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[MBF21 Community project] Paint-It Doom. Get creative with simple colors... again! But now with Ancient Aliens palette [Unlimited slots!] [We are past deadline for new maps, finishing phase]

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I might make another map to try and redeem myself <edit: rethinking this, I'm going to finish my personal wad, and then use those skills to submit to other community projects, you are free of my nonsense for now:)>
I do like this map though, absurdly abstruse as it is.

To address your issue with the exit it's still colored the same but the door is extra loud now and there's a lost soul at the end of the tunnel so hopefully people can intuit it's a tunnel. I don't know how player psychology works I'm very dumb.

Edited by Nootsy-Nootsy

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6 hours ago, Nootsy-Nootsy said:

I might make another map to try and redeem myself <edit: rethinking this, I'm going to finish my personal wad, and then use those skills to submit to other community projects, you are free of my nonsense for now:)>
I do like this map though, absurdly abstruse as it is.

To address your issue with the exit it's still colored the same but the door is extra loud now and there's a lost soul at the end of the tunnel so hopefully people can intuit it's a tunnel. I don't know how player psychology works I'm very dumb.

What if you add an exit sign at the end? That might be funny at least.

Unexpected exiting is not ideal.

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No, I meant at the end of the tunnel. I get that you want things to be confusing, but this is just plain impending progression.

And if someone misses the lost soul, like walking out of the room, it would once again be invisible.

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I wanted to try making something very 70s-feeling, and this palette is pretty good for that.


My initial idea was making a conversation pit area, but then I just ended up making a bunch of 70s-esque floor tiles and then it ended up as a corridor. Looking at it now, maybe I should have just made it the corridor from the Shining...


Well, anyway, this is the thing I made, I don't know how I would incorporate it into an actual level, and there's an insane amount of linedefs for just a tiny corridor. But, well, it's a thing I spent a couple of hours working on, so I'm just gonna post it here:



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2 hours ago, BeachThunder said:

I wanted to try making something very 70s-feeling, and this palette is pretty good for that.


My initial idea was making a conversation pit area, but then I just ended up making a bunch of 70s-esque floor tiles and then it ended up as a corridor. Looking at it now, maybe I should have just made it the corridor from the Shining...


Well, anyway, this is the thing I made, I don't know how I would incorporate it into an actual level, and there's an insane amount of linedefs for just a tiny corridor. But, well, it's a thing I spent a couple of hours working on, so I'm just gonna post it here:



If this fits into a 64x64 grid, could we add additional flats/textures using the pallet ?
I had asked about patches earlier and I believe that was acceptable; granted that I added my name to the beginning of the patch name.
I don't know if it's within the intended scope of this project but it would be cool to see in a map that wouldn't potentially cause node issues in a larger implementation.

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Creating actual flats would be against the theming of the project. It's supposed to be solid colors.

As long as you can stay within limits while drawing sector art, it's acceptable, although you might want to show restraint still.

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is there a date where you cant submit anymore right now or are you just gonna close them when you get enough maps, im thinking of trying to make a map for this

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1 minute ago, Inky_ said:

is there a date where you cant submit anymore right now or are you just gonna close them when you get enough maps, im thinking of trying to make a map for this


On 8/30/2023 at 6:02 AM, ViolentBeetle said:

Soft deadline is May 1st. Individual extensions might be possible if your map is close to completion. Broad extension might be possible if we are low on maps or I am hit with sudden fit of procrastination.


May 1st, so says ViolentBeetle.


While I'm here though, a spike of rage struck me through the skull last weekend and the following came tumbling out of the wound:






This map may be completely unsuitable for this project once complete (two encounters out of four left to complete and test), but I'll leave it to VB's discretion.

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My plan right now is that by the May 1st you'll need to present a reasonably developed map and then there'll be some time to finish it. But I would not wait for someone who didn't make reasonable progress by May 1st.


I myself might take advantage of it, because I keep getting sidetracking every time I have time to map.

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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Okay, actual final update before it's done... pinky promise. Apologies for taking so long on this. Gonna be blunt: I burned myself out, hard. I pushed myself way too much in January and then immediately did it again for DWDS in February. took a break for most of March, recharged, and im ready to finish this map.


No promises on the 2nd map... but I will try.













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I will accept your submission now, although the red button itself is probably better off being a button. Any objections to me replacing this back?

I think everyone is pretty sick of D_RUNNIN now, so I want a custom midi on this map, if you have nothing, I will give it Devil's Grounds from Requiem, I think it fits.


Everyone else. There's one month left until the deadline. If you have work in progress, near the end of the month you should post them and ask for individual extensions. If you don't, even if you posted progress before, I will assume you bowed out and never came back.

The extension would be around a month or until I make my own map, whatever takes longer.

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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so I decided today to join this project and I just started today making "diy city" and here are some screenshots... the map is very work in progress still though




Edited by CBM

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most recent screenshots:






complete police station

make exit

design encounters

make doors

decide on starting location

select music


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5 hours ago, Vanilla+Unicorn said:

Would there be separal Doomwiki articles about project and maps? 

I can't promise that, but eventually someone usually makes one.

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Map Name: Paint Theft is a Serious Crime
Author: senpaigru
MIDI: Another Winter from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Coop/Difficulties: Yes but I can nerf non UV if it's too mean (it's pretty laid back)
Comments: Small map should take about 6ish minutes to complete.







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ok so DIY city is now done but I want atleast one other set of eyes on it before I submit it. I managed to keep it under 65k sidedefs and linedefs just in case but had to delete quite a few trees to accomplish that



Edited by CBM

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27 minutes ago, CBM said:

ok so DIY city is now done but I want atleast one other set of eyes on it before I submit it. I managed to keep it under 65k sidedefs and linedefs just in case but had to delete quite a few trees to accomplish that

Cutest Doom cute ever ! 

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On 4/18/2024 at 10:50 AM, Beubeu said:

Cutest Doom cute ever ! 

Thanks.. I took a few screenshots of the latest doomcute I added to the map. I think I am ready to post release candidate 1 of the map pretty soon.



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Map Name: DIY CITY

Version: 1.0 release candidate 1
Author: CBM
Length: Medium. (15-25 Mins)
Difficulty: Easy overall but all 3 accounted for. 313 monsters on UV.
Co-Op?: DM and co_op are present but its meant for single player.
Music: Quarantine by AD_79
Alpha Playtesters: TwelvNighn, Artinum
Beta Playtesters: rita remton, Osswald
Asset Credits:
Paint It Doom assets compiled by ViolentBeetle
Ancient Aliens textures compiled by Skillsaw et al.



Edited by CBM

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Just wanted to say that I am still alive, I will try to go through the two recent submissions soon. Sorry, work keeps me busy more than I hoped when I started this.

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Working on my Miami-styled map, hope I'll manage to finish it soon enough, cause I like this project and it's such a chill job to work only with solid colored textures...

No grid - no alignment, only your fantasy and geometry.

Edited by Vanilla+Unicorn

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Dealing with some IRL stuff at the moment, and I need to polish off 2 maps for other projects, but I'll likely still make something for this.

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We are about 10 days from the end of April, so it's time to do some pings.


@DeetOpianSky, are you doing revisions right now?

@Lagoonatic, you still have 2 not entirely finished maps, are you still working on them?

@Razza, my notes say I gave you feedback on something, but I can't quite remember what was you working on, still working, any plans on finishing?

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On 4/20/2024 at 5:27 PM, ViolentBeetle said:

We are about 10 days from the end of April, so it's time to do some pings.


@DeetOpianSky, are you doing revisions right now?

@Lagoonatic, you still have 2 not entirely finished maps, are you still working on them?

@Razza, my notes say I gave you feedback on something, but I can't quite remember what was you working on, still working, any plans on finishing?

Update Uploaded to drive for The Icon of Shin.
Additional signposting / detailing.

To prevent double posting I have a good portion (probably 90%) of my 2nd submission also in the drive directory.
It is not completable in this version (4/20/2024)

Map Name: Hollowmind
Author: DeetOpianSky
Music: Dungeon by Neskimos (it's an .mp3 at the moment; may convert it to adjust the looping).
I have gotten permission from the band to use the track.
*Most recent version: 4/29/2024 drive link: Drive Directory

Hollowmind Screenshot 4
Hollowmind Screenshot 5

Edited by DeetOpianSky
additional link/info.

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