but I think its totally within the spirit of the project. It would be a shame to lose this map over something like that, but if required to reformat it to cl2 it wouldnt lose any of its punch. The only thing that would really be affected would be the sleeping Hell Knights teleporting in after the yellow key. The monster closets should still work besides the exterior touch teleport walls.


Really awesome map, I still havent managed to clear it on UV but I've been within 10 monsters. One thing I didnt like was being forced to pick up the Soulsphere by the yellow key. I wasnt able to grab the key alone so it felt wasted, since Ive been doing the Rev/Vile ambush without the Mega. Maybe set the key away from the other items so the player can choose when they grab the powerups.

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I'm really sorry, folks, but I think I have to drop out of this project. The ever increasing pressure from my college professors combined with the blanks my mind keeps drawing whenever I try to brainstorm an idea for my map gives me the sense that I don't think I can pull it off. I might have bitten off more than I can chew, which is ironic considering that the map size is the smallest that I've ever had to work around.

Again, really sorry to have wasted everyone's time here.

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1 hour ago, Emperor S P O O N said:

Again, really sorry to have wasted everyone's time here

Don't worry, its still a lot of time till the deadline, and few of the other maps are still WIP/not submitted, so you didn't waste time for anyone, I think

GL with college stuff :)

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On 9/1/2023 at 7:28 PM, Blue Phoenix said:

I'd like a slot if ones available.


this far from finished(weapons and monsters have barely been placed)

It does have a secret exit, this can be changed if need be.


blood canyon.zip

A spot has opened up, are you wanting to take it?

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6 minutes ago, Blue Phoenix said:

yes please


very well then MAP07 is all yours!

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New updated version of my map. Less slaughter, and may still have bugs. I've been having some issues with monster teleporters opening up correctly. It currently works on my machine, but I'm not sure how it acts on other machines.





  • Delayed the cacodemon spawn
  • Start is now rougher, but also easier to manage.
  • HMP and HNTR have some demon changes


New version download: Leakage_v1_01.zip





Update: Closets now work properly

V1 has finally released! All difficulties implemented and tested.

Expected issues:

  • HMP may need one revenant replaced with hell knight or bunch of imps (Similar HP value)
  • There was a slimetrail I hopefully fixed, have not been able to reproduce it so far.


Fixed issues:

  • All closets now should properly port out enemies on all difficulties
  • Accidental exiting of level by walking through a window has now been fixed (Wtf UDB?)
  • Ammunition is now either just right or plentiful, depending on how well you orient yourself in chaos, and if you can make the jump. Health is as scarce as it is intended, forcing the player to be more careful when low, but rewarding the player if he gets past the hordes with sufficient enough health
  • Some nice satisfying gibbing action added, but you need to be quick to take advantage of that. Or you might just gib yourself.


Download: Leakage v1.zip



To do:

  • HMP and HNTR Implementation
  • LineDef Clean Up
  • Apparently bugfixing (added to agenda 17/09)


Download: Leakage v09_99.zip



Edited by tumedaskihutaja_37685
20/09: Changed some stuff around. Hopefully the map is finished.

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Time for some more playtesting. I will go through all the maps in order, if i can beat them all.







@Yop have you considered adding the download links to the maps in the main post? It really is rather difficult for playtesting to have to go through all the pages and use the search option to find the maps. What is worse, you don't even have the names of the maps listed there, so i have to search them by author, and go through hundreds and hundreds of unrelated discussion posts, until i find the download links. Even then i can't be 100% sure if i have the latest versions of the maps. This will create a lot of trouble for playtesters going forward. I assume you have all the latest versions of the maps on your PC, so if you don't want to go through the same trouble of searching the pages for the links, just re-upload them yourself and add the links to the front page... You can even upload them in one zip file, as long as the names of the maps, corresponding slots and authors names are there as well to make it less confusing.


Anyway, here's your first map. I didn't notice any changes since the last time i played it, which was some time ago. I tried to point out some misaligned textures in the video, under two of the door frames.





By the way, the maps are not public on youtube, they will remain hidden for good. I made the channel solely for map testing.

Edited by Tangra

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@Tangra Nice to see some more playthroughs of people's maps. It's always interesting to see how other people tackle them. I've got a few maps I've played which I shamefully still haven't left reviews and some I've yet to play.

My updated Map 06 is in a sorry looking state, but I'd interested to see how someone else plays it. Things such as timing on the last fight, as well as ammo and health distribution may need work.

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1 hour ago, Raith138 said:


That is an outdated version.


That's what i was afraid of. By having to search for each map individually through the pages, mistakes like this will happen. Is there any significant changes in your latest version? Tell me if i missed something interesting by playing the older version.


@EagerBeaver i think i've downloaded the latest version of the map (v1.02 correct?). I think i've messed something up, but i'm not entirely sure. I somehow got stuck when i picked up the key on the second floor of the house, on the way down i was blocked by the big door in the hallway, and i couldn't figure out how to open it. I had to noclip through the wall to finish the map. If this is a bug, it is possible that it only occurs in ZDoom ports, so please, take a look at the video and tell me if i messed up this playthrough, or is there a possible softlock. I remember beating the map the first time, but i have no memory if this door even closed in that run.




 @ABearInThaWoods it's been some time since i played your map 05, it almost felt like a blind playthrough, and some fights got me by surprise. I haven't noticed any issues, so i have nothing to report. I messed up by the end and couldn't clear everything, as i step through the exit by accident... but i still got close. Great stuff!




@FletcherHonoroma you don't have to worry about the state of your map. It doesn't need a lot of work. The look is good, the fights are fun as well, and the ammo is well-balanced, so much so, that the player might want to consider punching some demons. I did remember having to melee some revenants when i played it for the first time, so now i tried to save ammo and do the same thing, which was pretty reckless of me and got me in trouble.

All you need to fix is that pinky closet at the start, you'll see in the video, the invisible wall has black void on the sides, and at certain angles you see through the wall and into the sky... but that's only on ZDoom ports. I tried it PrBoom+ and this is how the whole wall looks:




Is the idea here to have an invisible wall? I'm not sure how that is done... should be a self-referencing sector, which is not something i've tried to do yet, but there are tutorials on youtube on how it's done. But really, you don't need this closet. The pinkies in it don't pose any threats, as they get release at the very end when there are no other monsters to fight. The hell knight in the exit room is a good enough blockade if you want to prevent the player to skip the final encounter, you can even replace him with a baron of hell for double assurance. If you still want to keep the pinkies, just have a normal wall with computer panel blocking them, or whatever you like to have there.

Also, the sides of the door that opens towards the red key need to be unpegged, you can see it in the video. There are a some misaligned textures in the big gray room with the arachnotron and the mancubus. And that's pretty much it, it's a good map, with fun fights, once you fix these minor issues, you're golden.





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I think i've messed something up


First of all, @Tangra, thanks again for playing/testing/reviewing. Second - no, you didn't mess anything up. The switch in storage room on the first floor opens the brown door. You've looked at it so many times during your playthrough but didn't activate it. It's a "reverse textured" switch (I decided to leave this one be as it is), so maybe it did confuse you. And the door in teleporter hallway closes again when you take the yellow key, yes, that's intentional.


Maybe I should change the switch in storage room too?

Edited by EagerBeaver

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By the way, everyone, I've noticed a strange bug in my level.


The pinky demon in the teleporter hallway is set to "Ambush" (and he also doesn't look at the window), but he still wakes up, if you stay on the left to the building and start shooting. What is the cause?


It looks like this.




Edited by EagerBeaver

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