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E1M1 as a classic style TF2 map

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Ive decided to do some source mapping and had the idea to remake a classic map as if it was a tf2 map in the style of one made around the launch of the game, so a industrial BLU facility next to a rustic RED one (with spytech areas hidden away). E1M1 seemed like it would be an interesting choice to make (someone already made dust2). It will probably be a control point map, similar to junction in scale.


I am aware that there's already some E1M1 maps, a few exact replicas (and a few inexact ones), and one that uses TF2s space theme, but no one seems to have made one with an entirely different style like this.


Currently only the first room and the armor room (which is BLU spawn) exist and its mostly just a blockout right now.
The only layout change I'm planning on making right now is adding a way from BLU spawn to the door behind the original spawn point to help BLU escape from spawn camping as having just one exit from spawn is a bad idea. This is mostly just to practice with the art style but I do want it to be playable as well.




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Small update to this but i realized the sightlines could be really crazy, making the main exit from blu spawn a sniper induced nightmare so i added a catwalk and staircase (with the obligatory doors to nowhere and various containers stuffed under the stairs with a thin mesh of metal that can stop bullets. would it really be a tf2 map without a catwalk and junk stored under some stairs)


the catwalk also adds some much needed verticality to this part of map, since ftf2 maps tend to have multiple levels nearly everywhere. id imagine at the beginning of a round it would be a good place for red to try to hold but would then become pretty good for blu, giving a good view over the large outside area (might be where one of the control points will be, haven't decided how im going to handle it)


overall i dont want too add to many new features to the map but i will where it feels like its really needed


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still working on this, though I've hit a bit of a creative block on what to do with this room


I want to keep this one as geometrically close as possible to the original since walking into this room is such an iconic moment but translating that into a wooden industrial looking setting is a bit difficult. It also seems like a good location for one of the control points. Im not sure exactly where the other should go yet, the zig zag room would be interesting and i have an idea for that room which could be fun.




I also tried to see how well the sunlight could illuminate this room, which isnt very good so i'll also have to get some good lighting figured out here as well



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I finally got to the zig zag room and i decided to take some screenshots of the map in game. its still very basic but I'm slowly getting the layout built.



Still cant figure out how to make the structure where the control point is, I experimented with various props trying to get something going but none seemed to work. The floating blocks will be hanging platforms with lights analogous to the light fixture things from the original.




Very basic zig zag room, I haven't decided if the water should harm players or not (it uses the exact same water texture from 2fort since its nasty looking and the mercs seem just fine swimming in that particular toxic pool) I had the idea of it being a flooded room with a makeshift bridge made of floating junk to explain why its misshapen. The physics tool in hammer++ was very helpful for knocking the barrels all over the place and i may try using it on some planks to make a the final version of the bridge




I'll make the other body of water out here later once I get more of the map done and convert the ground brush into displacements.



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The main problems I'm seeing so far is that some of the rooms are WAYYYYYYYYYYY too huge and not accurate to the original in the slightest nor good looking on its own. (As well as pretty blocky)

I mean, overall I don't think E1M1 would be that good of a TF2 map (Its way too small and cramped for most gamemodes aside from maybe like Arena)

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3 hours ago, Roebloz said:

The main problems I'm seeing so far is that some of the rooms are WAYYYYYYYYYYY too huge and not accurate to the original in the slightest nor good looking on its own. (As well as pretty blocky)

I mean, overall I don't think E1M1 would be that good of a TF2 map (Its way too small and cramped for most gamemodes aside from maybe like Arena)

I've played on more accurate ports of e1m1 in tf2 and they feel far too cramped, also this is more of an experiment for detailing more than gameplay, but i am trying to at least add a few gameplay features as well to make it more fitting for tf2

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