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Alien Vendetta's intermission screen: Dem lensflare

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I usually don't do silly questions, but this question has been profoundly silly to me for too long of a time. And i figure the correct answer is something like ''touched up in Deluxe Paint'' or ''raytraced it lol'' whatever but let's summon the community to get a Gez-ian answer of fact.


Behold, Alien Vendetta's intermission screen:



A true classic and done by Kim Malde and Andy Johnsen, these are my questions:

  • The lensflare cast by the archvile: How was it made?
  • The dynamic light effect on the floor on the archvile: How was it made?
  • The subtle faded shadow from the bars behind the background: How was it made?
    • This latter one (And perhaps the above aswell?) i could chalk up to perhaps being raytraced of the sorts? Intermission screens were made this way, but the one here is really tasteful.


Thus concludes my silly question.

Edited by Redneckerz

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Would anything like those effects have been possible in Doomsday at the time? A screenshot taken in that seems like it could be a good starting point for additional touch-ups.

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The lensflare cast by the archvile: How was it made?

The dynamic light effect on the floor on the archvile: How was it made?


These are indeed jdoom features. Others probably too.

Edited by Hitherto

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On 8/23/2023 at 4:47 PM, SiFi270 said:

Would anything like those effects have been possible in Doomsday at the time? A screenshot taken in that seems like it could be a good starting point for additional touch-ups.


16 hours ago, Hitherto said:


These are indeed jdoom features. Others probably too.

I was originally thinking JDoom only supported Doom 1 (But i was confusing myself with Doom3D) so the above may very well be true. Atleast Doomsday was able to create dynamic lights on objects automatically, no conversion needed.


For the sake of clarity though, more info is needed. Was it indeed JDoom or Doomsday? And if so, why that choice? I do know that JDoom back in the day was a rather popular port before JDoom became a plugin (It was its own port for a long time) but its impact seems rather relegated to dozens of posts with not a lot of actual recognition.


So if JDoom was used for the AV intermission screen, that would be interesting.

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jdoom merely is subset of Doomsday engine which also includes jHeretic and jHexen. I'm 100% sure what these lensflares on lightsources are it's default feature and about 90% what all this picture is pure jDoom without any retouching. You can download latest Doomsday and try that map by yourself.

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On 8/25/2023 at 9:14 PM, Hitherto said:

jdoom merely is subset of Doomsday engine which also includes jHeretic and jHexen. I'm 100% sure what these lensflares on lightsources are it's default feature and about 90% what all this picture is pure jDoom without any retouching. You can download latest Doomsday and try that map by yourself.

This is definitely true today, but this wasn't the case back then. I wonder if this was still on the seperate JDoom binary or already somewhat unified in Doomsday. Its definitely a later version than JDoom 0.82 as that doesn't have DeHacked.


DEH support came in at Doomsday 1.5.3.


Then there was also DTest2, which was basically JDoom with a client-server framework (Or alternatively, CSJDoom.). It is significantly because that client-server code got dropped in subsequent releases, so DTest2, despite its name, is actually rather unique in the JDoom/Doomsday lineage.


Far as i understand, there are 4 versions of J-Ports:

  • Standalone (These cover from 1999 to around 2002 or so)
  • Intermediate Wrapper (2003-2004, carrying intermediate version numbers independent of the mainline Doomsday port)
  • Full plug-in (2004/2005)
  • Module (Part of Doomsday 2)

Some further historic info:



Edited by Redneckerz

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  • 4 weeks later...

Paintshop Pro (PSP) was widely used for doom graphic editing back then. I remember it having a lens flare effect like this. My money is on PSP or something similar.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The correct answer has been given in the thread, this is indeed a JDoom screenshot I took, which was slightly edited in some software of the day. :) The shadow cast by the bars in the back is part of the maps architecture / detailing.

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