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Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last

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After a short brainstorming I made some changes to my map. Here's version 1.1.




* First of all, I checked all monster closets. While watching your demos I've noticed, that some monsters don't teleport into the main area. And that's because they were set to "Ambush" mode.


* Moved one of the teleporter exits in the first yard fight into the central building to spice things up a little bit.


* Next, I deleted some stimpacks and medikits or moved them somewhere else. Also removed some excessive ammo.


* Re-made the sequence of fights in the yellow key yard. Please, look under the spoiler for more info.


* And changed the square brackets in MAPINFO to curly ones, yes.



When the player takes the megasphere, a swarm of flying demons appears from the green brick building. When the player crosses an invisible line near the lava pool, the building with the cyberdemon collapses. And when the player takes the yellow key, a group of monsters spawns on the megasphere platform.


Ain't Big Enough v1.1.7z

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31 minutes ago, Tangra said:


Here's a simple variation that works with GZDoom and its forks, as well as DSDA and PrBoom+:




Did you actually test it in PrBoom? Both in PrBoom and DSDA doom it crashes with signal 11 error. I think there was something in the way you built nodes that is not supported by these two ports, I think it is probably something in the glnodes because after deleting the corresponding lumps or after building the nodes with Eureka, it works fine.

But interestingly enough, it works fine in Boom.exe right out of the bat, maybe because it totally ignores gl nodes lumps. But just speculation.



Your version is fine i guess, but in fact, there is another way that is even simpler than yours and it only requires one single voodoo doll, no moving (up/down) sector, no scrolling floors, one single linedef tag and it is also silent, truly immediate and will always work, and also compatible with any source port, including Boom.exe, but not with Vanilla. Death_Walking_Exit_V3.zip


But the point here is to create some examples that people without much experience can easily understand how it works and then can reproduce by themselves or use as a base to achieve other things.

Someone new to mapping and/or boom format might be wondering how this works. For us it might be obvious, but might not for everyone.

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I never post stuff without testing. I tested it 3 times in DSDA clvl 9, and there was no error or crash before posting here. After your feedback, i just tested it again in DSDA in software mode and open gl, with zero problems. I did another test with Woof, and it's fine there as well. Are you going to make me download PrBoom+ now, to prove that it works there as well? :D You must've done something to cause the errors.


Edit: had a quick look at the new version. In theory, it's better and faster, but take a look at this - the same bug occurs in both DSDA and ZDoom ports, if you're not dead center in the portal:



Edited by Tangra

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I've updated the "resource pack."


Download: embryo_res.zip


It's become a convenience pack for playtesters. I've compiled all the levels we have so far into the wad along with CWILVs, UMAPINFO & Dehacked info, music, and skies for each level. I also designed new TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, and M_DOOM lumps. Each level flows to the next completed level via UMAPINFO, so no need to use IDCLEV.


Mappers, please let me know if I missed the latest version of your map.







Edited by Moustachio

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1 hour ago, BeachThunder said:

How are we defining par times?

I always go by John Romero's method when defining par times:



John Romero generated the par times by completing each level as fast as possible, rounding off the resulting time and adding 30 seconds.

Rounding off just means round down to the nearest multiple of 5. Suppose you took 23 seconds to beat a level as fast as possible, to get the par time:

  1. Beat the level UV speed. This is just Ultra-Violence as fast as possible. I think Romero would have actually used HMP, but since the community at large plays on UV, I always do UV.
  2. Round your UV speed time down to the nearest multiple of 5. We took 23 seconds, so we round down to 20 seconds.
  3. Add 30 seconds: 20 + 30 = 50.


The par time would be 50 seconds.

Edited by Moustachio

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@Moustachio But who will be doing the playthrough reference for the partimes? 


Also, we could include a COMPLVL lump.


I noticed a possible problem with animated sky. Currently i am using a stock doom 2 animated texture where i replaced the patches with my custom texture, but the original texture might be used by someone else. 

I only come up with the idea of using one of the unused animated ones, but still someone might be also using them. 


So how can that be done safely? Or better forget about an animated sky and just use an static sky? 


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@macro I think anyone should be able to record par times as long as they provide a demo. I'll provide one for MAP01: 80 seconds par time (50 real time).


The COMPLVL lump is already included in the resource file.


For the animated sky you could add all the frames to TEXTUREx and use Boom's ANIMATED lump to create a custom animated texture.

Edited by Moustachio

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Feel free to record a par time, it's better than nothing. Either way, I was planning on doing them all near the end of the project. And if anyone beats my par time, I'll just use their time (with credit).

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4 hours ago, Moustachio said:

@macro I think anyone should be able to record par times as long as they provide a demo. I'll provide one for MAP01: 80 seconds par time (50 real time).


The COMPLVL lump is already included in the resource file.


For the animated sky you could add all the frames to TEXTUREx and use Boom's ANIMATED lump to create a custom animated texture.


I didn't know we could use ANIMATED lump since the rules say we can use only the resources in doom2.wad. But anyway for the sake of simplicity I will use this time just a custom RSKY1 texture. 

I already finished all the mechanical parts of the map. Now only left to do is texturing, monster placement, sprite decorations, detailing and clean up things.

I might still consider an animated sky if the deadline allows it.


Also, the name of my map will be Blackheart Inferno. Once you play the map, you will understand why "Blackheart" and why "Inferno". If that name is too long, please let me know. You can add it to the map list if you want.


EDIT: This coming week I will be busy with job and so on, so I might not have much time for mapping, but I will test your compilation at least.

Edited by macro

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I made a test gameplay and I found a possible small issue in MAP01.


In the area with the round nukage pools. Excuse the poor photo quality:





If the player happens to fall in one of these round pools, there is no way to exit them and he will die without any chance of escaping. It was a bit discouraging because I was recording a demo and pretty advanced in the gameplay, but I accidentally fell in one of them and I couldn't continue.


I will leave the partial demo in case you need it: MAP01_PARTIAL.zip


I don't know if you want to fix this or not, but I think a new gameplay by me will be pointless at this point since I am already familiar with the map. But I can try again if you really want to see a full gameplay.


I will record a demo of the next map but I think other people should record demos as well to see how maps behave with different gameplay styles.


Here is a screenshot of the TITLEPIC and M_DOOM graphics shown in boom.exe. They look really nice.













Edited by macro

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Gutmachine revision 3:
- Added silent switch death exit; works properly on PRBoom+ 2.6.2 and DSDA-Doom 0.25.6 complevels 9 and 21. Made it as tight as I could
- Fixed secret


It was using generalised crusher instead of action 25. Didn't know those were broken on complevel 9.

- Minor visual and/or ammo adjustments I forgot to write down

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7 hours ago, macro said:

I might still consider an animated sky if the deadline allows it.

Go ahead and use an animated sky. I will organize the textures in the compilation so that they don’t cause conflicts. You can include the frames in your wad.


What did you think of MAP01 before you fell into the pit?

Edited by Moustachio

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Eight minutes... that's the best i can do. I had a lot of trouble and bad luck in a few failed runs, until i can get a deathless, saveless one. It was stressful, because that's not my play style. The successful run was lucky at least, i should have died more than once.. There was a lot of pressure in the last fight, as i screwed myself right at the beginning and had to carry most of it at 4% health. @Moustachio you won't have much trouble lowering this time. I think the first demo you uploaded was already much faster than this.





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Played next map, MAP09. @DerBlanca here is the demo: MAP09_DEMO.zip


Tested on UV with PrBoom-Plus. Completed in about 7 minutes, but I think i wasted some time here and there, so probably can be completed in 6 or even 5.

Overall a nice map, but I think it might need a little more of ammo. I left two enemies alive because I didn't have enough ammo to kill them, and I think I was really careful not to waste ammo. Finding the secret/s would help a lot, but you cannot rely on people finding secrets to be able to finish your map.


5 hours ago, Moustachio said:

Go ahead and use an animated sky. I will organize the textures in the compilation so that they don’t cause conflicts. You can include the frames in your wad.


What did you think of MAP01 before you fell into the pit?


I will use an ANIMATED lump instead of replacing a doom texture, so you will be free from that.


As for your map, it was pretty cool imo and I had a lot of fun. Very well constructed and nice scenery to enjoy. In terms of difficulty, I think I played on UV but it was not particularly difficult, but the trap with the demons and hell knights that you designed it was really harsh! Lucky me I had that Soulsphere! : ) Without having it at that point it would probably require several tries to solve that trap.






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I have an update for MAP01 (V5). Just makes the inescapable pits escapable. Shouldn’t affect the par time. While it was unannounced, V4 added the death exit.


@macro Make sure to download embryo_res.wad again if you haven’t. I’ve updated the wad with Lina’s revised MAP21.


I also stuck my toe in a little GZ territory and added a GLDEFS lump. The main purpose right now is to add a little glow from certain textures in GZDoom (like lights & nukage). Mappers, let me know how you feel about these effects.

Edited by Moustachio

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1 hour ago, Moustachio said:

I have an update for MAP01 (V5). Just makes the inescapable pits escapable. Shouldn’t affect the par time. While it was unannounced, V4 added the death exit.


@macro Make sure to download embryo_res.wad again if you haven’t. I’ve updated the wad with Lina’s revised MAP21.


I also stuck my toe in a little GZ territory and added a GLDEFS lump. The main purpose right now is to add a little glow from certain textures in GZDoom (like lights & nukage). Mappers, let me know how you feel about these effects.


I will download the updated version.


As for me, I don't care about GLDEFS or gzDoom, as long as it doesn't affect the original Boom.exe aesthetic and gameplay. Some parts of the map look horrible in gzdoom and the map can only be completed in Boom.exe, DSDA or PrBoom. I rely in some boom features that do not work in (probably) any other port.

I didn't check other maps, but I am quite sure that at least your map will see its visual quality quite deteriorated as well.

I will share some screenies of different ports later.

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2 hours ago, macro said:


As for me, I don't care about GLDEFS or gzDoom, as long as it doesn't affect the original Boom.exe aesthetic and gameplay. Some parts of the map look horrible in gzdoom and the map can only be completed in Boom.exe, DSDA or PrBoom.


You may not care about GZDoom, but this is not your standalone solo release, the rules specifically state that you should pay attention to make sure your map works in GZDoom as well.



GZDoom changes a lot about the game physics which mainly affects scrolling floors. Check your voodoo doll tricks in both ports please.


Also, GZDoom doesn't necessarily ruin the visual aesthetics of a map. Yes, the default visual settings when you first install the port are awful, but you can make GZDoom look like any port (including DSDA), without switching to software mode, as long as  you know which settings to change. 





Edited by Tangra

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13 minutes ago, Tangra said:


You may not care about GZDoom, but this is not your standalone solo release, the rules specifically state that you should pay attention to make sure your map works in GZDoom as well.


The rules say that this is a boom-compatible project and above all that means that we can make extensive use of boom features as long as they work in prboom and the like.


There is nowhere in the rules that say that our maps must be gzdoom compatible. It only says that the voodoo dolls should work in gzdoom, to which I comply. Unfortunately, there are a couple of other things that work in boom but not in gzdoom. I have no idea why they don't work or how to make them work because I don't have no idea about gzdoom and I am not going to invest my time to learn about gzdoom mapping or its limitations and intricacies.


Or should we limit or ban these boom features in a boom-compatible project just because it doesn't work in other sourceport? Imagine a zDoom project but they restrict ACS because it doesn't work in Eternity Engine. At the very least it sounds ridiculous.



36 minutes ago, Tangra said:


Also, GZDoom doesn't necessarily ruin the visual aesthetics of a map. Yes, the default visual settings when you first install the port are awful, but you can make GZDoom look like any port (including DSDA), without switching to software mode, as long as  you know which settings to change. 


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I think I didn't explain well. What I meant is that if the mapper designs a map to look in a certain way but you add bright elements to the map, you might be ruining what the mapper tried to design.

Since Moustachio asked for our opinion, my opinion is that as long as the original version as played in Prboom/DSDA is not affected, from my side I don't mind it.

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It doesn't matter in what format the CP is, if the project leader wants the maps to run in other ports, then you should follow the guidelines, not argue, or find excuses because you hate a certain port. If this is not meant to run in GZDoom as well, then explain to me why is there a rule to test voodoo doll scripts both in GZDoom and Boom in the first place? Honestly, i don't understand you... you don't act like a team player. Every map so far in this CP is compatible with both ports, but you want to be special, i guess. Then you lie about me not testing a death teleport, saying it crashes the game in Boom and DSDA, which is not the case, then uploaded a faulty voodoo script yourself, and when i addressed both of these issues, you reply with total silence. Realize that CPs are supposed to be a team effort, and we should help each other and fix our mistakes if it comes down to that. Except you get irritated when someone corrects a mistake that you made and then dive into pointless arguments.



Edited by Tangra

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@Moustachio recorded a casual playthrough of the last version of your map. Will try to do the same with the other submissions, though i'm not sure if i'll be able to beat all of them... i still can't finish the Empty Machine. :D Tried to improve the video quality a little bit in this one, but there's still more to be desired. I'm trying to balance the size of the video file and the quality, because it's a pain to upload and process. Sadly, gameplay recording is not something i have any knowledge of. Will try better for the next one.


I forgot the routing a little bit and got confused by the two teleports in the slime pool because i forgot that a wall raises there, and i thought they lead to different locations. The map feels much more like Map 01 now, and it's a very calm adventure overall. I love the freedom of exploration, you can go almost everywhere from the get go, except the two teleports that lead to the exit.






Edited by Tangra

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1 hour ago, Tangra said:

It doesn't matter in what format the CP is, if the project leader wants the maps to run in other ports, then you should follow the guidelines, not argue, or find excuses because you hate a certain port. If this is not meant to run in GZDoom as well, then explain to me why is there a rule to test voodoo doll scripts both in GZDoom and Boom in the first place? Honestly, i don't understand you... you don't act like a team player. Every map so far in this CP is compatible with both ports, but you want to be special, i guess. Then you lie about me not testing a death teleport, saying it crashes the game in Boom and DSDA, which is not the case, then uploaded a faulty voodoo script yourself, and when i addressed both of these issues, you reply with total silence. Realize that CPs are supposed to be a team effort, and we should help each other and fix our mistakes if it comes down to that. Except you get irritated when someone corrects a mistake that you made and then dive into pointless arguments.




First and foremost, I don't hate gzdoom. I simply don't know anything about it, hence I cannot know every single thing that will work or not in that port. You should definitely stop assuming things about other people.

And there is no need to guess things from the rules. It says clearly that voodoo dolls should work in gzdoom, but it doesn't say that every single boom effect that you create must work in gzdoom. As long as the map can be played and finished, the rest doesn't matter.


I don't lie about you not testing your death teleport wad. In fact, I confirm again that something was wrong with the wad and for the sake of confirming, I just downloaded a fresh copy of PrBoom-plus and DSDA doom, I copied a real doom2 IWAD from my CD and I re-downloaded your file that you shared here.


The result: prboom and dsda doom crashed with an "error 11" of some sorts but not zdoom or other ports. Did you test download the file itself? It is possible something is wrong with the upload or who know what but why would I invent an error? I even invested my time trying to find a possible reason for that.

You are talking so much about teamwork and others being irritated but instead of finding what could be the problem that someone else found in your wad you call that person a liar. That is the only thing that irritates me.





I didn't upload any faulty voodoo doll script. That one from that video is just a sample map to illustrate the behaviour of a voodoo doll thing, the point is not about coping and pasting the map structure itself, but to see how an instant walking death could be done. So the voodoo behaviour is fine, the map is just an example. There is no need to do anything else with the map, nor even try to find bugs in the map because it is not the purpose of the example.


And btw, i read your message but you edited it after i read it, so how can I know you added something else? 

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I did test the teleport with DSDA and Woof many times, with no issues. However, i just downloaded PrBoom+ and i can confirm the error in that port, but only on that port. I'm still not convicted you got the same error in DSDA, because like i said, i tested it multiple times with all sort of setting changes, to make sure it works, hence my disbelief. So i apologize for my assumption, but the whole "Did you even tested your stuff" rubbed me the wrong way, because i always test. Just like you don't have enough knowledge of ZDoom, i don't have enough knowledge of Boom yet, so i assumed if it runs in DSDA and Woof, then it's guaranteed to run in PrBoom+ as well. 

I will redo the portal from scratch and see if the method works, because the one i posted was just a slightly edited version of your example there, it wasn't built from scratch, and whatever is causing the issues must have happened while i was deleting the unnecessary lines and sectors. Of course, i could be wrong, and the entire method might be flawed. I will see to it. 


2 hours ago, macro said:

And there is no need to guess things from the rules. It says clearly that voodoo dolls should work in gzdoom, but it doesn't say that every single boom effect that you create must work in gzdoom. As long as the map can be played and finished, the rest doesn't matter.


See, that's the issue, you said your map can't be completed in GZDoom and its forks.


2 hours ago, macro said:

I didn't upload any faulty voodoo doll script. That one from that video is just a sample map to illustrate the behaviour of a voodoo doll thing, the point is not about coping and pasting the map structure itself, but to see how an instant walking death could be done. So the voodoo behaviour is fine, the map is just an example. There is no need to do anything else with the map, nor even try to find bugs in the map because it is not the purpose of the example.


Okay, and how is that different from what i posted, the one with PrBoom error? I showed that there is a flaw in your example map, because you can get stuck in the closet walls. If someone inexperienced takes it for their map, there is a high chance they'll do it exactly the same with the same dimensions, which will result in a faulty script. But the method itself is good and easy to do proper, and i even said that it's better in theory. Did i say "Do you even playtest what you post dude?", i don't think i did.


To the last point, all i ever edited in my response to you is a few errors, my english is not top-notch, it's not my first launguage. 


If you want to add more to this, i suggest we move this discussion to PMs, before Moustachio kicks us both from the CP.


PS: You'll have to excuse me for editing this post with new information, but i think you would like to know that i discovered the problem with the "Singnal 11" error - you playtested the script in complevel 2. I got the error too, because i assumed PrBoom+ is at clvl9 by default when you install it, but it's not. I downloaded a PrBoom+ launcher and did the test in complevel 9, and the exit script works flawlesly. Have a test yourself.



Edited by Tangra

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DSDA Doom is our port of choice, but I also ask that we test GZDoom because it changes the way a few engine features work. It also has the biggest install base of any source port.


GZDoom features that could potentially change your map:

  • Freelook
  • Finite height for things (don’t want the player climbing on a lamp and jumping out of your map)
  • Voodoo doll thrust calculations work differently in ZDoom
  • Some software effects don’t render the same in hardware (& vice-versa)

Thank you for reading the rules carefully @macro, but my intent is for each map to be tested thoroughly in both DSDA & GZ. Because of the engine differences, and because so many people play in it, we want to make sure we support GZDoom as well.


I have rewritten that part of the rules to summarize what I’ve written here. And we’ll just fix any compatibility issues as they come up.

Edited by Moustachio

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Alright. Here's my map, @Moustachio 


Map13: A World of Ichor
Music: "Become the Hunted" by Jimmy Paddock
Sky: DIMSKY3 from Mechadon's box o' skies
Tested with: DSDA Doom, PrBoom+ (Both complevel 9) and GzDoom 








This map is on the harder side in terms of difficulty so I'm open to change some things if it turns out to be too much. Lower difficulties are implemented also.


I spent a lot of time testing this so there shouldn't be any bugs (at least that I know about.)


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8 hours ago, Tangra said:

I did test the teleport with DSDA and Woof many times, with no issues. However, i just downloaded PrBoom+ and i can confirm the error in that port, but only on that port. I'm still not convicted you got the same error in DSDA, because like i said, i tested it multiple times with all sort of setting changes, to make sure it works, hence my disbelief. So i apologize for my assumption, but the whole "Did you even tested your stuff" rubbed me the wrong way, because i always test. Just like you don't have enough knowledge of ZDoom, i don't have enough knowledge of Boom yet, so i assumed if it runs in DSDA and Woof, then it's guaranteed to run in PrBoom+ as well. [...]



I don't know what is your problem. Instead of calling someone a liar or tell him you are not convinced, why not instead try to find out about that issue?

Your wad cannot be played in PrBoom-plus or DSDA at all. My wad can be played and the part that is designed to illustrate works fine. See the difference?

My map at this moment cannot be finished in gzdoom even when the voodoo dolls work, and since there was a clarification from Moustachio, I will have to modify the map to make it work. I never said that I will not comply with the rules or anything so I don't know what is your point here and I don't even care about it.





But further discussing with you would be waste of time.






5 hours ago, Moustachio said:

DSDA Doom is our port of choice, but I also ask that we test GZDoom because it changes the way a few engine features work. It also has the biggest install base of any source port.


GZDoom features that could potentially change your map:

  • Freelook
  • Finite height for things (don’t want the player climbing on a lamp and jumping out of your map)
  • Voodoo doll thrust calculations work differently in ZDoom
  • Some software effects don’t render the same in hardware (& vice-versa)

Thank you for reading the rules carefully @macro, but my intent is for each map to be tested thoroughly in both DSDA & GZ. Because of the engine differences, and because so many people play in it, we want to make sure we support GZDoom as well.


I have rewritten that part of the rules to summarize what I’ve written here. And we’ll just fix any compatibility issues as they come up.


Might be also good to add these as well:


Boom instakill floor landing effect does not work well and is unreliable in zdoom, so if someone is designing a death exit using that effect, be aware that it might not always work.


Sector lightning, for some reason gzdoom makes sectors to look a bit darker than PrBoom or DSDA, even if you set gzdoom to look like vanilla as close as possible. If your sectors are quite dark originally, be aware that in gzdoom they might look completely black. The opposite is also true, if you test your map only with gzdoom, it might look brighter in PrBoom/DSDA Doom.

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4 minutes ago, macro said:



I don't know what is your problem. Instead of calling someone a liar or tell him you are not convinced, why not instead try to find out about that issue?

Your wad cannot be played in PrBoom-plus or DSDA at all. My wad can be played and the part that is designed to illustrate works fine. See the difference?

My map at this moment cannot be finished in gzdoom even when the voodoo dolls work, and since there was a clarification from Moustachio, I will have to modify the map to make it work. I never said that I will not comply with the rules or anything so I don't know what is your point here and I don't even care about it.


Simple question - do you know what a complevel is? If you don't, then i suggest you research this right now, because you're testing the wads (including your map) in the default PrBoom+ and DSDA complevel, which is the wrong one. I checked, the default complevel of PrBoom+ is 17, which honestly, i don't even know what it's used for, but it's definitelly not used for BOOM maps! That's why you get the "Signal 11" error! Stop arguing when you're completely clueless. Everything i posted here works with no errors on Complevel 9, which is the required complevel for Boom maps, period! If you haven't noticed, it's in the title of the thread as well. So go ahead and set up the right complevel for your PrBoom+ and DSDA ports, and test again. Seriously, you need to do this, because otherwise you'll be testing your map, and other submissions in the wrong complevel... basically you'll be wasting your time. Do it and have the courtesy to admit your mistake.

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I can confirm that the signal 11 crash does not occur when using the -complevel 9 command line parameter. This parameter is necessary for testing all the maps in the project, as it sets DSDA/PrB+ to the exact settings of Boom v2.02. That's why Tangra's level loaded in Boom v2.02 and not DSDA or PrBoom+. I believe the default parameter for PrBoom+ is actually -complevel 17, and DSDA's is -complevel 21.


So before playtesting your map, make sure to load DSDA/Pr with -complevel 9 set.

Edited by Moustachio

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