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I made towers in doom(boom format), i need your opinion

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They look kinda cool and I think you show good creativity. But something is just a bit off about them. Can’t quite put my finger on it 🤔


Maybe it’s the choice of texture or maybe it’s the background/sky. Or a combination. They seem very high tech but it seems to be a more hellish setting (screenshot 2). And maybe they are a bit too close together. And in the first screenshot they clash with the sky.


So yeah, not exactly sure or very useful, but those are my thoughts. If you can use them 😀

Edited by Chris Hansen

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I think they look too busy against the skies you have in these screenshots. Also I think there are too many of them in the 2nd screenshot. You should space them out more so that they don't visually clash with each others.

I think a simpler and more contrasting sky texture would help, for example a sky such as:



Sky credit to OBLIGE.

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2 hours ago, Chris Hansen said:

Они выглядят круто, и я думаю, что ты проявляешь хорошую креативность. Но что-то с ними не так. Не могу точно понять 🤔


Возможно, дело в выборе текстуры, а может, в фоне/небе. Или комбинация. Они кажутся очень высокотехнологичными, но обстановка кажется более адской (скриншот 2). И, возможно, они слишком близко друг к другу. И на первом скриншоте они сталкиваются с небом.


Так что да, не совсем уверен и не очень полезен, но это мои мысли. Если вы сможете ими воспользоваться 😀

So far, they act as a decoration on my E1M1. Maybe I'll try to use them not as a background

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1 hour ago, Worst said:

Мне кажется, они выглядят слишком занятыми на фоне неба, который вы видите на этих скриншотах. Еще мне кажется, что на втором скриншоте их слишком много. Вам следует раздвинуть их побольше, чтобы они визуально не конфликтовали друг с другом.

Я думаю, что поможет более простая и контрастная текстура неба, например такое небо:



Небесный кредит ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО .

Тhanks, I'll take these textures, but according to the idea, the sky should be clear. I tried to reduce the brightness of the sector with the tower so that they stand out more against the sky

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Since they are made of midtexture, it will be better if you keep them as background, where the player can see them but can't reach them and see how they are made. Also, that's more of a personal preference, but i think you should use just one or two of them per level, piling multiple of them next to one another seems odd... especially if you're aiming for a semi-realistic environment. Have just one on one side of the map, and another on the other side, that will strike the imagination of the players... maybe they are transmitting... maybe they are part of a communication grid? Also, you can make a blinking red light on top, that will be a great visual touch.

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I like them; they're very doomcute 🥰


My only bit of constructive criticism would be to do with the way the baked in lighting of the texture tiles going up the tower. Not much you can do with that using the default iwad textures perhaps, but may be worth considering trying out a version of that texture or another texture without the harsh, contrasting baked in lighting. Also agreed with Tangra, a little light up top would be a neat touch 😀


I hope you make more of these and other midtexture fun stuffs! Was always something I enjoyed doing and it's fun to see what others come up with ❤️

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