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Posting my old, shitty, first doom map

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I was exposed to some first attempts for doom mapping, from friends and unknown people alike. Since i'm an asshole, i wanted to post my first doom map as well, to showcase how easy is to make basic mapping mistakes when you're starting at it.


The map was made in march 2021, and after that i dropped mapping in the aftermath of doing more unfinished experiments that would never see the light of day. I still map semiregularly, and planning to release a short wad with some more polished stuff.


Needless to say, this doesn't represent how i map now, and it should be played with a grain of salt


BTW sourceport is crispy doom, but it should work in woof, dsda, and even vanilla thanks to it being in doom 2 format.




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  On 8/25/2023 at 1:22 AM, Cutman 999 said:

Since i'm an asshole



Don't have shitty in the title. Have more confidence in your map, otherwise why would anyone want to play something acknowledged as shitty?

Don't title yourself as an asshole, it may or may not be true but it doesn't give people incentive to support you

Don't use .rar, use .zip

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  On 8/25/2023 at 1:29 AM, Decay said:


Don't have shitty in the title. Have more confidence in your map, otherwise why would anyone want to play something acknowledged as shitty?

Don't title yourself as an asshole, it may or may not be true but it doesn't give people incentive to support you

Don't use .rar, use .zip


Lmao, i say is shitty because well, is an old map i made like almost 3 years ago.

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If it's good enough to publish, then there's no reason to do such a strong self-deprecation routine, even if you're publishing it just as an example to encourage others. I cut this FDA short because I have to sleep soon and I spent some time earlier tonight recording a different FDA. The texturing is pretty gnarly, particularly the wooden doors in the interior sections, which blend into the wooden walls beside them and extend way up into the ceiling. The MIDI selection is great, though. It sounds like Touhou, or at least something Japanese, but I don't know what tune in particular. I had fun with it, and I would have pressed on if I didn't have to wrap it up for the night.


FDA recorded on DSDA-Doom 0.26.2 on complevel 2, no advanced HUD or automap used. voile01fda-mralexander.zip

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  On 8/25/2023 at 1:49 AM, Mr. Alexander said:

 The MIDI selection is great, though. It sounds like Touhou, or at least something Japanese, but I don't know what tune in particular. 




The midi is actually a touhou midi, Voile the magic library, basically the namesake of the wad. In my early mapping, i did a lot of weird things based on touhou music, because i wanted to try and make a mapset out of that idea. LMAO

Edited by Cutman 999

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It's not bad for a first map. My favorite part is the underground secret with archviles. The MIDI is pretty good as well.

Edited by Kwisior

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This map actually doesn't play too badly, it's rude and crude but I was never bored - the secrets were especially fun. But please don't withold an item cause ppl will be mad when they can't get 100% - other than that yeah nice way to kill 20 mins before bed haha



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