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Why can you edit the quote box?

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To shorten long quotes, I guess.

I don't think anyone would fall for any trick via the quote box, as anyone can check the previous replies in the thread to verify the quote's authenticity.

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People have bad habits of quoting giant walls of text with pictures and video embeds, and just adding on like one sentence in response, editing peoples quotes lets us trim the fat. I always remove peoples pictures and videos and irrelevant text to what I'm responding to to cut down on the mount of scrolling others have to do, also makes who I'm quoting know exactly WHAT I'm responding to

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if you're concerned that being able to edit someone's words via quoting them would lead to deliberate misinformation or ooc, just know that there's an arrow at the top-right of the quote box that links directly to the quote's original reply


for example:


5 minutes ago, Guff dotD said:

To lengthen short quotes, I know for sure.

I think anyone would fall for any trick via the quote box, as anyone can NOT check the previous replies in the thread to verify the quote's authenticity.


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Because we're capable of behaving ourselves and not using the feature to bully people. As long as we're chill to one another we're allowed to have nice things. Besides, it's very useful to edit to either prevent overloading the thread as well as to focus your reply on a portion of their post. And the occasional misquote can be funny sometimes if it's done in a good natured way.


Reminder that you can always @Raith138 people if you just want them to get the notification or be clear your reply is aimed at them.

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1 hour ago, No-Man Baugh said:

if you're concerned that being able to edit someone's words via quoting them would lead to deliberate misinformation or ooc, just know that there's an arrow at the top-right of the quote box that links directly to the quote's original reply


Also deliberately changing someone's quote in a sincere attempt to make it look like they posted something unconscionable, or to create an incorrect statement that could be rebutted, or whatever else, would be a good way to earn a ban. (I'm not talking about the jokes in this thread.) There's a chance that fools someone for like a couple hours, because no one would expect someone to be so brazen, but the long-term risk-reward ratio of that is terrible. If you see someone do that, just report it. Arguing with yourself on a sockpuppet would have more longevity than that lmao. 


The shtogun is better than the SSG. (edit: who added that to my post?!!)

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1 hour ago, Raith138 said:


Dude what's your problem, why did you say that?!?!?!? >:((((((((((((

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I actually no joke don't think habitat is that bad.

There was far worse in tnt.

Controversial opinions thread lol

I was new to doom when I played it so the repeating textures looked cool to me.

Edited by Raith138

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The subquote (pressing space divides the quote in two seperate ones( does not work anymore on my own machine. Is there a button shortcut that triggers it to off?

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3 hours ago, Raith138 said:

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3 hours ago, Raith138 said:

When you quote somebody you can change what they said.



If it makes you feel any better, I've spent hundreds of hours here and I've never seen this happen. You'd have to be a real asshole to do something like that.

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The op knows too much, we must deal with him.


Quote and make him say "this thread never happened and I don't exist".

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To shorten the quote.


Also note that you can easily click the little arrow on the right side to actually go directly to the quote itself, which would dissuade anyone from saying "He said this!" because there's an immediate way to check it.

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Well, I saw people quoting posts with images replace the image with -snip-.

I also edit out irrevelant parts of quotes if I want to respond to a specific part of a post.

Edited by Panzermann11

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I mean, to directly answer your question on why it's been maintained this long, it's a symbol of a bygone era of the internet; an era of trust. The fact that anyone can change any quote for any reason shows that there's a great deal of trust within this forum, as people are entrusted with the responsibility to use quotes for their intended purpose, but also to ensure that the quote is maintained in a way that doesn't defame or misconstrue the poster's original statement, and is also summarised and shortened in order to maintain a certain level of quality of the forum. It's quite nice, I like it.

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The most useful thing about it is to trim out irrelevant parts of the quote, as was stated early on in the thread. Sure, you can change it to something that's not what the person said, but that's easy to spot. You can also turn that on its head: If someone edits their post after you've quoted it, your quote remains the same, which prevents them from editing their post to misrepresent what you're responding to.


In a lot of old forums, quotes are just a formatting tool you place on text, like bold or italics. In BBCode it'd be

[quote]quoted text[/quote]

while bolded text would be

[b]bolded text[/b]

There may be a parameter for the author, but there wouldn't otherwise be a link to the actual post you're quoting, and the "quote" button on a post would just be a shortcut to start a post with the quote tags already inserted. I don't know what this forum does on a technical level (clearly it does maintain a reference to the post you're quoting, since you can click on the arrow to go to the post), but that's the sort of interface it grew out of.


Edit: Turns out this forum still recognizes BBCode, so I had to reformat those examples.

Edited by Shepardus

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8 hours ago, Raith138 said:

man popeyes is actually ass

I concur. Mary Brown's is better.

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On 8/29/2023 at 8:20 AM, Raith138 said:

I am actually the guy responsible for myhouse.wad



I suspected you all along. It is nice to finally know the truth. Thank you for coming clean.


In other news, I work for the ministry of truth.

Edited by Kyka

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On 8/29/2023 at 12:54 AM, maxmanium said:

Yeah, I always -snip- long posts, so it's just a reference to who I'm replying to.


Doing the same, also kicking out Videos, as it often kills Performance for People being here with mobile Devices.


Edit: It is also useful if you are only answering a Part of the Post

You can than even do multiple Quotes of the same Post and answer different Points Step by Step.


Edited by Azuris

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I'm so glad this forum lets you do this, I know a few other sites that still to this day lack tons of useful features like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/29/2023 at 12:20 AM, Raith138 said:

Why can you edit the quote box?


It's so that I can accuse you of farting when in reality...

Edited by OniriA

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